Does NATO have much power or strength not linked to the US? If the US ever left NATO could the other countries form a separate power bloc?
NATO minus the US
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>Does NATO have much power or strength not linked to the US?
this. also we need to kick canada out.
Between Britain and France, it still maintains one of the larger power blocs on the planet, but it’d be nowhere near the same level without the US.
Yes but it would be much weaker. Almost certainly enough to take on Russia (given their armed forces seems to be perpetually collapsing inwards, on fire or corrupt.) but it wouldn't be the overwhelming international coalition of nations it is currently.
Pretty much this. I'd also wonder if a number of countries currently in NATO would continue to be interested in working with them if the US decided to leave.
Literally the whole point of NATO was to act as a safeguard against the Soviet Union to keep and maintain the dominance of the United States, i.e. We give you protection and keep the monsters away, you become semi puppet states to us.
>Take on Russia
Russian offensive into Europe:
>Russians invade rapidly into countries they wan't to conquer
>Thanks to superior Russian operational art carried over from there Soviet days, this process is done way faster than any nation can respond to
>Combining operational art with the usage of Battalion tactical groups and Brigade tactical groups, enable the Russians to amass combat power rapidly throughout the battlespace
>This, with overwhelming numbers, simply obliterate any opposition within the first 24 hours of combat operations
>Border nations are conquered and Russian troops hold and dig in beyond the borders of there newly acquired territory
>Russians bargain peace deal, pull forces back into conquered lands
>Next few decades consist of fags spamming Russian hate threads non-stop on Jow Forums
Russian Defensive against European invasion
>Have literal fucktons of conscripts
>Have the ability to train civilians to become frontline effective troops within 2 months
>Have more tanks than god
>Have the ability to out produce said tanks and other armor
>Have complex and in depth air defense and radar system
>Just no
NATO without the US is completely useless and their capability to even establish a coherent coalition without bureaucracy getting in the way would be a godsend. This and while Russia is definitely not the Soviet Union anymore. By no means are they actually a paper T-I-G-E-R. The bear might be a bit drunk, but a bear is still a fucking bear and Jow Forums loves to meme and shitpost about things they know little about.
Basically everything west of Germany, and desu probably the dirty kruats themselves, will be completely fucked since they can no longer rely on a foreign power to pay for their defense budgets.
Other results:
>UK and France likely merge navies, possibly armies
>Turkey goes full batshit and invades Cyprus
>Italy likely disbands their military since they can't afford it without us help
>Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark will try to strike a deal for mutual defense with Germany, but the krauts will likely turn them down
>Serbia reconquers the Balkans
>Russia totally annexes Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia and Lithuiana, Soviet Union 2.0
>Finland and Sweden will likely strike a mutual defense pact
>Norway will go for Swiss-style neutrality
European countries have hundreds of 5th gen aircraft. Russia has 12, and might have 80 by 2028