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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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Reminder that all RPAL owners should have at least one handgun and one AR lower!
Reminder that all PAL holders should stock up on SEMIs and AMMO and if we get any news of a ban, to tell folks you don't trust and know you have guns that you sold them.
To the person who was asking about x25 vs IIIA in the previous thread:
June 4th ARs Prohibd according to store staff
I don't want to believe it
But I do
Fuck and here I was thinking I was going to have a peaceful weekend, now I'm off to buy the fuck out of parts for my gats
I need to go ask my local store, and ask them if its official or just rumors, if its just the rumors, then pic related. fear the day of the envelope.
Nice Gadsden
I told my fucking idiot blabber mouth of a co worker that referenced for me that I still haven't bought anything when I already have 7 NRs lel.
Would it not make sense to just buy NRs first and then ammo once c71 is in effect?
It's been half a year of this general crying that the sky is falling next month and we need to stock up. Can any of yall show me a sauce or something that's it's absolutelu definitely totally really happening this time for real no joke?
this time is the no-joke. even the boomers are panicing
But my neighbor's dog told me they were gonna confiscate every gun in Canada.
Based Soup with the info recce.
Cunts on here just tryna get the boys going, nothing knew has been learned since Tony Clement started the rumor
>June 4th
Coincides with the Tienanmen Square Massacre Anniversary.
Does Trudeau actually think this can be used as a propaganda tool against our Chinese overlords and the two nobody Canadians taken prisoner over Huawei?
Well the NS CFO and Montreal posters might be telling the truth, the question is whether or not they're shitposting or if it's "OH SHIT OH FUCK" time
People panic bought this...I wanted one.
Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box
Ammo box
In that order.
The irony of the guns being most suited for "voting from the rooftops" being your typical bolt-action moose hunting rifle is pretty funny.
Was eyeing that one as well. sold out fast as fuck.
I wonder how Jury box is supposed to fit in there desu, (at least in our context) is it supposed to be once ownership of certain arms is criminalized?
How would it look with a black upper? With standard CF green furniture? I'd imagine not too good.
Why don't they sell the complete CC lowers anymore? They're like a grand but it's the complete package.
Interesting observation have a (you).
Socks said of the PRC: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say, ‘We need to go green … we need to start investing in solar.’”
Pic attached is one of the photos of the Tiananmen square massacre the PRC does not want for people to see.
Did they say they know for sure or are just hearing it, why would a gun store or whatever learn about this stuff before C-71 even passes or it's common knowledge outside of Clement. I mean for all you know they could just be reading online or hearing rumors that are started from Clements comment, and they don't know anymore than us, either because of ignorance or to drum up gun sales.
Just picked up a Browning Hipower Mk3 surp, Next stop more parts for my ATMS, picked up a Maple Ridge 18.6" pencil in 1:8 twist. pretty hyped.
There were cheaper ones elsewhere too, sold out in like 20 mins. It was like 190 for a CC lower
probably like shit, I mostly want to for the novelty of having a OD green lower. I think it'd be fun to look a bit off putting.
>It was like 190 for a CC lower
Damn, where? I want to jump on the CC Gucci bandwagon but I'm somewhat of a poorfag
>Someone brought to court for defending themselves or something of the such
>"We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty"
Or if you want to get into the really obscure shit go for jury nullification, where you acquit because you find the law itself to be unjust.
Good choice. 1:8 is by far the most utilitarian twist.
Ah right
Don't juries need a unanimous verdict too? That one bastard can drag it out till everyone else gives up eh
It's not my field, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that is the case, yes.
So is there anything really happening? Wouldn’t mind an AR but I’m not going to throw money down if it’s just going to be a safe queen.
Also for you stripped lower bois do you think parts will be hard to find if AR’s get banned?
I think there's definitely a higher likelihood of parts being hard to find if no-one can buy them, but depending on whether or not they can be taken to the range, it might still have a healthy market. Worst case you just import them.
