How long until China take over America as the greatest Army?

It is all about money but China has more and America is in debt so son they will have a better army, but how soon or far away?

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Their service rifle is built like a cheap airsoft gun, and the majority of their soldiers are well trained in marching and not much else. So, never,

>It is all about money but China has more and America is in debt
>China’s navy is being forced to rethink its spending plans as cost of trade war rises

>China is having to reassess its naval shipbuilding plans in the face of economic, technical and strategic challenges at home and abroad, according to military insiders.

>While President Xi Jinping’s goal for modernising the military remains a priority, the nation’s top brass are mindful of the high costs of building a new generation of military ships, like aircraft carriers and destroyers.

>Beijing has said repeatedly that the impact of its trade war with the United States would be bearable, but observers say the PLA Navy is under pressure to adjust its spending plans because of the uncertainty over the country’s economic outlook, as well as slower-than-expected technological and personnel developments.

>“The escalating tension between China and the United States has reminded Beijing’s leaders that they need to be careful how much they spend on new warships,” a military source, who asked not to be named, told the South China Morning Post.

Ya know what chang, Imma fuck up your thread now.
Alright Jow Forums, how would you feel about a inordinately large female wolf deity who enjoys sexually harassing and sexually assaulting you?

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China can train soldiers but they are not warriors.

When their internet shills learn to post a DECENT SIZED FUCKING PICTURE

That is the past, but China is richer in the future

How big are we talking.. and are we sure it isn't a shemale wolf?

Never because we will just nuke each other into the ice age.

bout 8 foot and yes, a female

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Why would China attack its greatest ally?
China supplied air bases during WW2.
The US is tied financially to China.
If the US collapses. The Chinese economy would collapse. We buy the majority of the their goods.
Do we have territorial issues? Yes. But so does every country with power

america doesn't have to pay its debt.
The USA starts new wars every 5 years
it has constant War time experience
china - don't

For China to have a great needs to use it.
otherwise its just a standing army thats doing nothing
and essentially a WASTE of $$

>chinese army

>not futa

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You try and make that sound like a bad thing, user.

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>but how soon or far away?
not long. White devils have no clue about the might of military quantum technology.

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0.02 american cents have been deposited in your account.

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You're still here?

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Not true. Norincos aren't bad at all, the QBZ-95 has proven to be very formidable

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Impressive. Soon, China wirr grow rarger

Jow Forums is a chinese board burger

The PLA is about a little over half way done with their modernization spawned by evaluating the 1991 Gulf War, so in another couple of decades they will have everyone equipped to the same modern standard...and America/NATO will be a few more decades ahead.
Even if China could get the best army, it won't matter when that force is confined to within China. No matter how much the PLAN builds they will still get blocked and isolated in an actual war. Inability to project your forces equates to not having those forces at all.

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Im sure this thread is not bait by faggots larping as le Chink shils and is not going to be spammed by the same faggots with the same retarded shitposts as the 100 other threads autistic faggots keep spamming about China or Russia every day.