Jow Forums
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Weapons #423
They're coming for the supreme court
Jow Forumsombat fitness
Yeah fuck you too
PA Labor Day Meetup
Does PSA not do free shipping anymore or is there a code I need to enter...
Why is this soldier/marine pressurizing a water bottle?
On killing in war time
Nom De Guerre Thread
Show me a prettier gun
Canada general
I just put a +3 extension tube on a 70 year old firearm. What did you do today?
2010 + 9
/bst/ Buy Sell Trade
Meanwhile, on 0001 Jow Forums
I’m assembling a tactical team....are you in?
What does Jow Forums think about the GOA? Are they worth getting a membership with or nah?
I have visual confirmation that Eric is a Jow Forumsommando
ARG/ AR General/ Trip Fag Containment
Is it still affordable to build AK's?
I need some help from some of you gun savvy folk. I got a guy that's gonna sell me a reuger blackhawk .357 magnum...
What are some guns that look like star wars blasters
Would it fly well?
Reminder that H&K has no idea what they are doing with the AR design
Sharing Memes – Man Ends Up Red Flagged
Still 3 months till i get to go into military
See this what do?
I shot this gun for the first time today and I was amazed by how remarkably inaccurate I was with it...
/MSG/ - milsurp general
Hot and heavy in hama edition
How did the country that created the first true flintlock and developed smokeless powder manage to design this pos?
Be you
Snow/winter aesthetics
Would you rather be hit by 1000 bullets at 1 ft/s, or 1 bullet at 1000 ft/s?
Why the fuck do people still buy or use 357 magnum...
Fuddtube Happening
Friendly warning: respect tim kennedy
How effective would duck-and-cover actually be?
What is a double action Glock17 ?
Blackpillers BTFO
What does this kind of scene trigger people so much?
WRK thread?
Thoughts on this type of Glock carbine conversion kit?
How did the houthis down a fucking reaper UAV
How many .22 it would take to put someone down on average?
Own all the funs you like, I don't give a fuck. It's (supposed to be) a free country...
Camo question
Houthis shoot down US military drone over Yemen – reports
What are Jow Forums's thoughts on this trillion dollar waste?
Titus thread
Oh no, liberals want to ban AR!
Damn get a load of this confiscation
US Army Greens
They found another fucking bomb where I live
Why did america have this as a camouflage for so long?
Japan is expected to greenlight the F-2 successor in the next budget for 2020
Any recommendations for brass knuckles, preferably easy to conceal?
Should I join the ADF?
Military-grade EZCooldownVests made by a Furry
What shogun did Brenton Tarrant use when he first went to pray at his local mosque? Pic related
Scattergat general
I am the American sheep dog
Why world is so evil? Why do you always have to fight for yours?
It is a good thing that the last WW2 veteran will soon die. The Allies were clearly in the wrong...
Tell me about Special Forces, Jow Forums...
Alright Jow Forumsommandos what is the best 10mm handgun?
Homemade Body Armor
Gatling Guns vs MGs?
Trauma medical
When a nuclear war breaks out between Pakistan and India who wins?
Electronic Harassment
Which CCW is best CCW?
Canada general
Favorite knife thread! Show me your favorite knives...
>muh ounces
/arg/ AR thread
What can i expect price wise for processing a deer? (white tail)
Mental health general
Operating a Lathe to make your own firearm
What's the point of spending money on body armor when it doesn't even cover your gut or come down to your waist...
Glad to be living in the state of Arkansas...
PLAN new carrier CGI
The Nigerian army has contracted you up front to take out a spotted Boko Haram camp...
Whats the most powerful semi auto handgun round thats not deagle tier
Where were you when you realized california was going to be liberated?
Do any of you feel like a broken guy with a few screws loose?
I need to stop almost getting arrested for shooting on state land. What are some strats for finding cheap range land...
I have been watching Garand thumb videos and he has said shit like "get out of your comfort zone and try new things"...
"Grandpa, what was WWIII like?"
Well guys, what will it be?
Are my fellow Californians ready for Freedom Week 2, shit on the DOJ Boogaloo?
What do submarines do and how important are they for war fare can a military win if it had no subs?
So I'm retarded and used to have an issue with my mosin, still do actually where when I shot it...
Father of all Bombs
Why were Desert Storm/Iraq War aesthetics so janky looking?