I’m seeing lowers go up in price boyos
AR components are so standardized now that they are commonplace even in manually operated firearms.
where are you seeing lowers in stock?
None in stores, just on the EE
okay man, but store staff all but are resigned to tour fate. the lady behind the counter said she just bought a stripped lower in anticipation.
There hasn't been a single fucking source or piece of evidence put forward by any party claiming bans. Clement made a bunch of noise in parliament, and then people connected the dots and decided that because there was a womans convention in vancouver in june, that was the date.
>the store staff who are also just average people are falling for the panic memes
You don't say, huh? Truly this is an earth shattering revelation.
Who cares, more people are buying ARs. This doesnt hurt anyone
found Skele's old rifle on CGN lmao
Also, the rumours from N.S. contacting stores. Literally every major retailer is liquidating ARs.
Hmmmmmm I guess Ill sit back and do nothing.
Ill put it this way, I can go to my local shop and pick up literally 80% of the parts needed for an AKM build. Parts arent going anywhere
Nice. Wonder why he sold it. I know he has an NR slr now so maybe hes rocking that innawoods.
Havent heard from him in months.
>daily reminder ARs were NR for 3 decades
take me back God, why do we have to suffer this fate
I never said that was a bad thing.
I said that there was no quantifiable evidence that suggested that anything Clement said, or anyone else after it, was true.
Do what you want. I'm not here to talk people out of buying guns. By all means, buy them. If a bunch of fake and gay bullshit motivates people here to get out and get them, cool, but I'm not going to feed the fear beast that is whipping multiple parties towards profit.
Clement gets a final hoorah for his career, pretending to stick up for his constituents, cool. Blair bets to say the same boring shit he always has, his supporters will take that as him promising impending bans, people against him will take it as impending prohibitions. Everything else afterwards has been baseless speculation and rumormongering on the part of every group. Free publicity. Free influence for the election. They talked about the Liberals wanting to ban ARs last election too.
They're moving products, Im sure they're genuinely worried about it all too, but Im also just as sure that they're pouring gas on the fire as a way to move product, SFRC has had a pile of C8 surplus kicking around for YEARS taking up space, that whole surplus went up in a puff of smoke and cash in a day after they started sending out emails.
Reminder that handguns have required registration in Canada since the 1930's and it still hasn't made a difference in gang shootings.
>SFRC has had a pile of C8 surplus
But those were C8A1s that don't have picatinny rails on the uppers and beat to shit too.
here is what is likely to happen;
oic banning all sales of AR-15s temporarily.
Liberals campaign on more gun control legislation before october.
they cant prohib ARs buy OIC neither could New zealand, the oic is for a temp ban. only legislation can change the crimina code.
Buy now, vote cpc in october.
>stripped lowers are literally sold out everywhere
I'm surprised that more people don't get the receiver combos as the next stopgap
The fate we Canadians suffer is the same fate that other seemingly "free & democratic" countries are facing In the current aeon.
Now wax your anal sphincter in preparation for their next step:
>50% chance of CPC winning, but only ~30% of a majority
The fact that this is possible after all the shit the Liberals have done this term is disgusting. Voters are blind and it will only get worse
My question: Why would they bother?
The AR is already a Restricted class firearm. Legal owners are already under the umbrella of extra scrutiny and screening. AR15s have (to my knowledge) never been used in a crime in Canada. C71 is going to prohibit the SAN SG rifles and the CZ858s, both are scary looking assault rifles they can proudly plaster all over their campaign for years to come. They already have all the optics they could want. Attempting to get a final blow-your-load before the election is just going to mobilize their opponents and motivate them to vote against them in the election.
The Liberals aren't (completely) stupid. They're corrupt and morally bankrupt, and they've become victims of their own hubris with their current leader, but they are quite devious and motivated to play the game and push their goals, even over the long term. Especially for gun control. That was always going to be a long game for them. I can understand them wanting to change the channel given their never ending train of scandals, but pushing for an outright ban on a heavily controlled firearm would likely just be another nail in their coffin.
