Does Dearborn, Minnesota have a very good Police department?
Does Dearborn, Minnesota have a very good Police department?
John Davis
Charles Powell
Wyatt White
Go away.
Elijah Lewis
What was the point of it all?
Eli Mitchell
>it's all pointless now that there's a somali muslim policewoman in minnesota
police should represent the community. if there's muslims in the community, there should be at least some muslim policemen.
Robert Ramirez
There shouldn’t be any Muslims in Minnesota or any white country.
Jace Gonzalez
You're a fat neet behind your computer and haven't contributed to any of that. At least she's serving her community.
Andrew Robinson
>the police are there to help you
Carter Adams
Perhaps not, but there's value in realizing we're standing on the shoulders of giants. At the very least, we shouldn't be flushing all the hard work of our ancestors down the toilet.
Robert Cox
Have sex