The decline of the US Navy

The level of bureaucratic incompetence plaguing the US Navy is almost astonishing, even without taking into account the way female crewmen have increasingly hindered the ability of the Navy to properly crew its ships. The Chinese have absolutely no reason to fear a US Navy that literally can't even steer its own ships.

The USA is almost certainly going to lose its next major war. What we are witnessing here is nothing new, it is absolutely normal for an empire that has indulged itself in imperial overstretch for generations to fail to fund its military infrastructure prior to engaging in the conflict that fatally exposes the rot within. And lest you appeal to the inherent strength of the American people, keep in mind, the United States of Diversity is comprised of a very, very different population than the United States of America of 78 years ago.

USS Fitzgerald:
In the early morning hours of 17 June 2017, the ship was involved in a collision with the container ship MV ACX Crystal, seriously damaging the destroyer. Seven of her crew were killed. Several others were injured, including her commanding officer, Commander Bryce Benson.

USS John S. McCain (DDG-56):
The destroyer was involved in a collision with the merchant ship Alnic MC on 21 August 2017 off the coast of Singapore, which resulted in the deaths of ten of her crew, and left another five injured. This event occurred a little over two months after a collision between USS Fitzgerald and MV ACX Crystal resulted in fatalities.

Attached: uss-fitzgerald.jpg (961x671, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The USA is almost certainly going to lose its next major war.
t. Japan, 1940

>giving a shit about the government or the military
care about things that matter


Attached: 2017-08-22t22-36-03-1z--1280x720.nbcnews-ux-1080-600.jpg (1067x600, 44K)

One down, a shit ton to go.

Attached: USNavalPower.jpg (3000x2000, 608K)

Hello Chang, here is your 50 grains of rice.

>one down
>picture unrelated

two down , le 56% cannot even add one plus one now. lol

Here's the PLAN in 2019 for comparison, the USN graphic is 4 years old.

Attached: ChineseNavy2019.png (2622x1702, 2.17M)

>The USA is almost certainly going to lose its next major war.
I think it's going to be more akin to the First Battle of Bull Run/Manassas.
It's going to be an absolute embarrassing loss, some general(s) will have to whip the entire US military into shape, we'll go through different leadership until the right one is found, and then victory.
Not to mention the tremendous loss of life along the way.

Attached: 132.jpg (1200x902, 259K)

begone chink

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Quit discussing the military on Jow Forums! Reeeeeee!!!
Begone, fatty.

Our story does not go out with a whimper Chang, we are designed for the stars.

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That could well be the case maybe 50 years from now, but at the moment, the US still maintains technological and numerical overmatch against every foreseeable foe, including China.

The USA is doomed in any naval conflict against China. I don't know why you stupid mutts can't get that through your fat shit infested brains. Maybe it is because you have been brainwashed for generations to think that USA is unbeatable, that is not the case and never was. You lash out when your fragile bubble is challenged and your ego is sent into question. This is just pathetic, from a truly objective stand point the US military is in complete disarray and falling apart in almost every level. Ask anyone who served and they will say the same. Get over it burgers.

Remember, do not bump

Where'd you get that from, facebook?

Many past and present United States historical figures have served in the navy. Notable officers include John Paul Jones, John Barry (Continental Navy officer and first flag officer of the United States Navy),[101] Edward Preble, James Lawrence (whose last words "don't give up the ship" are memorialized in Bancroft Hall at the United States Naval Academy), Stephen Decatur Jr., David Farragut, David Dixon Porter, Oliver Hazard Perry, Commodore Matthew Perry (whose Black Ships forced the opening of Japan), George Dewey (the only person in the history of the United States to have attained the rank of Admiral of the Navy), and the officers who attained the rank of Fleet Admiral during World War II: William D. Leahy, Ernest J. King, Chester W. Nimitz, and William F. Halsey Jr..

The first American president who served in the navy was John F. Kennedy (who commanded the famous PT-109). Others included Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George H. W. Bush. Both Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt were the Assistant Secretary of the Navy prior to their presidencies. Many members of Congress served in the navy, notably U.S. Senators Bob Kerrey, John McCain, and John Kerry. Other notable former members of the U.S. Navy include astronauts, entertainers, authors and professional athletes

>You lash out when your fragile bubble is challenged and your ego is sent into question

Argentina > China

can't you read?

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this one is kekworthy

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Image made by the same fucking moron that claimed 9mm was "made for a woman's hand."

