Have any firearms in history ever sacrificed function over form?
Have any firearms in history ever sacrificed function over form?
Probably a lot of high end guns for rich hunters and stuff do. Like, one of those super fancy gold-inlaid break actions or something. Also, engravings provide no tactical advantage whatsoever.
Owen gun is pretty ugly
In the same strain as , higher end ARs like the LVOA and Salient GRY seem to have been developed with a particular aesthetic in mind as opposed to solving a problem with the AR platform (which there are few in 2019, no thanks at all to those two mentioned guns). Like fancy H&H rifles or other engraved break actions don't stray far if at all from the original mechanical design, these ARs don't stray from the original design function of the AR15, but make sacrifices in weight and concussion redirection for those aesthetics. I'm sure you could find an example of other ARs or AKs for that matter, but these are the two that come to mind.
All bullpups.
>weight reduction
>let's put an R4 in this fishgun stock
>well no one bought it
>don't worry it will appear in a shitty sci-fi movie 10 years later
How does this sight work
Dot sight, and I think it was battery free like the acog but I don't remember.
Yeah, Owen gun, Sten, and basically every blowback, stamped sheet metal SMG sacrificed function over form.
anything made by cobray
Did they ever make that sight and release it on its own so it could be attached to an AR?
I feel like OP worded this poorly
>sacrificed function over form
so it looks good but runs like shit? but people are posting guns that are all function and no form
so you're sacrificing function before(over) form, but somehow this is interpreted as if form is lost before function? christ OP fix this shit you ESL retard
Thankyou. This is exactly as I saw it. Either ESL or classic American educated.
>I bet he says "pacific" instead of "specific".
OP here, I'm a native English speaker but just retarded I guess. It sounded like it made sense in my mind.
all hk clones are this
Oh sorry, I meant sacrificed form over function.
This isn't me. I actually meant over function form over form function
I was responding to you, correcting myself. This is confusing me with a shit ton of function form function form. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
me again, I am just retarded
That plastic underbarrel .22 that doesn't fit your hand and you have to shoot it with your "the bird" finger...
I don't think the G36 deserves any of that. It's an all function design for conscripts never having held a firearm in their life that as a bonus has aesthetics added t it. Like for example it has hose to hold the pins when field stripping, the case deflector thingy also holds the foldingstock when retained, it came with dual sights standard in the 90s, it is completely foolproof, from field stripping to the safety leaver being placed, so that you always have the finger long on it and it feels off when it's in anything but safe, every barrel is threaded and every g36 is adaptable with a bipod, and nv. The list goes on, but point is that it having a design is just the topping on being a pretty straight design for a military back then largely based on lunatics never having touched a gun before and only serving 12 months anyways.
Yes I'm hk pilled, I can't really deny that any longer.
>That plastic underbarrel .22 that doesn't fit your hand and you have to shoot it with your "the bird" finger...
found it, it's this
District 9 was a good movie tho.
try again bucko, "retarded" doesn't even begin to describe how mentally impaired I am
It's actually amazing to shoot. Triggers not great, but ergo's are amazing.