Bumpstock Killer!!!!

What does Jow Forums think of the hellfire trigger?



Attached: hellfire gen 2 trigger.jpg (300x395, 17K)

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Just make a funny looking bottle opener bro

What a great idea

Attached: 16529074.jpg (215x215, 10K)

yeah that's illegal

I like the gat trigger and the binary triggers better.

Attached: 95F7AF4D-C00E-4CFD-8C47-630696A53A75.png (1478x846, 1.08M)

It looks like the guy is still selling them. What's going on? Is it a trap?

He uploaded that second video 2 weeks after the LV shooting. Fuckin' mad man.

Attached: bumpin.gif (480x270, 811K)

In real world, I love it. In clown world, people have to stop manufacturing these things and keep the knowledge hidden before they just ban all semi-autos.

Already illegal, and if you're going the route of illegality, I'd get myself a coat hanger and do something that isn't visible to casual inspection.