Earlier today there was a tread about spc. Ketchum

Earlier today there was a tread about spc. Ketchum.
In said post someone posted a pic of some dark haired chick face down biting her lip while getting screwed (I assume)

Does anyone have said pic or the source?

Thank ya

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post dem puffies

Ha. Gay!

>a thread died for this
There’s a really easy way for you to find the picture yourself, but you’re such a faggot and this thread is such a genuine shitpost that I’ll let you figure it out yourself degenerate

Why did /lgbt/ choose to target Jow Forums of all places? Don't they know this is a Jow Forums board?

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it was not a pic of ketchum, it was some chick

Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board faggot, Jow Forums is its own thing


Never has been a Jow Forums board you goddamn tourist.


This isn’t a Jow Forums board retard
I dislike /lgbt/fags as much as the next guy but Jesus just fuck off

Fuck off faggot


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SPC Ketchum got sent to ABN but not me.


Honestly, where the fuck are the Jannies???? Jow Forums has gone to shit. Reddit is better than this shit. And INB4 you faggots call me a leddit fag, there I don't have to deal with fucking trannies asking for tranny porn on a fucking weapons board.

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>Jow Forums
>Reddit is better
Get lost, refugee. I hate OP, I just hate you more.

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>t. pic related
>i'm definitely not a /lgbt/ leddit parasite
>i hate them!!!
>also t. pic related
This t b h

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Oh go fuck yourself, cunt. I haven't ever browsed Reddit much but they at least don't have this sort of fucking retarded trap shit. They have on topic discussions with much higher quality posts more regularly. Not saying that Jow Forums lacks any quality though. So go kill yourself you fucking shithead.

if she was in my unit, I would befriend her and then rape her in uniform.
t.shitbag 11B E6

I want to plow her.

> her

They delet meme threads they don't like but leave absolutely shit threads like these up. Make a thread pickin fun of the CZsoy meme and Jannie will delete in within 10 mins EVERYTIME. It's fuckin pathetic. Fuck jannies

To add on, have you ever ever browsed Reddit? They have specific subreddits (boards) for individual topics that anyone can create, with mods that are usually much more competent at removing shitposts. Because of this more specialized nature, they don't have shitty posts like OP made here, whilst having lots of discussion on many topics, such as 3D printed guns, handloads, and specific issues as a forum would.

Well, I guess you never read that anyways or ever browsed Reddit.

If anything the political process has taught me is true, being a janitor yourself is one way to fix this shit. Maybe I should lurk a whole lot more and try to become one.

I know who it is, but I'm not telling you

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The reason jannies leave so much anime /lgbt/ spam up, and delete """Jow Forums""" threads, is because reddit/tumblr types have spammed the applications so they can start dictating what content is allowed.

Think about it, who is more likely to become a janitor than an assmad SJW NEET weeb tranny with nothing better to do?

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>Does anyone have said pic or the source?
veruca james meme

because Jow Forums is the whitest, males, most "conservative" board here

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I just don't like this in the most earnest way possible. This fucking cultural Marxism has made it's way to fucking Jow Forums. I hate the absolute state of this world.

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nah, it was a girl. not that lying fag

I, too, would like to see this.

lol. faggot



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Well it's a first time anal porn you lookin 4. Idk chick name sorry senpai.

If it was really Ketchum it wouldn't need to be titled "first anal" because there's be no other hole down there to fuck

It isn't Ass Ketchups porn. But there are pics of his fem dick


Then go back there faggot


I honestly would not mind if she gave me a handy