Keep in mind the election is still a coinflip for a CPC win with current polls, and only 30% chance of majority. A coalition between the NDP and Liberal party in the event of a CPC minority (or any other case) means that they get away with everything
Lol damn. I camp on that site, but never bothered to scroll down to find the lowers section.
i can neither confirm nor deny that was me.
(my wife was wondering why i was dragging her to Lachine and buying 300 rounds of ammo and more mags)
NDP isnt doing so hot lately either though. Greens are going to steal plenty of votes from both NDP and Liberal.
Greens are the dark horse led by a literal horse.
The AR-15 is a named Restricted, so it seems REALLY WEIRD that they'd OIC it.
OIC of entire categories of firearms has never been done, either, only specific models and variants thereof.
I'm pretty sure it goes "STRONG AND FREE".
Or maybe you prefer the French one where it literally says "your arm knows (how) to carry the sword".
I'm still mad I missed one, but whatever. Got my sporter on order for october so there's that
More than that, the first gun control law in Canada was done in response to the Riel rebellion of 1885 & only targeted citizens living in what would be western provinces and territories.
"The federal Parliament instituted a system of gun control in the North-West Territories in 1885 to hinder the Northwest Rebellion. Permission in writing from the territorial government was needed to possess any firearm (other than a smooth-bore shotgun), and also ammunition. Possession of a firearm or ammunition without the necessary permit was an offence, and could lead to the forfeiture of the firearm and ammunition. These gun control provisions applied to all of what is now Alberta, Saskatchewan, parts of Manitoba, the current Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut."
It has always been a scheme by the easterners to strip westerners of their rights.
WEEXIT when?
True, I'm also behind with my numbers considering it's ~ a 68% chance of a CPC win, but only 35% of a majority. In 65% of other cases, three left-wing parties can make a coalition to do the bidding of the special interest groups. A temp ban on AR-15 sales could forcefully stall the sales of them for another 4 years
Doesnt change the fact that they sat in the shop for 3~4 years and literally within a day the 80+ beat to shit over priced (Because they're Diemaco stamped) surplus is gone.
Voters are BOUGHT.
with something like 500,000 new annual Liberal voters all told(immigration, family reunification, working and student visas that will never leave, rapefugees etc) the long term outlook for this nation is really not looking good.
The real scary part is there is not a single country in the world where our people currently have a secure future. The states has good gun laws(for now), but a long term demographic outlook not much better than ours. Hungary is based(for now) but has cucked gun laws and has the shadow of the (((EU))) looming over it.
I'm really starting to think my grandkidswould be better off not in this country by the end of this century, where they will be part of a 12-20% hated minority where the anti-white laws, politics, education and (((media))) will likely only be ramped up.
Theres no reason they cant run ad campaigns year long and run programs to get more people into guns.
The Globe & Mail were recently shilling for a coalition between the Liberals and Greens.
They clearly want the media bribe money to keep coming in. Disingenuous dog fuckers, all they ever do is shill for govt policies that fuck Canadians around.
Damn, Al-Sammel Hyden with the very relevant face.
As for where to go, I don't think there's anywhere left. It's terrifying that this is happening.
yeah the fucking (((NFA))) is busy suing the CCFR over logo infringement.
the absolute state.
Why don't gun orgs run their own PAL courses? Nothing legal preventing em from sponsoring PAL fees or outright hosting it themselves as a non profit educational org.
stop making this fucking post, spergo
That’s why I’m not gonna marry a white girl, I don’t want my grandchildren ending up like South African whites
I think the leader debates is where it'll really kick off.
French language ones are going to be a disaster for Trudeau.
Oh, a nice splash of classism and racism to it, too. How lovely. :|
Reminder that Louis Riel was elected to Parliament TWICE while living in the US.
