Senior Russian Naval Officer says they only 5 deployable SSNs


>Mнoгoцeлeвaя кoмпoнeнтa poccийcкoгo aтoмнoгo пoдплaвa нaхoдитcя в yдpyчaющeм cocтoянии c тeх пop, кaк шecть лeт нaзaд я нaчaл вecти cвoй жypнaл (пepвaя зaпиcь 07.07.2013). Бoлee тoгo, вмecтo пocтeпeннoгo вoccтaнoвлeния eгo бoeгoтoвнocти, кoтopoe нaм oбeщaли, oн нaчaл пpocтo тaять нa глaзaх. Bызывaeт вoпpocы и пpeждeвpeмeнный вывoд из cocтaвa MCЯC Tихooкeaнcкoгo флoтa cpaзy двyх "cтpaтeгoв". Глядя нa, мягкo гoвopя, нeбpeжнoe oтнoшeниe к aтoмным пoдвoдным cилaм, вoзникaeт oщyщeниe, чтo нa них пpocтo мaхнyли pyкoй и oтoдвинyли нa зaдний плaн. Oб этoм и пoйдёт peчь в этoй нe cлишкoм oптимиcтичнoй зaпиcи, бeз кoтopoй, к coжaлeнию, нe oбoйтиcь.

Attached: the state of russia navy.png (949x1022, 536K)

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English pls, so we may poke fun at the vatniks

The only combat capable submarines are

These 5 are the:
-Project 885 Severodvinsk
-Project 971.1 Gepard
Project 971 Kuzbass
-Project 945A Pskov
-Project 671RTMK Obninsk
And to a lesser extent: -Project 945A Nizhny Novgorod

That's what, one for every SSBN?

>this is your nation on post-communism
Truly, the only drug more dangerous than communism itself.

>inb4 “that’s okay, because they’ll build thirty seven brand new submarines next year”

So 1 Yasen, 2 Akulas, a Sierra II, a Victor III, and a partially-working Sierra II variant? I feel like the Yasen is the only one of the mix that could go toe to toe with a Flight-III LA class, and maybe a Virginia.

Dunno, reportedly Yasen is much slower than its western equivalents when running at the same noise level.

From a brief Wikipedia scan, it looks like it tops out at 28 kn in silent running, but they'd be cavitating at that speed in most operational depths, I suspect. Meanwhile, wiki claims the Virginia hits 25 kn max. At the end of the day, there's pretty much zero chance Wikipedia is accurate on either given the classified nature of submarines, but given the fact that they're already looking to develop a successor to the Yasen, the Russians may be displeased with it.

Thats 10 perfectly capable SSNs by U.S. standards

russia has 4 oscar 2 active wtf is he saying

>Oscar 2

I'm not surprised, they probably lack the resources the nuclear sub program really needs, which they arguably didn't have when they had the entire Soviet Union to call upon. The Navy was always the lowest priority of all the branches and most of its boats had to suffer through the 90's where they undoubtedly saw pretty rough usage.

I mean, their sub fleet basically is their navy. Even their major surface ships like the Kuznetsov were primarily tasked with defending SSBN bastions in case of war. If they can't even maintain their SSNs, Russia's navy is in a lot of trouble.

No, that money has been changed to pay for 72 PakFa's

I think the number was 76, but the point still stands. Russia desperately needs to figure out what it wants to focus its limited money on if it wants to produce an effective military. Operating less than 100 modern fighters in one place, and 5 SSNs in the other is a complete mess.

>retired naval officer
>name in livejournal "Блoг Aлeкcaндpa Шишкинa" (Blog of Alexandr Shishkin)
>redirect from his livejournal
>Teкcт: Aлeкcaндp Шишкин,
>shipbuilding engineer Alexandr Shishkin, civilian, unemployed, and probably never was employed

Just some info for those who don't wanna have shit being poured inside of their heads.

Attached: 1552030332839.jpg (508x532, 43K)

>probably never was employed
I knew the job market was bad in Russia, but damn.

All good engineers are employed. The shitty ones didn't have chance to get a job, writing blogs is the only thing left they can do.

If their nuclear subs break down and their silos are degrading then won't their super important second strike capability become ruined?

Meaning they could actually become more vulnerable to a first strike and might not even be able to insure MAD?

Kazan soon?

