I feel safer already

www faceberg com/205951982834067/posts/2185992608163318/

Attached: I feel SAFER.jpg (1080x1537, 770K)

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This is why you don't talk to the cops. He probably blabbed about what he had and LET them search the case. Only do what you are ordered to do and nothing more. I will gladly follow an order from an officer regardless of legality, because I can always bust his retarded ass in court and walk away with a fat settlement. But the big distinction is ordering versus asking. If an officer asks you to get out of the car, you tell him to get fucked. If he orders you to pull down your pants and run into traffic, you do it and then keep running down to the bank.

This. I would bet anything I have that this guy willingly let them search the vehicle because he thought he would be in less trouble if he incriminated himself.

which is why hollywood cop shows always show a guy asking for a lawyer and the cops ignoring it for some reason.


200% this
There is no way that they were able to search the car unless the absolute mongoloid had the case open and on the seat in plain view. A closed case on its own is not probable cause because "that's just a guitar case, officer"


>Officer we are in a sanctuary city and this is an undocumented firearm.

Black with red accents are fine if a bit reddit, but FDE with red and blue accent is pure yikes.

This is ageing, now, but it still supremely 100% totally fucking relevant.