What kind of pets does Jow Forums have?
This is Siggy.
What kind of pets does Jow Forums have?
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Fuck cats. Enjoy your Toxoplasmosis
I named mah nigga Shinji. He's a giant pussy.
Here are my puppers.
Joplin and Stew.
nice, cat growing retards. enjoy being a brainlet and never get married. don't make your descendants life miserable
This is Tom
Your nogun brainlet and your smelly goomf ass dump shitter should kill both of yourselves
If you're taking flak, you are over the target. Godspeed catposters
His name is Gordon and we found him causing a traffic snarl on the highway. He ran into my wife's arms and now I love him more than my own life.
Very good bois
moose the brittany
butthurt darkie
You took the bait you dumb fuck
I really wanna get a brittany and train it for hunting, but I have no experience with bird dogs, or hunting dogs of any sort. Any tips? I also have limited funds.
Who are we arguing with here? You or the toxoplasmosis that's controlling your rapidly deteriorating brain?
people who are incapable of loving pets are either autistic, or sociopaths.
>muh toxoplasmosis
the stuff that causes toxoplasmosis is a very common pathogen. your dog or wife probably has it somewhere on them. think about that the next time you're sucking your dog's cock
>your wife
Leave my boyfriend out of this
>when a parasitic filled npcs respond to me
>people who are incapable of loving pets are either autistic, or sociopaths.
People who own cats are incapable of realizing that their house smells like cat piss.
Gorgeous. Do any hunting?
>muh kot
good luck with parasites.
>implying your house does'nt smell like ass
2 year old half american and half european Basset Hound. She loves to play with dogs that tower over her
I have Jow Forumsots
But also dogs
My girls
Here is dog. I have another but he's asleep and I have no pics of him yet, I'll post him next thread.
I enjoy pets that are easy to take care of
>people who are incapable of loving pets are either autistic, or sociopaths.
I'm the first poster you've referred to. I'm not incapable of loving pets. Quite contrary, I own a doggo and a hedgehog. I just wrote
>Fuck cats
Because they are no real pets, especially when you let them roam freely through your neighborhood. Cats are the opposite of a pet. They dont need you, they dont like you. You're their servant, nothing more.
>t. Never owned a cat
They're capable of showing affection, but I bet you don't care to find out. Also
You're a massive faggot
h- howdy
>how to spot the person who's never been friends with a cat before
Imagine not having both cats and dogs
This, battle buddy symbiosis is key
Y'all are silly, all you have to do is cook them fully.
Combined Paws Operations
>my cat is so used to my beagle now he doesn't flinch when she runs at him
fucking hilarious seeing him with his eyes-half-open look and she's trying to get him to run, fuck outta here with that shit beag
Pup in pic is terrified of black and white cat, because he's middle aged and knows he's in charged. Meanwhile she plays like pic related with orange-boi
This is Millie.
I found her on the highway 7 years ago.
She's a big girl.
> owning a cat
Imagine owning an animal less intelligent, less useful, and less loyal than a dog. Truly the mark of a retard and most likely a virgin. Cats are for women and söys. Dogs actually have a use ie hunting or defending the home. Cats do absolutely nothing. Dogs have been used in warfare since the beginning of civilization for a reason.
> inb4 cats eat rats and pests
Congrats the one use of a cat, and if you live in a place with rats and pests in it you're already a fuck up so adding another shitty creature wont help
>Imagine being so simple minded you can't comprehend the concept of keeping an animal around for company.
You've never used a dog for hunting, you just keep that pooch around so you can keep taking the knot.
Seigfried, we call him Sign though.
Sig, not sign.. that's what I get for phone posting.
Anyway here is his sister, Dagny.
Tom is very cute, looks like he is a cheeky boy but a good fren
This is Thatcher, say hi
This is Scipio Africanus
Trying to get birds on the fense
>dogs smell so much better
You should’ve seen the layer of dog piss and the massive holes they’ve chewed in my couch, dogs are exponentially more worthless.
