Going hunting in bear country in Alaska soon, any rifle/shotgun you’d recommend that I could use to drop a mean ass grizzly just in case?
Need a good gun
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Mossberg 500
In close quarter. Big ass handgun. 454 casull ruger super redhawk or freedom arms. Hunting, long range, 338, 300, 375 magnums. Mid range. 4570. 450 marlin. Good cowboy combo. 4570 lever rifle scoped with magnum research bfr 4570 revolver
Marlin 1895. Celebrated Alaskan bear protection rifle. Put down many a charging bear. Pic is GBL version.
Marlin 1895 if class
Shotgun if poorfag
Mossberg500 / Maverick 88 or a pre-2007 Remington 870. Load buckshot and don't go smaller than 12 gauge
this or a benelli m4. Or both.
1cm is all you need. Grizzly bears, polar bears, moose, whatever the fuck, 1cm doesn't care, 1cm will ventilate it.
kys manlet g40 or go home
>for brown bear
Are you trying to get him eaten? The best way to stop a brown from mauling you is by shattering the shoulder joint and disabling a front leg. They've been known to maul for seconds and even minutes after cranial and heart/lungs shots so physical destruction of limbs is the only reliable method. Buckshot can't do this through thick hide and 6 inches of fat and muscle. You want deep penetration with adequate energy to destroy bones and that means slugs.