Ruger Security-9
Hello fellow Jow Forumsomandos where do you like to keep your makeshift weapons
War....Has changed
Is the 1911 any good in the modern age or is it just a boomer gun?
Any Springfield owners out there?
Okay, Jow Forums. You've overthrown the King of a banana republic and named yourself El Presidente for life...
The Milsurp Question?
Is it possible to weaponize monkeys?
NutnFancy injured in motorcycle accident while gear testing
How is .357 noticeably better then 9x19?
What is the most Jow Forums sandwich, and why is it the McRib?
Is the Saudi Army incompetent?
Blocks your path
Question for machinists - barrel threading shoulder
Ivan please
Call out off-topic anime/game/softcore/faggotry thread
ITT we make responses to "why do you have an AR15?"
Post yfw you get shot by a gun and fucking die
Has there ever been a case of effective strategic bombing, i.e...
When are we going to get to see what the B-21 Raider looks like? I hear one has already been made, lets see that bitch!
If the Supreme Court consisted of open-minded jurists committed to a fair understanding of the Constitution...
Budget unit
Is Burevestnik something mutts should fear?
New Heavy Russian Drone "Altius" maiden flight
The taliban have better guns that citizens of the land of the free
I'm trying to buy a quarterstaff
Need a watch
What’s your favorite lunch buddy?
Explain this faggotry to me Amerimutts
Don't hate white people enough? No guns for you!
Family Photo Thread
LAPD tightens restrictions on police use of force
Why doesn’t the USA have a Foreign Legion like the French Foreign Legion...
Patch Thread
China new LHD
Would a laser rifle make a sound?
Is it Possible to Convert the Boeing 747 into a Bomber?
So a BOPE sniper just shot a nigger on live tv
How do I get a callsign like Maverick or Iceman?
Blackpowder thread?
Braces are now No Bueno
Britbong here...
How legit is the claim that the Lee-Enfield can do a "better" (more shots...
Hey Jow Forums
To the town of agua fria
I'm afraid we're all out of .308 today, is there anything else I can get you, sir?
What are your all-time worst firearm-related experiences you've had in your life...
A .22 pistol is probably the best solution for home defense for relatively untrained women
I use 22LR for self defense
Cold War Guns
And again. Putin was right and americunts were lying
Suppressor General
Why yes, I do play Escape From Tarkov. How can you tell?
20+ years of fingerfucking loaded and unloaded guns every day
Is there anything I can legally carry to defend myself as a britbong? Not trying to start a pol debate...
Recent acquisitions thread
Highly probably air to air match ups
New top gun movie
In case you missed it, the INF treaty is dead and buried
Can we have an unmanned surface combatant thread? Concepts and discussions...
Gets paid to heal battle buddies and shill for shitty mobile games while shooting guns on camera
Realistically, would a person passed out like this be violating the GCA's prohibited persons clause...
Well regulated
Let's face it
Walmart is based, 200 rounds for 35 bucks
/arg/ AR General
How the fuck do people concealed carry...
Imagine buying this over BCM. Colt has really become a meme, why does anyone still think colt is the go to standard...
Trusting your life to .380 Magnum
Slapjacks and other related items
Would you volunteer to kill ISIS, Turks, and Syrians to establish Rojava?
I see that lots of times Russian special forces get shit talked for their incompetence in hostage situations and how...
Is 5.56 better at wounding than killing?
In terms of quality
How many magazines do you own for your guns?
What's the consensus on bore snakes?
Easy way to convert an M1 Garand to accept Mags?
Time to be honest
Are guns “always” loaded?
Save your gf Jow Forums!
Canada General
Weaponized pornography
Would a mag design like this work Jow Forums...
How do you deal with child soldiers?
The God of Chaos strikes again
Add Walmart to the boycott list
I want a Luger P08, I know virtually nothing about buying one however
Rare military aircrafts
Backpack General
Zergface thread?
1911 thread
Trying to get into the air force right now and its taking soooooooo long...
Post proof that you use your funs
New interest in World War 1 history
Its like, they dont even try anymore
Severely overrated meme guns you should never have
Joining the navy
"user just chugged all the Pervitin!"
/akg/ AK General
Jow Forumsommunications general
Why do you faggots want a civil war so badly? Especially when you aren't on the government's side...
Name a more fudd brand
From a guy where weapons are not legal in his country, how viable is shooting with your pinkies?