>the way female crewmen have increasingly hindered the ability of the Navy to properly crew its ships

I can't take this seriously, unless you disprove the uselessness and spoiled rotten lazy attitude of millennial men.

Quit bumping and they'll quit making this same shit thread every weekend.


Someone post the Chinese navy vessel with the doors that opened inwards towards the ship, and the crewmen getting btfo when a wave hit

Some highlights for anyone that doesn't feel like reading the thing:
>Obama is grinning!

This one's funny:
>The Left for 100+ years has wanted women in our military, - so some could become Generals,- and thus one could run for the presidency.

Boomer confirmed:
>I've witnessed women soldiers in combat in Vietnam

You deserve expatriation

t. buttmad tranny.

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USN in action.

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>I saw women in ‘Nam, you weren’t there man
Holy fuck, boomers are retarded. I can’t wait for them to finally die off so we’ll see less of this shit.

by goldman

Fuck off Pajeet

A lot of officers need to be shot for this.
Or at least thrown out.

At least we can get laid, Chang.

Attached: Shouldn'tHaveAbortedAllThoseGirls.png (571x700, 338K)

So how many of these ships suck?

China has beaten America, it's all over now and there's nothing the US can do to stop them. If the US tries to blockade China then all those new cruise missiles will demolish the American surface fleet.

t. welfare parasite


With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

Attached: 89886576-76FC-4275-AD04-1CE387BD6326.jpg (400x300, 45K)

every missile boat and sub chaser has no AA of merit and can be taken out with an antique penguin missile.

>At least we can get laid, Chang.
.. with other men.

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The 055s and 052Ds are probably pretty good ships on paper. They've had them for less than half a decade, so nobody knows how well they'll really hold up. Their carrier can launch fairly modern aircraft, so it's probably somewhat dangerous as well. The rest is mostly garbage, though.

Attached: 1552497475873.jpg (662x640, 87K)

>The level of bureaucratic incompetence plaguing the US Navy is almost astonishing, even without taking into account the way female crewmen have increasingly hindered the ability of the Navy to properly crew its ships. The Chinese have absolutely no reason to fear a US Navy that literally can't even steer its own ships.
>The USA is almost certainly going to lose its next major war. What we are witnessing here is nothing new, it is absolutely normal for an empire that has indulged itself in imperial overstretch for generations to fail to fund its military infrastructure prior to engaging in the conflict that fatally exposes the rot within. And lest you appeal to the inherent strength of the American people, keep in mind, the United States of Diversity is comprised of a very, very different population than the United States of America of 78 years ago.

I'd be more worried about that if I were living in a country with millions more young men than women.

>This is just pathetic, from a truly objective stand point the US military is in complete disarray and falling apart in almost every level.
>truly objective standpoint
What objective standpoints are you speaking of? Talking to a handful(statistically insignificant) of veterans that agreed with you is not an objective standpoint. You're just some wanker who hates the US, and have engaged in seeking information that confirms your bias.

>fail to fund its military infrastructure
There's something called Modern Monetary Theory, the US gov't prints its own money, don't worry about funding. "We don't have enough gibs!!!" is a ploy. The "diversity" is most certainly weakening us, united we stand, DIVIDED we fall. And that ship has sailed a long time ago. And issues can't be tackled because of the "diversity," and dumb petty shit is thrown out in front of us to squabble about. If there ever is a major war, I think the US will be split up into multiple different countries afterwards.

>9mm Beretta M92 Designed for a woman's hand
Why did you not include the best part? The guy's name is "Iron Mike" too, this is epitome of Boomerism.

Attached: Iron Mike.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

When you chinks get 12 advanced carriers without ramps then you can talk Chang

>the same shit bait
>the same shitpost responses
>the same shitty spammed memes
>back and forth back and forth everyday
Why do upset Jow Forums posters larping as insects get so many guaranteed replies?

>fucking camp followers in the year 2019
oh lawdy

Attached: milwife.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Navy even trains guys on how to have sex with trannies.