Attached: 62d.png (194x299, 83K)

It could become a serious issue for them in the near future, but this article is referring to nuclear attack submarines, or SSNs. It is worth noting that their SSBN (nuclear missile launching sub) fleet primarily consists of one ancient Typhoon, and fairly-outdated Delta-IIIs and IVs, along with 3 more modern Borei. However, Russia has allegedly cancelled further procurement of the Borei class, so they're likely going to see a further degradation of their SSBN capability in the near future. Given the state of Russia's conventional forces, maintaining a credible nuclear deterrent is absolutely imperative for their continued survival as a state, so I doubt they'll allow themselves to become vulnerable to a first strike if possible.

>pay no attention to his first hand knowledge as a naval officer

its russophobic and not fake



>civilian, unemployed literally who in literally who online
10/10 Wikipedia source


Attached: HMS Swiftsure, 1977, Kiev Propeller.jpg (960x539, 64K)

How pathetic.

>"we'll get them this time guize, really!"

NATO fags eat up their own rancid propaganda but then lash out when reality hits them like a truck and one of these submarines is revealed to be tracking their precious carriers on their exercises.


>literally who in literally who online

Considering we have more operational carriers than the slavs have SSNs, I think NATO will be just fine.

Attached: GDPofItaly.png (300x295, 116K)

in name only. in reality they are just useless junk made for propaganda. you couldnt even stop russian subs from tracking your carriers and exercises. even your newest one cant even launch planes even though its been in construction for +15 years

Oof, vatnik seeth.

>your newest one cant even launch planes
Neither can yours, Ivan.

Attached: Nyet.jpg (800x534, 67K)

>Americans let Russians follow them and pretend not to notice

This is nothing new.

Funnily enough the Soviets put a fuckhuge amount of emphasis on submarines, the fact that the sub fleet is in this shape is not doing any favors whatsoever for the VMF. I wonder how the merchant fleet is holding up.

I see Admiral Gorshkov has risen from the dead to shitpost with us. We are all truly blessed on this day/night. Bet you also masturbate to Moskva carriers.

Ok retard

Their subs were literally the only place where their navy posed a signifcant threat to the USN. Without that, they're gonna be relegated to being a regional power forever.

>M-m-merely an act!..

Turning around to try and stop a submarine from moving along the same heading you are is how you start international incidents. Freedom of navigation cuts in all directions.

this is sad.
after a certain point it feels like beating up on a downie kid.

>"Remind you that because of my education and health conditions I have issues with finding a job. Besides, I just don't wanna spend time on anything except my livejournal (don't wanna spend my time working to pay for food, rent, medicines). So anyone who interested in my blog, you have to pay me every month. Here's my yandex wallet and visa."
I bet this shithead hasn't worked a single day in his entire life, lmao.

>Лeнингpaдcкий кopaблecтpoитeльный инcтитyт
>Leningrad Shipbuilding University
>only civilian specialities
>nigger would call him naval officer

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Can this be trusted though? I would imagine the Russians with their history of kgb and propaganda shit probably runs a solid disinformation club. I mean our own navy and airforce constantly plays the game of
>"Russia beat us in this made up game we did, since we don't have enough toys. Gibs money plox."
How do we know this isn't just the Russians playing a weird game?

>I bet this shithead hasn't worked a single day in his entire life
He's Russian, so you're probably right.

Welp, I imagine the Office of Naval Intelligence has a very, very good idea of which Russian subs put out to sea and when, so some random article wouldn't likely change the US Navy's assessment of the situation. Especially since a lot of an SSN's job involves tracking enemy submarines, if the Russians are only running 5 fast attack boats, they'll know.

Could just be some rando larping, but I'm not really sure why a Russian would claim things are worse than they are, considering how bad things are at first glance.

Developing a successor is future-proofing their Navy. The Yasen class allows them to barely catch up to western navies with comparable capability.

Well, I think the Husky class (current name for the successor in the media) is supposed to be smaller and faster like the Akula. The Yasens were supposed to counter the LA class boats, but got delayed so long that flight-III LA's outclass them, and that's not to mention the Virginias.

