Uh, should we be worried?

Uh, should we be worried?

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-192313.png (1641x2048, 1.4M)

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If you're not Iranian, or live near potential targets in Saudi Arabia, probably not. Even if you are, I doubt anything's gonna happen. 1500 troops isn't exactly an invasion force.


Nah the middle east is big and 1500 troops is nothing

I cannot wait until we bend those ragheads over the table again.

I really doubt they will start another war to lose again. They literally just retreated from Afghanistan.

Fine US but just don't drag my polish ass into this we are shit cannon fodder mkay

Attached: 1506622614957.gif (319x240, 1.3M)

America hasn't watched one of it's ships sink from enemy action in living memory.

If they swing for Iran, pic related is going to happen.

Attached: tmp_2917-h7rwgztok7kryt1eo9nt1935629718.jpg (800x450, 43K)

>fuck up in Iraq
>fuck up in Afghanistan
>fuck up in Syria
>fuck up in Libya

So now Iran eh?

Iran mined the strait back in the 80's and one of our ships got hit.

Not really as likely as you think.

Also if they get us once we'll get them 100 times more.

dear trump,
please send my unit so I can escape going to jrtc and ntc back to back

>back to back
Dear God, why?

The Mason didn't sink
The Cole didn't sink
The Liberty didn't sink

The psychological trauma of watching a Navy ship sink with several hundred crew is not something Americans are ready for.

[spoiler]which is probably why they'll scuttle one in a false flag attack to get a war started[/spoiler]

Just another deployment cycle with a bigger turn-out. Wouldn't worry about it.

USS Scorpion, USS Thresher.

>The Mason didn't sink
That's my point. 9 missiles of the type Iran would be using were fired by the Houthis, and not a single one made it close enough to set off the ship's CIWS. If a single DDG can handle that with SM's and decoys, I really doubt a CVN with its associated protection is at an extreme risk.

if you aint israel then you need to be destabilized if you're in the middle east.
it's that easy.

Both accidents, both over 50 years ago.

Like I explicitly said. The US Navy has not had a ship *sink* due to enemy action, within living memory.

Which would suggest that Iran is unlikely to sink an American ship. As was evidenced by the Mason incident, the Chinese-export AShMs the Iranians use seem to be vulnerable to US defensive tactics.

The main threat Iran can pose to a US carrier is through their 3 Kilo-class SSKs.

Tell that to Saudis burger-kun.

Who do you think is next after the Iranian boogeyman is gone?

ah yes, 1,500 troops. Truly an invasion Armada.

You muslim shills get so hysterical/defensive over the littlest thing. US sneezes and you jump and scream like it's another nakba. So tiresome.

If Iran is so powerful, why did they get btfo so bad in Syria to the point where Russia had to save them? Against goat farmers with AK's even.

Attached: Iran.gif (300x229, 1.99M)

>To beat the goat farmer with AK, one must become the goat farmer with AK
Iran should farm more goats, apparently.

>1500 troops isn't exactly an invasion force
No shit. Thats a "oh no, poor guys go attacked by Iran, which is the excuse we needed to invade"-force.

Never happened.

Attached: amerimutt.png (547x626, 18K)

Attached: LowCostMinesweeper.jpg (2000x1000, 196K)


It's not like there aren't plenty of american targets in the mid east already. This is just a deterrence/resolve deployment.

Pretty much this. If the US is actually planning to attack, I suspect they'd be pulling a lot of non-essential personnel and equipment out of the region, or at least sheltering them in less obvious targets than their airfields.

>plenty ragheads dead
>plenty terrorist / insurgency organizations prevented
nice bait m8

Losing in Iran by his definition would be successfully toppling the government, establishing a new US-backed democracy, and then being unable to control the ensuing insurgency in the countryside. If the goal is to just get rid of Iran's government, Iran is fucked no matter what.

We're going to war over a pipeline.
>mfw people think we're sending soldiers to their death over "terrorists"

Attached: 1451175067394.gif (294x233, 2.26M)

1,500 is not even a small army.
Also this

Political discussions belong on the appropriate board. Please move this thread to

>over a pipeline
>mfw Amerigoys still think its about oil
>mfw Amerigoys still think "they" are in charge of sending Amerigoys to their death

Attached: MIGA.png (509x484, 256K)

because even though we just went to ntc two months ago, we need to go again for our deployment next february, and right before that we need to go to jrtc to be opfor for some other unit
1ID is great

Seems like it happened to me. If Iran was doing a good job in Syria russia wouldn't have had to save assad's ass

I don't think the US will be able to manage a major war until there's another big recession that drives people into the military.

The reasons are multitude and if your answer is "ISRAEL" you're just a dense as the people who think it's all about oil

Who did you piss off?

it's divine retribution for my division having the highest suicide rate in the army

>I don't think the US will be able to manage a major war
Recruitment tends to go up during the initial phases of a conflict.