Attached: 1528094773123.jpg (621x414, 33K)


With this most lecent achievement, fate has in a single stloke, malked the decline of the west and spelled a new ela of wondlous plospelity and peaceful global dominance fol the Chinese dlagon, which plomises to filmly stand in shalp contlast to the histolically bloody ascent of westeln powels and the cluel subjugation it blought to the humblel nations of the wolld. With the blessings of Chinese quantum dilect-cullent electlicity, quantum ailclaft calliels and quantum enhanced lelguns will be the instluments with which China affilms its noble stewaldship of 21st centuly wolld politics and offels the non-westeln wolld a diffelent option; a humanist altelnative to the depledations of Westeln leadelship and the oppoltunity fol a mole equitable and dignified multilatelalism.

Paper requires spellchecking. You have to go back (to fix typos).







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Iron Mike was even in 'Nam apparently. kek

>don't worry about funding.
especially because military spending is like ~3% of GDP in the US. When it's twice that people can START to worry. The USSR was something like 10-20%

usa has top gun pilots , chinoids have ntohing to compare









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All China's military might is meaningless with a one-term reactionary leader in power who can't handle being told the truth. China can't vote Xi out, they're stuck with the guy for many decades.

Chinese fighter pilots literally have to get eyelid surgery so they can see beyond the cockpit. Even then, they tunnel on what is directly in front of them and frequently get into accidents in the air

Seriously, the problem with being dictator-for-life is that if you screw up early, you're in for a lifetime of hurt.

oh boy i cant wait for this obvious bait thread to get 300 replies and hit bump limit with nothing of substance being posted

i hate this board so fucking much.

Attached: zzzerea.jpg (600x600, 18K)

God dammit user, now I gotta watch Top Gun again.

Attached: BoutaKillSomeMiGs.jpg (2840x1910, 3.37M)

Its not bait
"Fail to prepare , prepare to Fail" Roy Keane

>E L E V E N



I want an update of that with actual Soviet planes, even if they have to CGI 'em in.

>C H I N A
>W I N S

the russian carrier are garbages

Tangy, but if we have to eat a millions civilians to win then consider it done.

This is pretty much how every conflict goes. I'm hard pressed to find one we showed up prepared to. Desert storm, and that's it?

With Xi in charge? Hah.

I mean, they're launching J-15s, which are capable enough fighters to pose a threat to an opposing ship. Not sure how effective Chinese aircraft-mounted AShMs are, though.

>Winning a war against a foreign power


>newest carrier cant even launch planes even though it has been in construction for +15 years
>carriers cant even stop russian subs from following their exercises
>NATO too afraid of russian subs to send carrier anywhere near the arctic

Panama, Grenada, Kosovo, and Spanish-American were all pretty well prepared for.

>>NATO too afraid of russian subs
All 5 of them?
We're talking about actual threats like China, Ivan. Go sit in your corner.

Grenada. Five minutes of firefights, five weeks of surfing!

surprisingly enough their isnt as many well planned conflicts in history as you would think.


>Americans allow Chinese sub close
>Pretend not to have noticed it
>Chang scuttles away chuckling, thinking his submarines are super stealthy and arent' detectable from across the fucking planet
>War comes
>Changs sub gets sunk thousands of miles away
>confused bugmen screech in confusion

>real threats like china
the chinks have been too afraid to fuck with russia since the 60s. theyve been a puppet ever since. meanwhile russia has been making nothing but gainz in Syria Ukraine Venezuela and Crimea.

what the fuck are they supposed to do? sink it and start a war over literally nothing? retarded.

>Ford can’t launch planes

Don't need to sink carriers that can't fly planes :^)

the elevators and the catapults dont work and the navy refuses to fix them .

waste of our tax money, we should have never scrapped the enterprise.


USS Rustington

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Are you retarded?

Until we get rid of all this diversity and acceptance nonsense, all the shitbags will have a way to protect themselves.

Once we bring back the "toxic" military culture we'll be able to effectively crack down on shitbags.

the sign of a declining nation.

I don't think China can be a puppet of Russia when they have a vastly superior GDP, life expectancy, technological sector, and better-equipped military. They're also buying up most of the resources in Siberia because Russia is too poor to extract them on their own.

>Top Gun
just watch this.

Attached: 1558494005220.webm (720x404, 1.63M)

fuck off lockmart shill. the DoD are staffed with easily impressed zoomers who just want the newest toys and pass up stuff thats been proven to work.

Don't need to sink Russian carriers either, when subpar slavic "engineering" does it for you.

Attached: Nyet.jpg (800x534, 67K)

I read somewhere the USSR used a secret laser weapon on the Chinese in 1969 blinded hundreds of em

thats pretty much the airforce summed up in one video.

>Aircraft carrier