Canada General

New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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Attached: 1504890661174.jpg (533x800, 85K)

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First for based millenials and zoomers DABBING on gungrabbers

Attached: Liberal Party Gun Poll.png (602x648, 244K)

Vote for the Dairy to oust the Fairy.

Don't worry about 2.2 unless you're 5'2".

3rd for Canada is a multi racial post national state and diversity is a good thing :)

4th for fuck grabbers fuck jannies

Attached: 1557930030746.jpg (1500x1270, 189K)

When did CanGen become a multiculti reddit outpost?


Nth for
>fuck Trudeau
>fuck Cukier
>fuck PolySeSouvient
>fuck the grabber doctors
>fuck Blair
>fuck the Liberals
>fuck the RCMP
>gunpill the Greens

Attached: 1558644090826.jpg (960x480, 95K)

as long as your freedom loving and funs owning and integrate your ok with me. glad to see there is still libertarianfags and its not a complete Jow Forumscolony on here, so fuck your nazilarps

Attached: 1558285272631.png (275x183, 3K)

Speaking of, have you tried milk vodka?

Attached: Black Cow milk vodka.jpg (521x600, 69K)