Happy Memorial Day everyone..I know that this is Jow Forums and not politics but be sure to thank our brave servicemen and women for serving in the United States Military and for defending our freedoms and making the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom isn't free at all. God bless our soldiers.
Memorial Day
Colton Collins
Connor Gonzalez
I'm sure this thread will go very well and not be full of shitposting whatsoever.
Christopher Sanchez
Parked in the veteran spot at Home Depot today. Eat shit, welfare queens.
Alexander Mitchell
Dying for Israel is not a virtue to be proud of OP.
Adrian Lee
>be sure to thank our brave servicemen
It's not armed forces or veterans day. You don't thank anyone on Memorial Day.
Ryan Thomas
>defending our freedoms
They haven't been doing a very good job. We have precious little freedom left.
Hudson Phillips
Thanks for dying for israel
Anthony Nguyen
This. America is becoming a police state.
Hunter Perry
why do soldiers in the current years just stand there waiting to get shot? people really believe they'll be able to quell the population?
Luke Hernandez
Based ironic prediction poster.