What gun is this?
Why are NY gun owners (gangs) fudd > practicality
/gq/ - gear queer
What would happen if the USA declared war against Israel?
I'm itching to get a .308 bullpup, but there aren't many options currently...
Is there an agreed upon best innawoods handgun?
In the mid 2000's what state did you image firearms innovation and design advancing to by the year 2020...
Can we fix the zoomers by having a good war?
Is it possible to have that ruger-style slide on a 9mm pistol like this?
Let's sing some songs, Jow Forums
Is a .22 a good home defense gun for a woman?
Could Taiwan (ROC) hold off China (PRC) if the Chinese decide to take back the island by force?
Shooting far, hitting hard, next gun
.357 SIG
Forced Long Range Impregnation
Do one man infiltration ops exist? How do I become a one man operator?
How big-brain is the Philippines for issuing fire camouflage to their fire department?
Boomer Cringe
Look out window
Want to create camo that will be good for everything
Kel tec KSG 25
Riots I suppose... Hong Kong/Tianamen Edition
German AT weaponry against German tanks
Aus/k/alia General
So I signed up to be 0352, anyone here with past experience able to tell me what my experience will be like?
What does Jow Forums think about Tulammo? Is it shit or a good source for cheap ammo?
Worst misinformation you've found on any type of weapon?
Is it true that the USP series is the best "go to war" pistol in existence?
/arg/ AR General Tripfag Development Group
/ak/ thread
Have you guys taken any gun training classes? What are your thoughts on them? I see a few locally that I might take
Alright, time to settle it once and for all, what's the best .22 of all time? Pistol, rifle...
The last gun you shot is now a woman Jow Forums
What was the worst theater to fight in during WWII?
What are some good Jow Forums or 2A tattoos? please dont post any gay ass 3%r like pic related...
What weapon to buy to fight for the person who doesn't want you?
Why do pistol slides get longer as the barrel length increases?
I'd wanna break a world record for longest confirmed kill ever
Never owned a gun before, want a semi-auto assault rifle. All research points to the AK-47 or variants...
Is dip a good marksmanship aid?
What is the appeal in owning assault rifles...
How do I hide or remove diagnosis on my medical record
Post ultimate weapons
Im thinking about getting my first rifle as I recently turned 18, I really want an SA58 bc...
Holy shit Jow Forums my gun saved my life today and I'm 100% sure nobody will believe me
I'm heading to Alaska in a few weeks for a fishing trip...
Primary+secondary thread, r8+h8
Let's have a thread about swords
North Carolina State Thread
Manufacturing firearms with expired patents
Can Manlet”s be operators? Is there a place for people of shortness in law enforcement and military?
Talking to Grabbers
Watching Rome here and wondering, what’s with the poles the guards are carrying...
Family photos
Biowarfare / Feces weapons
Can you really resist torture? This is my biggest fear and I want to learn how to do it
Power Armors
Panther is a good concept that plague by rushed into service, workers sabotaged and Allies bombing...
The PSG1 - Too cool for the US
Why are burgers doing this?
Summer Nuggetfest Recap Thread
Underrated General!
Wtf guns thread
/arg/ AR thread Assault Rifle General AR15 Assault Rifle 15
Do you prefer NRA or GOA?
Daily Reminder
Gun Buybacks
Standard service pistols by Police Dept
Hey Jow Forums, I’m at a buddy’s house and I’m fondling a Yugoslavian SKS. We’re having an issue with a jam...
Okay Jow Forums, what would it take to craft a weapon like pic related
Surplus potential
Canada General
I was at an army base the other day and I bought these because they look cool and are well made
Are these any good? And no, I can't get a gun
Go to gun store
F117 Companion
Buy a gun online
First gun(s)
Jow Forumsringe General
What multitool does Jow Forums recommend?
Why are there different land/groove ratios in different rifles?
Why Italians sucked so much at warfare since 20th century
Who had the most fun during war
What are we drinking today, Jow Forums ?
Should one generally avoid...
Zombe Apocalpse
How can you defend against "Status 6"?
Redpill me on the AR10
ITT Fictional weapons that you love
I'm a danish Sergent student, soon to be sergent as of January
What am I legally allowed to do if a pack of 3-5 feral nogs attacks me like in the world starship hip hop videos?
Why do civilians always refuse to pre-evacuate combat zones?