Dog owners houses smell like wet dog hair and stale spit
This is my cat her name is cat. I'm waiting till I have a decent plot of land before I get a dog because I want a Tibetan Mastiff or a great dane.
Jow Forumsat master race reporting in.
>Tempestus scions
A man of taste AND refinement.
Back too Asia with you gook
My cat hates you and everything you stand for.
This is an old photo of Bailey, she's a big girl.
As you can see she's lost weight since then.
im very mad at you for not liking cats
>all these obese cats
Found the taurusfags.
It's the same cat bacteria schizo in every cat related post. Ignore it.
Nice Gooty Sapphire.
Inb4 tarantula hate
Dudes, I've started and stopped assembling WH40K models twice now.
Should I give it another go? Is the gameplay scene as cringy as people say it is?
I would never play tabletop games with anyone but close friends
When i graduate from high school i'm gonna leave my communist Jewish state to move to the woods in Wyoming or Montana aka the least diverse states in the USA.
I've decided this because when i see how low the white race has fallen i think the only thing that i can still do is move in the woods of Montana and find me a white virgin christian wife with who'm i can have multiple pure bred white kids.
But why i want wolves so badly is because they seem to be loners that can easily kill you if you fuck with them or their pack and being a loner myself i look up to people and animals like that. i will probably try to find one injured in the woods and help it by giving it food and slowly by slowly making sure he trusts me. and when he is fully recovered i will try to hunt game with him, side by side me and mans best friend killing the weaker animals for our survival
Fug, I have no friends, let alone friends that play
Beagles are unironically the some of the most Jow Forums animals. Hounds in general are Jow Forums
Old Man Barkuru-Kun. He has seen too many winters.
Here’s my boy Jake, lost him about a month ago to old age. Godspeed and good hunting you old bastard.
And here’s my girl Bella, lost her about a week ago.
Her bed is too small. You’re always going to have a curly cat.
Oh no someone you never met likes cats.
How will you ever recover
this is my dog peach 10 and counting.
>inbred retards
Good riddance.
Dat name tho
>you pointed out an annoyance with dogs, therefore you’re a gook!
I love my dogs but I’m not gonna pretend like they’re any different than any other animal.
>Look mom, I'm being edgy
Wow that’s so edgy and cool, I’m so impressed I bet you get all the women with your edgy bad boy act.
I used to have a Moose too, he had one eye and a bit of an underbite. Weird looking but I loved him
Quick Question, Upper Michigan?
Had him since the 2nd grade
What is it?
What an excellent boy. I love him
I think you should start again. I've always had a lot of fun with it. Granted I only play my with friends. I've never gone to a GW shop.
Autism dog number two
Remi in the front seat. Jordan in the back.
Yeah, I'm worried cause I would be going to my LGS.
A lot of the negative stereotypes regarding the average tabletop gamer seem to be true.
now thats a big hairy pussy
Slave dogs present
I’ve seen that pattern but it makes a jack o lantern
>gud noodle
imagine being a man with a cat
>be me
>doing a millwright job
>find a tiny orphan kitten a week old and almost dead
>nurse it to health and bottle feed
>absolutely wild but fun as fuck kitten
>lived 18 1/2 years
>helped me make lunch every morning.
>met my truck at the end of the driveway every day and ran alongside it to the house
>walked with the kids to the bus stop every morning and met them every afternoon
>went on walks with the dogs, trailing along
>died minutes after I got home from work, literally waited and met me one last time
Pic related, when she was 17 and deaf.
Fuck you. Molly was my friend.
i don't really want pets anymore.
i love animals and i've known many very great pets in my life through my family in the past, but.. nowadays i think i'd rather study free creatures in the wild. study them trying to survive in the wild while influencing them as little as possible. i don't really like the idea of making them dependent while watching them slowly loose their abilities to survive and whatever intellect they had. i would rather have my own real kids than make a child substitute out of an animal.
however, if i had to have more pets they would be rats.
My cat I found in a ditch beside my house in Nov of 2017
I like parrots