Rhodesian memes?

Rhodesian memes?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>celebrating losers

Yeah we should make this a Confederacy thread
oh wait

hey, you said it

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>thank god we beat back those Rhodesians so we could get back to our usual famine, disease and infighting

Attached: received_315768842655040.jpg (700x698, 65K)

I would just like to say I hope you all know your little white supremacist code words like "slot floppies" have been found out, and your employers and prospective dates will find out what kind of people you really are


Oh shit, here we go again

Attached: rhodesia rockets.png (1200x639, 256K)

Im not good at this.

Attached: Rhodesian GF.jpg (530x614, 70K)

This. Thanks for ruining military collecting, rhoddieboo retards.

Slot yourself nigger.

try spelling things correctly retard


rhodesacucks literally lost to a bunch of dumb niggers LOL

They didn't really loose though. They kept winning, but ended up being forced to concede and suing for peace when they were denied aid and trade with every single nation in the world besides South Africa.

fuck off.
I was hammering that shit out.
How about you fix it,shit for brains
Also,your mother is a slut,not a whore,a slut.
She does it for sport,not profit.

no :(

you're not

Attached: rhodesian GF.jpg (1080x957, 123K)

Christ, get that dick out of your ass and go get some unpissed cereal mate

Thank you,fren!
I made for the indy 500,not as good as yours...

Attached: Driver GF.jpg (2400x3390, 1.25M)

Bad day at /leftypol/ today, mgnawa?

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This^ Kicked ass until the end with all (((communist))) countrues funding/aiding the revolution and western ZOG countries boycotting them. The ((( usual suspects))) brought down Rhodesia.

kill your parents.

>gets angry at others because he fucked up
I bet you live a real productive life

What a time it was

not mine,but kinda Jow Forums

Attached: Ace GF.png (1616x739, 240K)

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You guys are pretty bad at this but i'll throw you a (you)

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>irl version

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Post your military collection

why do you guys keep samefagging to make it look like anyone cares about your anti-self-choice shit

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no thanks, don't want to get d0xed.

Here's your (you), now fuck off, nigger.

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uno mas.

Attached: li GF.jpg (519x434, 61K)

t. mom speaks some shona

fuck me this hurts to read

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Who is that guy?

Attached: Skinwalker GF.jpg (1720x1042, 116K)

Can someone shoop the supreme gentlemen's face on here?

Post GFs pls!

Attached: MAster Thief GF1.jpg (700x700, 106K)

Yeah, because that holds up to reasoning. You're totally not a larping concern troll

Do these people have no life?

Attached: 1542857229910.jpg (1632x1224, 1.29M)

People forget the majority of the Rhodesian military was African, and that rights were being extended them, starting before the war, to such a point that full equality was just on the horizon. Then the commies fucking ended it.

Attached: New California Republic GF.png (656x506, 138K)

Throwing together a new "oppression" doesn't negate the fact that like 85% of the Rhodesian forces were black Africans who chose to fight for Rhodesia. If you had any knowledge of that time frame (or respected blacks beyond them being your cute little oppression pets) you'd know the black rhodies particularly hated Mugabe's forces because the commies would attack black villages and kill their families.

What did you do with my plum mags?

I'm implying they're leftists trying to show that they're hurting the thread.
Not shitting on people trying to start a place for themselves.

>rock or something
top kek

Attached: 197B86F0-339A-4E48-BADE-83028821150D.jpg (1024x411, 167K)

Sold them,then stole them back.
Yo want the back? $20
*keeps an eye on where you keep you wallet*

I didn't make that,still funny tho.

Attached: QT HOPLITE GF.jpg (744x451, 66K)

Are you just going to steal them again?

Definitely a legitimate concern when you can't even say "history" without people assuming you're a racist nowadays thanks to people like rhodieboos.

I don't know the history of Rhodesa but I do know the world over the only true enemy the white man has is other white especially other white men under the influence of Middle Eastern religions/people.

Fucking kike

this guy is one brilliant motherfucker

Attached: the world may never know.png (270x221, 24K)

you must be fun at parties you commie enabling faggot

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Rhodesians never die

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Is that a cut down RPD? It looks fucking rad.

starve yourself commie

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I'm not the first guy. Also what the what do you mean by "anti-self choice"

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It's a real shame. The Rhodesian government, though ruling as a minority, seemed to have the best interest for its people, and was trying to set up their nation's path towards majority rule.

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>This is now an ancient Greek, Roman, Knights Templar, Royal British Navy and Third Reich thread.

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Although I only began reading SOF back when the Russians were fighting the "Afghan Freedom Fighters" back in the 80's, I have read this piece before. I also remember in the 90's on the bbs boards where mercs will still being recruited and hired.

do want

Rhodesians never die

a wildly improbable victory is in no way comparable to a wanton rocket attack on a massive oil facility.

Rhodesians never die

Attached: Bella Forsythe Rhodesian Army.jpg (236x405, 15K)

gas yourself , my Jude

I AM my employer, suck a dick, dumbshit.

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Rhodesians never die

Found a few of these on Jow Forums, figured they would fit here

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that article makes me angry

Rhodesians never die!

Listen dumbass, the only people getting fired are already behind enemy lines, or they're ugly/short. I said to my coworker "Sometimes I think the Unabomber did nothing wrong" right in front of my boss. He did nothing

I work for a shipping company.

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Of course she is retarded.


This one is kinda sad.

Attached: 15146 Ghost GF.jpg (504x334, 13K)