One chance at life
Can a single soldier/warrior change the tide of battle/engagement?
Armlist cringe
Why aren't land ships a real thing??
European swords vs katana
Can 5,45x39 penetrate Level III?
Patch Thread
Which .556 brand/load has the best soft target performance out of a full auto profile 11.5 inch barrel?
Wood AR15
What do you breeders think of us having guns too. You scared yet
AESTHETIC modifications
Is the aks74u useless? spetsnaz shit all over it...
MP5 clone from PTR
What exactly is so special about the Tokarev pistol?
Shit Wehraboos say
Israelis make good guns
You have survived the inevitable. Do you stick around where you are, or do you go see whats left of the world?
Is there any way to make punching lethal while adding some sort of defence...
Please tell me there is a video of this
Why do I always see people building a carbine or pistol ar-15 and just just throw a red dot on it...
Die and kill women/children for Israel for mcdonalds wage
/arg/ AR General
/TX/ Texas General
Combat earplugs
Why don't more manufacturers make monolithic barrels/ gas blocks
Describe in six words or less how you would approach this situation
EDC thread
Be me
ITT we post our bedside guns. i just use range bullets in this fucker
I want to buy my brother a light for his gun. Unfortunately he has a C93 instead of an AR...
Whatever happened to this Ghost in the Shell-looking thing? I never thought it looked that bad
Do any of you actually hunt? Either game or cryptids
Lost my battle buddy
Can you put an ar on safe if the hammer isnt cocked?
These people will be writing your gun laws in 2021
The U.S. military basically hasn't faced any serious challenges in decades...
You see this guy at the range. Post a pic of the gun he's shooting
How do I dispose of live ammo?
How were your supposed to shoot this laying down?
Just post the most aesthetic war photos you can find
So when are we airdropping PSA ARs and shit into Hong Kong again? I keep seeing conflicting results
Is thing finally functioning now or is it still a steaming pile of shit?
Gun control is ruining my enjoyment of guns
Largest Anti-Material Rifle vs Attack Helicopter
Where can I buy a MANPAD at ?
Convince me I'm not Paranoid
Red pill me on SERE school
Yak-141 Appreciation Thread!
Like how guns made sowrds and bows obsolete what will make firearms obsolete?
If I bought a full auto g3, is it acceptable to c-clamp for recoil control, or will I be ridiculed?
Redneck Guns
Moderate Al Qaeda FPS footage of assault on Syrian Government trench. Too big to webm
What's the right amount of magazines to have per gun? I always hear conflicting answers...
People on here have said that a lone man could not kill a bear with a malee weapon are wrong...
/bag/ Body Armor General: Body Positivity edition
Are surface warships an anachronism?
Is the Glock 48 a good home defense gun for women?
What is machine gun?
Tangible benefits of a PCC/SMG over SBR rifle
Tanto or drop point?
What watch does Jow Forums wear?
Hello citizen!
UK Defenseless pride
I cant own a firearm, would a chainsaw be a good home defense weapon?
Jow Forumsombat fitness general
SWAT general
What is the most dangerous or scariest type of mission k?
I fucking hate living here...
Why/how did they fuck up?
Why do females always shoot leaning back like this?
Sup Jow Forums
Armor Piercing Ammo
What’s the best shooting range around here? I went to Bellevue Gun Club and it was aight but kinda expensive
Hong Kong General /HKG/
Israeli Defense Force
How battleships could become relevant again
What's wrong with carrying a knife for self defense if you cant have a gun...
Scattergun thread
Jow Forumsiller
Are big bore pistols reliable?
Roadsign armor from rust
/akg/ AK General
How do i fix this malfunction?
What exactly is the big rubber thing on this tank, I can't find any official mention if it's name or what it is
Why is milsurp so small?
Daily reminder - Americans have no hunting culture
Pocket rockets
Who Would Win
Handgun General - /hg/ - #317
What do you reckon it would take to cause another trench war...
What happens with American gun culture?
/bag/ - body armor general
Killcam/combat webms
“YoUR aR-15 Can’T FiGht TANks!!!1”
Recommend to me a good bolt-action scoped rifle that can fire both .308 and 7.62 reliably...
Favorite Knife
Am I a pussy if I use a recoil pad?
M1 Garand Action Thread
Started CCW process in CA, is this a solid carry pistol?
What should I add to PTR 91 A3R?
