
Why don't you have a fiddy cal, Jow Forums?

Attached: when he sees a transphobe.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

Because I'm onegun and I only take it out like twice a year.

If you're only going to have one gun, it might as well be one that can mobility kill a vehicle from 500 yards.

Because I stupidly passed up on a converted Boys AT rifle for $1800

are you serious that's insane

I'm spending all my money on tech school atm


>implying we need one
>Implying IEDs and VBIEDs are hard to construct

>No range will take it. I'd have to drive 100 miles to find desert land.
>Too heavy to carry around like Dorner on the run.
>My .458 with hot loads will do 90% the same damage.
>A .408 Cheytec or .375 Cheytec is much better for long range, and has more energy at 1,500+ feet, and much more energy at 2,000+feet.
>Expensive. I could buy 100 AR stripped lowers - a mountain of ammo - and a night with your sister, and still be able to go to red lobster for those biscuits.
>Expensive. I could custom fabricate a dream gun in a made-up caliber.
>Muzzle break makes it dangerous to hearing.
>I'll probably get one someday if someone tells me they are going to try to take them away.

>thinks anti-material weaponry is for bringing to ranges
>thinks he can load his .458 to 13,000+ ft/lb
>thinks anti-material weaponry is for distance plinking
>red lobster
>thinks he can make his own 'superior cartridge' unaware of the whole point of the 50bmg compatibility
>muh hearing

bubba fudd incarnate

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