>oscar 2 isnt an ssn
>today on Jow Forums

>russian navy

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Its the withdrawal

It’s not, though. It’s an SSGN, as its main role is to fire cruise missiles at carrier groups. While most US SSNs have a VLS as well, their main role is still different from missile boats like the Oscars. The closest US equivalent would be the 4 or so converted Ohio class boats that had their missile tubes turned into extensive VLS for cruise missiles.

now this is what i call peak vatnik COPE

Attached: US carriers.jpg (1822x846, 421K)

I don't know, just having the shadow Russian boats pick up when they leave port kill it would likely have been dismissed as an accident for eight months or so it would take the Russians to get a 'rescue' team to the boat. Once they confirmed it had caught a torpedo rather then just suffering a fatal accident in Russian tradition they'd raise a fuss, but nobody would care much that Americans might have killed a Russian submarine a year ago.

>seething with bitterness, the vatnik's imagination produces vivid fantasies of a rich and powerful Russia

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I love recognizing the exact same talking points copy pasted in multiple threads throughout the day. Have fun in your dying country, Vlad. Maybe the next regime change will finally be a good one.

>Maybe the next regime change will finally be a good one.
>where in reality regime change happened
That what I call a good one, nigger.

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anything that carries nuclear warheads is an SSN
that bullshit distinction that usa makes is just their own way of spending more money on something that already existed

Nice pile of bullshit you posted there.
>It could become a serious issue for them in the near future
Russia has by far the most modern nuclear forces on the planet. It's the US who relies on a fleet of aging Ohio SSBNs armed with obsolete 80s SLBMs with no real replacemet and grandpa's pencil-dick Minuteman ICBMs from the fucking 60s.
>It is worth noting that their SSBN (nuclear missile launching sub) fleet primarily consists of one ancient Typhoon, and fairly-outdated Delta-IIIs and IVs, along with 3 more modern Borei.
There's only one Delta III in service, and Delta IV subs are not older than an average Ohio washtub the US has for SSBN. The main difference is that Russia stopped producing Delta IV and switched to top notch Borei, while the US kept crapping out the obsolete design until the late 90s.
>Russia has allegedly cancelled further procurement of the Borei class
You wish you fucking clown faggot. Meanwhile in real life it's the US who still can't replace their 70s rusted washtubs they have for SSBNs.
Now shut your whore trap and sit the fuck down, faggot scum.

Attached: 955a borey k-549 knyaz vladimir (3).jpg (3840x2160, 2.63M)

Everything is fake news about RUSSIA we have 5000000 armatas, 1500000 pak fas and nearly 350 fully nuclear armed subs along with over 12000 icbms

It would've been funny if it wasn't so ironic seeing how it's the Us who keeps claiming its stealth flying rustbuckets have 0.000000000001m2 RCS.

>this one russaboo screeching that yanks are sharting on his dream

Delicious, please keep the hits coming ameribros

Their demographics crunch is starting to reach the age of new recruits, too. Where will they find enough men of sufficient quality to crew these things?

t. Zeihan

>anything that carries nuclear warheads is an SSN

never go full retard

why are these garbage threads so entertaining? watching chinks seethe isnt nearly as fun as watching vatniks cope.

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>Where will they find enough men of sufficient quality to crew these things?
By 2050 Russian military will be majority Muslim and China will have absorbed most of Asian Russia

>anything that carries nuclear warheads is an SSN

God you're a moron.

There's no rush to build a new SSBN if the Russian navy poses little credible threat to them.

t. has never read anything about submarines

God, the AIDS must be getting to this one’s brain.

Well, the Chinese are fairly intelligent as a people compared to the Russians, so while Chinese shills may overinflate their own capabilities, they simply aren’t capable of the intense, concentrated stupidity that your average Russian nationalist can dish out.

China should to a land zerg grab for that sweet oil in siberia.

sounds like CIA propaganda.

They're already buying up a ton of the forests in the region because the Russians are too poor to develop logging operations. I imagine other resources are being bought up by China as well.

>CIA propaganda
>because the CIA doesn't want the US military to increase


do you also have AIDS?

>he doesn't know

DOD is 85% red state at low level and ~60% red at high level.
CIA is >90% blue.

Can we get a source on that?

Attached: 0b4.jpg (453x576, 39K)

>the sky is blue
>prove it fag, that pic's a shop!

It's common knowledge if you've ever worked in either.

Is that the crane that went plunging through its flight deck?


>It's common knowledge
That's not a source. Considering the long history of the CIA being staunchly anticommunist, if they are primarily democrat, that's a recent change.

Yep, the crane's family later died in a totally unrelated mugging 2 weeks later. Real tragedy all around.

Can't wait for Russia to just wind up with one SSN, but it's the fucking Omega and it bankrupted their shipbuilding companies to make it.

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