Best Gun for Adventuring in Appalachia?
3DPG - billboard top 40 edition
Is he the only gun youtuber who killed a man?
Why do ameri fats put so many sweets in their mres...
Canada General
Fellers of Jow Forums share your skinwalker stories
Operation fuck around and find out
ITT: good fictional military aesthetics
/arg/ AR thread
Anyone else wish they could've gone to the military after high school to discipline and life skills instead of having...
Battleship thread
Faggiest army and unfiorm
What was said on his the New Zealand shooter's weapon
Jow Forumsa bar
What's up with almost every woman in media being a sniper/sharpshooter?
Italian army in Afghanistan
FN FNX-45 - Good or bad?
Looking to get into hunting (deer). Any recommendations for starting guns?
What purpose does 950 JDJ even serve?
Why can't Russians make a fucking targeting pod?
Stocking up on some ammo, trying to decide between 1,000 rounds of Wolf Gold .223 or 1,000 rounds of PPU M193 5.56
Britfag here
Is the sa80 really THAT bad?
How should I be storing my ammo and loaded mags for semi long storage?
Polish-american gun owners?
Why dont we see kore terrorist attacks with chlorine gas? All it takes is bleach and ammonia
"The PLA are technologically inferior"
Colt 45
How are you supposed to load 8+1 in these things the mag doesn’t go in when you have one in the pipe already
Thinking of picking up a Glock 48. I already own a G19 but think the 48 will be better for CC (SHTF) and for the lulz
2nd Civil War Thread
Are torpedoes the biggest threat to carrier?
When will we evolve to the point where we no longer need guns?
What do you think about Turkish 5th gen TF-X?
Melee Weapon thread
Is piracy a good shtf survival strategy?
"7.5x55" not found
Absolute state of the Indian army
Weapons are for saving lives, not taking them
Jow Forums related games
USA vs China: No Shitposting Pls
Vietnam thread?
What weapon is this? is from the movie Hotel Mumbai
How to bulletproof your car?
Why is this even a part?
Civil war fiddle music is soothing to the soul
Who is the most aesthetic modern military and why is it Chile?
US Army greens
Harrell is coming for you, how do you defend yourself?
Be me, 10 years ago
Well, well, well mr. ATF guy, we meet again
What does the Jow Forums think about the new Finnish bayonet?
Can someone explain to me the general progression of gun ownership/interest for new gun enthusiasts...
Ain't she a beauty
Australia General - Fuck off ASIO/AFP edition
Full proof armor
So really, whats the practical difference between Bolt-Action and Lever-Action? Both have a similar rate of fire...
Brainstorm Homebrew Weapons for Hong Kong
Is this good enough for self defence or do I have to shell out the big bucks and get the good stuff?
How will czfags recover?
What's Jow Forums's opinion of the Bf 109?
How important is strength for shtf?
Best blade
IS photo report of raid on Nigerian military base
How functional would a working civil war cannon be in urban warfare...
Tfw the range donuts are all out
What's the best gun for goose nigger population control?
How is Bear Creek Arsenal?
I currently have 4 long guns and am thinking about buying a Liberty Centurion 18-gun safe. Decent safe...
Guns for Space Combat 2.0
Walmart CEO:It's time to debate renewing U.S. assault weapons ban
Is the 45-70 gov AR the pinnacle of American small arms?
What is the best geometry for penetrating armor?
Modernized Guns
Canada general
Why does Europe do This?
Technical Thread
Post your Dream Guns
Preparing for a bad neighborhood
2 questions
Be user in motel room
When did you first realize that you are unlikely to ever get into a firefight and that your obsession with weaponry is...
What kind of gun was I using?
Wheelgat general
Shit tal/k/ing
Are you all ready for the Greenland Annexation War once the talks with Denmark fall through?
Arsenal Thread
Missouri End of Summer Meet
This is one of my guns
"dude rifles lmao"
Make a thread about how a war between China and America over Hong Kong would play out with a specific scenario presented
Required weapons to kill the fiercest animals
So I'm guessing we have less than 5 years until some form of bugaloo, what are your plans?
Red dot alternatives
You are now dictator of Earth
/msg/ - Military Surplus General
Mecha is the next step
What is a good, easy way to responsibly destroy and dispose of a gun in one's own household?
Why have Arabs lost all the wars they fought?
Do you have a badass Jow Forumsrandpa?
