Camera thief from FMJ

Why didn't they take back their camera from the thief or use any force?

Didn't US soldiers carry anything to defend themselves during free time around the cities? MP can't be everywhere but enemy could like they were in the Tet offensive. No wonder it was such a shitshow at Hue.

And did the coughing meesoohooni and the thief work together? Joker already said that if she coughs she isn't VC.

Attached: karateman.webm (298x218, 857K)

I'm sure shooting down a civilian in broad daylight with tons of civilian witnesses around wouldn't be acceptable, OP, even by wartime standards.

Arrest him and wait for MP jeep to haul his ass to the station.

Attached: big_1493932381_image.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

You could buy another one for less than a dollar at some nearby shop.

>why did this anti-war film depict US soldiers as incompetent warmongers

It's the information on the camera you utter nimrod.

What information? It was probably filled with pictures of his fellow Marines, naked prostitutes, and random sights.

As well as probably highly classified information, such as army base locations that can be determined off the scenery, layouts of said bases, supplies/gear, high ranking officials, general war crimes, etc. Because, you know, that's their job.

He was a war correspondent, not a photographer.

Joker could barely smoke the 'sniper' who killed two of his squadmates and his friend cowboy.