post Jow Forums musicians
Post Jow Forums musicians
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Good ol' 2nd South Carolina String Band.
kinda looks like a fag
Who's he and how is he Jow Forums? He doesnt even have any weapons just a faggy guitar. Also he looks Jewey.
OP is a faggot
You would think "anti-fascists" would be railing against the left right now.
Friedrich Der Große
all these men were either soldiers or officers at one point or another in their lives.
If only we knew what that last word was..
No you idiot, anti fascism is and always was a leftist excuse to use violence to their advantage.
Fascism is a leftist ideology. It has the government controlling almost everything, like many other leftist governments.
NON - Total War
Unironically Jow Forums. Niggercore. Nobody kills more niggers than other niggers. This guy has actually killed people and is probably more Jow Forums than 99% of Jow Forums
It's Ian
Ted nugent
Looks like an uncouth, uneducated faggot.
Actually that's fairly typical Jow Forums
RAtM explicitly wants gun control? They think the only thing legal should be like shotguns and some handguns. Or at least zac and tom think that idk bout the rest but doubt they disagree
Didn’t he shit his pants to get out of Vietnam? What a pussy.
>implying this faggot is Jow Forums in anyway
>FYI he wrote "This Land is Your Land"
>Probably a crypto kike
>Leftists to this day quote him and write that gay "this machine" shit on their belongings
>music was terrible, inspired other faggots like Bob Dylan
>Was a Communist sympathizer
>implying fascism is inherently bad
Go fuck yourself OP
It's Woody Guthrie. He was actually a pretty cool guy who stood up for the working class and Dust Bowl migrants. But yeah, that phrase has been co-opted by tankie-trannies who despise the working so the image didn't age well.
>implying fascism is inherently bad
It is tho. Fuck off you filthy statist.
I was with you until the last point. All socialists get the rope.
Lol I was once like you, but then I faced the facts. The constitution means nothing anymore, and that will only continue on a downward spiral. Future generations give less and less of a shit about libertarian American ideals. We are rapidly moving to a society where all power is being relegated to the executive branches. The typical fuck the state conservative belief systems will not work on the incoming hoards of brown people and dumb white libs who vote liberal and just want government hand outs. The conservative cause is lost, and the Republicans are fighting a losing battle trying to appeal to traditional constitutionalism.
I wish so much that we could live in a libertarian decentralized state as America was intended to be. I wish democratic processes was still viable. Unfortunately they are no longer the case. The fact is that right wing folks need to take authoritarian action in order to protect ourselves now while we still have the numbers to do so. America will be turning into a statist govt whether you like it or not. However, you get to choose now whether you want it to be run by leftist communists, or nationalists who still value state sovereignty and tradition. You can live in the Ben Shapiro fantasy as long as you want, but understand the clock is ticking.
>statist ramblings that I didn't read
>ttied to dodge the draft and when he couldn't, he joined the merchant marine
>Jow Forums
>fascism is a leftist ideology
I didn't say he was Jow Forums. Also, I didn't know about the draft dodging, that's lame.
>I was with you until the last point. All socialists get the rope.
Who do you think are the ones hanging them.
>is browsing and shitposting on Jow Forums
> hurr durr I don't have time to read that
Lol you are either a retard or a shill. Keep thinking that putting your head in the sand is going to achieve anything. Libertarians are losing the culture war and there is no sign of that changing.
>Lol I was once like you,
I cringed so fucking hard I think I developed palsy.
Probably because you don't know how to read, nigger
>Libertarians are losing the culture war
That's ironic coming from a fascist. The Turd Reich isn't coming back, Shitler.
Based John Edmond poster.
His entire content is on this channel too.
>the (((working-class)))
The only people who ever helped the working class were fascists
The is literally no reputable political scientist or historian in the entire world that would call fascism a leftist ideology. It is an ideology that falls to the extreme right, no exceptions. None.
And "gubmint control" is an aspect of authoritarianism, which could be left or right.
You should probably kill yourself, but I suggest taking out whatever retard educated you first.
>implying fascism is inherently bad
Are you actually fucking retarded or just being edgy?
It is. Fuck off statist.
facism isn't exclusively leftist, but it can be both left and right wing.
It's funny, I don't remember fascists helping the Dust Bowl migrants. In fact, I'm pretty sure I remember fascist cops and (((land owners))) killing them on behalf of (((banks))).
>I was once like you
Nevermind you are retarded
>implying I advocate for the Third Reich round 2 electric boogaloo
>not rebuking any points, just making ad hominem attacks
So whats the libertarian plan for keeping guns and freedom of speech legal going into the next 20-30 years then?
The ultimate mark of the closet commie, not noting the difference between fascism and (((capitalism))).
Wrong. Fascism is exclusively rightist, just like communism and Marxism are exclusively leftist.
>Posts Jupiter, and not Mars
I'll let it slide, because the whole fucking suite is amazing, but still.
It's already in the Bill of Rights and we're winning court challenges to unconstitutional laws. We're winning. Edgy faggot fascists like don't help anyone and win at nothing. You were probably too young to remember the 90s, but things were worse.
Pat O'brien is the most Jow Forums musician there will ever be.
Too bad he fucked it up by losing his shit
Because regulated (((capitalism))) enforced by state violence is fascism. You're just too retarded to understand your own ideology.
>he doesn't know that Mussolini built train stations, schools, and roads to improve the life of Italians
>he doesn't know that the iron guard were formed by working class men to fight bolshevism creeping into their country
>implying pinkos helped dust bowl migrants at all and weren't using them as political tools
>being this much of a communist cocksucker
What are you doing to help the American working man today?
Why does every single fascist on this website pretend they're an anime villain giving a big speech to the plucky protagonist?