Wooden Shotgun Stocks
Name ONE (1) science fiction rifle that is a standard config and not a bullpup
APC's in Hong Kong. Except, something's been added to the top
SF/SOF Unconventional Transport
Im joining air force soon what should i expect
Press checking dead enemy
Weaponized cripple-mobile general
If Trump decided to go full retard and park a carrier task group in Victoria Harbor...
Whoa sick burn how does he do it?
How do you end gangs and crimes once and for all?
ARG/ AR thread/ tripfag containment
Could the EU destory the UK?
Didnt serve in the military
How would Jow Forums deal with Antifa?
Jow Forums humor thread
Clean your guns, bucko
What weapons do they have in nuclear subs?
Post commie tanks aka the best in the world
PSA shenanigans
Obsolete Guilty Pleasures
So is 7.62 non-lethal? Six cops shot, all release after four hours?
Innawoods general
So with the latest "inconvenient" "mass" "shootings", what did I lose in a boating accident recently...
Be me
I almost popped a vein reading this story, how do the troops cope with this?
Why was the Philadelphia shooting thread deleted?
If you had to serve in another countries military who's would you serve in?
Can anyone explain what is the use of the VSS???
What's basic like in other countries ?
A Queensland police officer is under internal investigation after accidentally discharging a handgun at the Royal...
Why do you dislike him again?
Tank Biathlon : There are Countries out there that lost to Uganda Edition
Wouldn't the ban of firearms in the US be better if they just define the type of firearm your allowed to have...
End the watermelon genocide
/ak/ General
Ranges in CA
I need big luau info infographics/ pictures
Do you believe in monsters, ayys, or spooks Jow Forums
If you dont have AP ammo you are a fucking clown
Given the recent influx of new users, most underaged or collegefags, I think it's about time pic related got updated
Puma, Lynx, ASCOD or CV90?
How do you defend against an extraterrestrial threat?
Most k animal? Army ants are totally it. >inb4 ants aren't animals
Homemade body armor
CA semi-auto rifle options
You DO have a dosimeter/geiger counter in your bugout kit, right?
Michael Dunn Self Defense Shooting
If Jow Forums was gonna bring back classical horse cavalry, what would you arm them with?
It just works
In a pure Jow Forumsombat situation (1 vs 1 / 1 vs many) if you could have one knife to help you in close quarters...
PA has fallen massive gun control to be passed
They're coming for barrels and springs
How would Jow Forums lead a successful assault on Hogwarts?
Deployment of ground forces during an interplanetary/interstellar war
Why doesn’t anyone make bottlenecked revolver rounds? Is it impossible or is there just no market for it?
Canada General
/gq/ - gear queer
Every minor incident involving a gun that would normally barely make local news will now be reported on worldwide as...
You are John Clark in Clear And Present Danger
Ahegao pat
How come prop airplanes aren't cheap as fuck now?
AK or M4 SBR, and why?
You've been teleported the year 50 B.C. Which ancient army are you joining?
Plastic vs Metal
Non prepping family members?
RIP Pennsylvania
/K's regrets?
"Yes Daddy, take ALL their guns!"
Tell me, Jow Forums. Why are some rebel groups viewed in favorable lights while others are vilified?
Thoughts on the assault weapons ban of 2019?
Why do people think that tank armor makes tanks into invincible behemoths that can take tons of hits?
You can't do anything against the police with your dumb AR!
Favorite tank? Mine is the Sturmpanzer 38t, an interwar czech assault tank
Cringe/ awkward range stories?
Who was the last progun president
Philly Shooter livestream
Ar thread /arg/
If the NFA wasn't a thing, what would you build? I'd like a short barreled, suppressed 10/22 with a giggle switch
/pcc/ - Pistol Caliber Carbine
EDC holster
Handgun General - /hg/ - #316
Does the army really give out stimulants to special forces?
How can I conserve my ammo supply for the Habbening while also keeping my skills sharp...
Carry Ammo: What's in YOUR Wallet?
Civilian here. How good do you have to be to win all these badges/awards?
So I kinda want to make explosives. But is that legitimately legal? If it is legal...
Weapon related imagages that makes your brain go
Patch Thread
Recent aqustions thread
What body armor should I buy? I'm kinda new to all this stuff and I'm looking to get a plate carrier but...
How does this happen?
