Why don't you own a sword user?

Why don't you own a sword user?

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That's not a sword
Now THIS is a sword!

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mine was used to kill filipinos though

Is that what the guy in the mall told ya?

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I went to the renaissance fair this weekend and was gonna buy one, but the one I wanted was $1100 and I only had $700 to spend.
I'll get it in a month or so.
I can borrow one from my friend, but Ive already got guns

didn't buy it from the mall

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just get an antique, mine was like $200

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I bought one of these back in the early 2000's

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top kek, ever cut anything with it?

It's really more of a wall hanger but I used to cut rolls of wet newspaper with it in the backyard when I was a dumb kid.

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What is the purpose of the backwards sling, please?

because bayonets are the superior close quarters melee weapon

Same reason I don't own a fedora

Mine was used to kill bottles of champagne & cabbage probably....chances are it was only dropped once as it is French.

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cause you are gay?

$1100, this some sort of Albion shit?

Be sure to shop around, check kultofathena

That is debatable. A person with a sword could parry a bayonet and then either cut the hands off or strike the neck or face.

Found mine in the crawlspace of my old house. I'm guessing ~70% chance this killed somebody.

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I'm not sure how much better a bayonet would be in the confines of my apartment. Where as my cutlass was literally designed for fighting in spaces like this. Also, would probably just use the shotgun tbqh senpai

That thing looks pretty dank

I suppose it does depend, but I would imagine straight forward thrusting would be easier in alot of situations rather than swinging a saber, but I guess it depends on the size of your apartment.
Also yes, a shotgun, or pretty much any other gun is better than a melee weapon for home defense

fuck that's cool

By the time I had money, I was over 21 so I just bought a bunch of handguns.

I have that same sword but with the finish and it’s left handed

Guy with sword parry’s a bayonet gets shot by the man behind him after he strikes the bayonet man.

I don’t really have any skills in swordfighting.

Because I plan on owning one of these bad boys someday.

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This compensates for the low IQ, and cock that I have.

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It isn't full sabre length. The blade is about 2 feet long

Is yours real or a repro?

> Having a kukri that isn't Himalayan imports, CRKT, or Ka-Bar

Looks Tibetan or Bhutanese. Or at least modeled after those types.

>liking Jean Grey
Watch out, user, you're going to get the gay.

Because I own 3

>Why don't you own a sword user?

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Repro, I use it as a machete to cut brush.

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Isnt a bayonet 4ft or more and lethal with just one solid poke? easy down a hallway

Finding swords in NYC that aren't shoddy tourist trash or priceless antiques is pretty difficult. I'm into stuff like claymores and European two handers specifically. Does anyone have a good blacksmith/supplier in the city (or just in general) that they recommend?

I don't have a hallway inside my apartment itself. There is a hall between my door and the front door of the apartment. Though, once again I think it would be more likely I'd use my shotgun or one of my slowpitch bats before I actually used the sword


And bayonet man still dies, what's your point?

>8 lbs

There’s no white flag so it’s just an imitation

because the laws here are so fucking retarded I'd have to register it
not even joking and I'm not a bong either

where the fuck do you live

Italy, believe it or not

all the swords I ever owned were borrowed and never returned.

>marine saber (new production)
>long sword (new production)
>confederate artillery saber (antique, may be real, taken by family under the guise of repair)

I would have thought italy would have more robust sword ownership based on their history. Can't you own guns fairly easily there too?

>I would have thought italy would have more robust sword ownership based on their history
not really, or at least not since the main framework for weapon ownership was passed in 1931
nobody wanted to rewrite it after fascism fell, citing "convinience" as the reason, but honestly they would've been forced to make the laws less restrictive if they didn't keep the old text
>Can't you own guns fairly easily there too?
the gun laws may not be as bad as some other places but that doesn't mean they don't have the big gay
>maximum number of guns that can be owned
>ammo ownership restrictions
>9mm Para banned for pistols (inb4 it's because of the manufacturers, if there wasn't a ban you'd see them getting imported even if those jews only kept it for export models)
>appearance restrictions for hunting guns
>the scary-looking guns get confiscated the moment your range subscription expires
>red flag laws on steroids (like you get them taken for as little as finding out your wife is cheating on you, without any violence involved. I shit you not we have such precedent)
>worst of all, not even the ones who are supposed to enforce our laws don't know shit about them
don't even get me started on carry laws

spray it with luminol and report back user

>>not even the ones who are supposed to enforce our laws know shit about them*
my bad

Because my SMLE has a very long bayonet which can turn it into a spear...not a very good one mind you but it’ll do.

use a spear to recover your swords

>>red flag laws on steroids (like you get them taken for as little as finding out your wife is cheating on you, without any violence involved. I shit you not we have such precedent)
wife cheats on you, therefore you lose your gun rights
fucking literal anti cucklaws

I've had sex.

filipinos cant die

I do, actually.

Came here to post this.

mirin the shorts

Length, not weight, bummy ass retard

Because spears are better.

It's not 8 feet, retard.

Since when did I say it was 8 feet? I was implying that length in general because of how large it is, not weight. its supposed to be about 5 feet long

8 meteres?

I guess.

Because I'm an adult now and I can buy guns.

Okay, thank you.

i was just thinking of using a billhook (brush ax)

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can't find one worth owning. thinking about a scimitar... but they vary so much. I have tons of guns I lost in a bad boating accident but I can't decide on a sword. I want one more sturdy than a fedora katana, but less unwieldly than a claymore but can still stab

I know it MUST be made of stainless spring steel, but I just can't decide. too many choices.

probably gonna end up with a short scimitar, in stainless spring steel if I can find it.
see, I've got bears and moose to contend with. but it also needs to be light enough for me to WANT to carry it. If I don't want to carry it I won't and it's not going to do me any good.

>Isnt a bayonet 4ft or more and lethal with just one solid poke?
>4 feet or more
nigga wut

those are pretty much only good for skinning whales.

It's kinda hard to tell how nice it would have looked new. The back side of the hilt and sheath are plain though. The sword itself is all metal as far as I can tell, just steel, more steel, and steel wire grip. It's not a stamped blade, either, there's visible weld lines running up both sides and a smallish void towards the end of one.

Forgot pic

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Oh yeah, I've got this one too. Strictly a wall hanger though, it's my great grandfather's dress sword. Apparently it was part of his graduation uniform? I don't know much about him desu.
Foot for scale.

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why don't you have impulse control?

Yea that is the good thing about the cutlass, it is nice and light

how do I get my sword into a shape where it could be used as a good weapon and won't keep rusting?

They're expensive and I'm indecisive. I don't know if I want a classic arming sword or bastard sword, a rapier, a smallsword, a naval cutlass, a claymore, or what.

This absolutely gorgeous piece is a nice compromise, a longer sword that's both older in profile but newer in aesthetic considerations. Too bad I hear Armour Class has shit CS and a huge wait time.

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>won't keep rusting

do you oil it?

yea, but it was rusted as fuck when I got it. It is an antique

If it had deep rust or pitting, give up now. You can't trust it any more and any work you do put in would destroy its value as an antique.

how deep is deep?

I must say that my fists are my weapons *punches with the force of a sonic*

oil it or force a patina

I intend to practice HEMA in the near future. I just need more money and a new Zastava ZPAP comes first.

Deep enough that it won't polish out.

yea I think the pits won't polish out

Oh fuck I have that piece of shit wall hanger, lasted three hits before it bent to the point where I could'nt put it back in the sheath. I didn't know it was from the lord of the rings because I thought it was quite ugly

*hacking limbs