They tried the "Coalition of losers" shtick during the Harper Era and the voters HATED IT.
Doesn't help that the LPC and NDP voters have each other's throats constantly fighting for the same part of the political spectrum. If the CPC moves further left, the whole thing collapses.
Lunar colony time.
You need government approval for it. That's actually a huge problem in Quebec because the FQT are 110% fudds and do whatever the provincial government says because that's how they make their money.
CCFR is going to make huge inroads there, I think.
That's actually a good point, there's no obligation to charge a fee and supplementing new gun owners' PAL courses would be a great way to reduce the barrier to entry
Yes, goyim! Race mix, or else!
And a drunken horse at that.
Liz May is not even a real Canadian, but a fifth columnist sent to Canada on behalf of the latte sipping limousine Liberals of Connecticut & NY state, the same fuckers whose Committees of Safety confiscated my ancestors guns, livestock and privately owned property and threw them into dungeons.
If they did it before, they'll most certainly do it again.
>racemixing and flushing your heritage down the drain to own the libs
Big think
Just go rural where you'll be surrounded by white people if that matters to you, since other ethnicities seem to really enjoy cities.
I'm still marrying a white chick, regardless
I think the clear and obvious differences of the lyrical themes of our national anthem between the two official languages is both amusing and startling.
>I'm really starting to think my grandkidswould be better off not in this country by the end of this century, where they will be part of a 12-20% hated minority where the anti-white laws, politics, education and (((media))) will likely only be ramped up.
This scares me as well, but where would they be better off? The EU and US are looking worse than us right now, Australia isn't better, and NZ just showed the extent it'll go to cuck itself if necessary.
>it's another should go shooting but don't feel like it episode
Why does my stupid brain end up finding everything boring after a while
You get it, have a (you) you.
Enoch Powell was awfully prophetic when he predicted "rivers of blood" in a speech he made half a century ago.
That's the point. There isn't reallyanywhere left to run, white man.
US has better gun laws in many states, but only a marginally better demographic outlook with the brown tide like 10-20 years behind our insane rate.
Hungary has a quasi-nationalist gov that actually cares for its people and has spoken of offering refuge to whites fleeing the multikulti nightmare. Italy and Poland also have encouraging govs but all 3 are under the (((EU))) thumb.
Aus and NZ are basically in the same governmental and cultural situation as us but with even worse gun laws.
Anyone else feel /backedintoacorner/? Shlomo if you are reading this can you just let us have a single refuge somewhere? I'd rather live a peaceful fulfulling family life than have my hand forced into a boogaloo for my children's future. But maybe I'm just a coward and part of the problem.
based enochposter.
thank you
Life is a struggle, and that's what makes it beautiful, we all may wish for refuge but it will be subverted eventually, this is your fight, it can't always be passed down to your kids
We still have the freedom of speech to call for secession for the time being, I have every right to state my desires for a separate Western Canadian republic, free from the vampireal Equalization Payments and pozzed calls for disarmament that echo from the corridors of power in the east.
You know what right we don't have? The charter right to use insults about a persons non neurotypicality or to discriminate against people based on their mental or physical disability, you normie liberal shill dogfucker.
"Section 15 of the Charter makes it clear that every individual in Canada – regardless of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, colour, sex, age or physical or mental disability – is to be considered equal."
Fuck Ontario, fuck Quebec, the Maritimes are cool, Fuck Ottawa! WEEXIT NOW!
May the spirit of Edmund Ruffin haunt you in your dreams and ruin all of your crops.
Don't forget
>Racemixing to get the best genetics from both worlds and introducing diversity to your line, strengthening it and ensuring your kids don't end up like the inbred WASP mutts you see these days
If all of CANGEN gets green memberships can we make it a pro funs party?
It’s still small and I think we can come up with something so the majority of the party thinks funs are cool