>implying fascism is inherently bad
I'm not implying I'm saying. any and all big government is fucking baggage.
This is a joke right. Learn to actually bring people to your side idiot
Based and redpilled
>What are you doing to help the American working man today?
I dunno, I don't control the dictatorship that is our government
I'm not a communist, nor do I support any form of statism. The pinkos have never helded anyone. Neither have fascists. I help my community and volunteer at least one day a week which is more than some wannabe teenage nazi shitposter has ever done. Suck it turdlicker.
Because nu-fascists have spent more time watching anime than doing anything productive.
>Faggots like Bob Dylan
You watch your fucking mouth, Bobby is pro-gun
You volunteer to brag about it on a Cambodian didgeridoo enthusiast forum?
New pasta?
You asked and I gave an answer. How is it even bragging on an anonymous Bavarian carpet weaving forum?
Post Malone is surprisingly Jow Forums for a Cali fag. Guy has a large gun collection
I am not that guy. Personally I think you should not discuss charitable works because that would mean you are doing them for recognition from your peers instead of doing them to assist people in need. Just my opinion.
>I'm not a communist, nor do I support any form of statism.
You implied landowners are fascists like some kind of pinko faggot, it wasn't a difficult assumption to make. You sound like one of those sovereign citizen fucks that try to find "loopholes" in the law that don't actually exist, which is also a deplorable thing to be.
>Neither have fascists.
There is historical evidence that says you're wrong.
>I help my community and volunteer at least one day a week which is more than some wannabe teenage nazi shitposter has ever done
So do I. Big fucking whoop. You may not be a teenager but you sure as fuck sound like you have the mentality of one.
Absolute retard
Whatever. It's not like I discussed what I actually do or attached to my identity to it for good boy points. Someone asked a question and I answered. Is it really bragging to say I've done more than a internet fascist? That's a low bar m8.
>You sound like one of those sovereign citizen fucks that try to find "loopholes" in the law that don't actually exist, which is also a deplorable thing to be.
the law is the big gay and so are you
>literal communist
Try again
t. Retard
No, even snopes proved that was a rumor. Though he really did fmdraft dodge.
First he signed up for some community college, then a doctor came up with some injury for him.
Based dead fan
>the law is the big gay and so are you
Lmao, is this you?
GG Allin was always singing about guns and knives, and fucked his fair share of traps/fags like you faggots always talk about. Plus his rampant drug/alcohol abuse is cool, and unlike this board keeps talking about but never does, he actually was constantly in fights.
>t. holstlet
He wrote other shit besides the fucking planets give it a rest
There are a few pictures like that. They used to shoot guns alot.
based and scumfuckpilled
Damn this is so retarded it's almost brilliant.
Fucking finally, I was waiting to see Big Dicc Marty show up, cucker of all of Texas
>post Jow Forums musicians
>implying Woody Guthrie is Jow Forums
>Throughout his life, (Woody) Guthrie was associated with United States Communist groups, although he did not appear to be a member of any
>Arlo's father (Woody Guthrie) was from a Protestant family and his mother was Jewish.[2] >His maternal grandmother was the renowned Yiddish poet Aliza Greenblatt.[3]
>Arlo Guthrie received religious training for his bar mitzvah from Rabbi Meir Kahane, who would go on to form the Jewish Defense League.
Woody Guthrie married into USA diaspora jewry who were known to be communist sympathizers and were basically anti-American (most of the workers unions were communist fronts that were funded by the Soviet Union -esp. those associated with jewish leadership). Maybe you hate the ebil nazi fascists or whatever but left leaning jews have never supported allowing individual citizens arm themselves.
The only thing Jow Forums about Woody Guthrie is his hippy dippy granddaughter (Arlo's daughter) and his great granddaughter ended up living in the same town as where Palmetto State Armory started. How the hell they chose Columbia SC to live in when they originally were all living with jews in NY, I'll never know. I'll also never understand why jews love American Folk Music so much but they seem to be over represented in it as well.
Hank III
>whenever you call out a communist for being a communist they have to lie about it
lmfao what a fucking joke, at least "fascists" have either the balls or the foolishness to be open about it
Rhodesian country? holy shit
God i hate Americans
I hate the euros who came up with shit ideologies like c*mmunism and f*scism. You fucks invented that cancer.
Benito Mussolini would disagree with you.
Both are dogshit ideologies that should have died in the 20th Century.
Authoritarians are the same.
>Left wing
>Right wing
These are all retarded terms, depending on who you ask right wing can mean anything from
>Supporting traditional values, protectionism, and "nationalism" (which would make Pol Pot a "far right" political figure)
>The government being as limited as possible with lots of focus on individual rights and civil liberties (which would make a lot of American communalists "far right")
Same goes for the term "left wing", depending on your definition Eisenhower and Bush Sr. can be considered "left wing" political figures, and Teddy fucking Roosevelt can be considered far left.
>depending on who you ask right wing can mean anything
Because people keep forgetting (or are simplifying for their benefit) that politics isn't just two giant meta-ideologies of "More Control" and "Less Control".
Based and Assjack pilled
>Because people keep forgetting (or are simplifying for their benefit) that politics isn't just two giant meta-ideologies of "More Control" and "Less Control".
I don't disagree I'm just saying that "left" and "right" are outdated terms created during the French revolution that don't apply to politics for most of history, plenty of politicians/political groups have supported traditional values and "socialist" economic policies while opposing totalitarianism, early progressivism and progressive politicians in the US and Europe being a good example of this.
Pulled over with weed, pills, guns in hidden compartments and brass knuckles
Woody Guthrie served in both the Merchant Marine and the US Army during WWII. Not very willingly, but that still makes him more /k than most of us..
I thought that to be Jow Forums you simply needed to be into weapons.
How does this shit always devolve into a political shit show?