Other urls found in this thread:
formerly chuck
Low quality shitpost. 2/10
>posts "AR's jam" thread
>doesn't include a picture of a jammed AR
end your life
Someone was hungry.
Try not using 20 year old worn out USGI mags.
Hey, chew your food!
>$15 amazon irons, no optic
>GI mag
>poverty tier magpul furniture
>half length Samson handguard because he couldn't afford a 15", let alone a 15" with real attachment system
>empty rails that came with the handgaurd because he can't afford accessories
>unmarked upper and lower, quality likely similar to the rest of the gun
>100% chance that he's shooting steel cased Russian mystery ammo that was $0.15/round
It's not the AR's fault that you can't afford nice things, user.
Oh no no no no no NO
Any kind of gun can fail, user.