Defense of Trash Alley memes
"just move to a red state lol"
First Gun
About to build a custom glock 34 similar to pic related, is there any reason i shouldn’t?
Sukhoi S-70 okhotnik + UCAV general thread
Unrealistic depiction of WW2 incoming!
New Dillon "Classic Firearms" article
Tell me Jow Forums. What do you do when you first make contact with the enemy?
They're coming for semiautos
Bounty Hunters and other sleemos love this piece of shit
HTS shot down Syrian Su-22, pilot captured
Canada general
How crucial was the Lend-Lease to the Red Army in WWII?
Why did it take so long for rifling to catch on?
I propose a challenge. Design the perfect ship for >>>Jow Forums. I don't care if it's the size of the fucking Vatican...
Panzerschreck or Bazooka? Choose fast!
"Combat Magnum"
What branch or agency flies these things?
I shot down an F-16 piloting a Su-30
The absolute state of bongs
Why are so many overweight people into firearms?
The hate that people here have for Fudds is really sickening
Loadout Thread // Post & Rate
Cross-Dominant Shooting
Does India have the most embarrassingly bad armed forces in the world?
You guys seen to be the authority on guns and shit, so I’ve come with a question...
South African insurgency
/akg/ AK General
Submarine Appreciation Thread!
My first ak
Cyberpunk Gats V2
Riot Thread
Science Fi/k/tion
When shit actually hits the fan, what would you guys do...
Post Navy aesthetics. Any and all
Best Online Gun Store
Watch out Jow Forums, better not shit talk the ATF anymore
Does the Bundeswehr have the best service rifles?
Russian nuclear accident
Big Luau stuff people should know
Europoor self defense
.30 caliber muzzle break
The Maus would have been a game changer if they could have fielded more of them before the end of 44...
So how long until the people that do this try take your firearms?
First Carry piece
Do you think anybody is printing guns in HK?
So my grandma is a retard
What would be a cool optic to put on a shotgun?
Thermal General
Showed My Power Level At Work
They're coming for ammo next
We're going to witness a massacre in real time
Su-27 chases away F-18
I heard from a little birdy on social media that the ATF is about to ban all AR pistols and pistol braces in a few...
Russo-Ukrainian war photos and footage thread...
Pretty much everyone here has guns
What would be the ideal shotgun for a sort of 'all purpose' innawoods / SHTF situation?
Jow Forumseystone state
US Military dropping the Glock 19 for the Sig P320
I keep reading about these ‘build parties’ people supposedly have where they mill out 80’s (among other...
/arg/ AR15 general
For me, it's the Ruger MK IV™
Anti-fun books
If SHTF and you had to go innawoods, what would you bring with you if you could only bring 2 rifles and a handgun?
The American Civil War
Good guns that never caught on
What will gun rights in the US look like by 2050? What years will be major setbacks/gains for guns rights?
Is friendship the greatest weapon of all?
O/k/lahoma general
Yea, im thinkin hes back
Alright Jow Forums, I just picked up two Level III steel curved plates with extra pax coating...
How did you get your tinnitus?
What in God's name?
HK protestors
Boardman teen arrested for threatening federal agents online
3d printing thread - FGC-9 edition
Redpill me on FALs
Why is this gun so popular?
Fictional operator thread
Being realistic...
Funnest reloading calibers
Pick a cartridge Jow Forums
Name a bigger piece of shit
What is the next stage in portable ranged weaponry? Will guns become obsolete like the bow and arrow...
Be me, chilling after work playing some asuras wrath
Where do I acquire standard hunting armor?
Daily Reminder: If you don't own any sorta Machinegun; you aren't truly a gun owner
Is the AR-15 pistol an attempt to cheat the system?
What else would you but in a long term but out bag...
Polish Hellpup AK-47 Pistol
What is a good carry gun for someone who doesn't care much about guns?
Canada General
I'm wanting to pick up about 1k rounds of 5.56. What's the better pick, PPU M193 or Federal "American Eagle" XM193...
How do we limit mass shootings without infringing on the second amendment. I'm seriously asking...
Weapons Poll
There was an interesting thread yesterday about an user using a 12ga with birdshot for home defense...
What gun(s) would you need to own for you to consider your collection complete?
What makes modern war unwinnable?
Continually look for loopholes in gun laws
PCP Airguns
Name a better shtf/survival cartridge
Ruger AR-556
How do I become a warlord?
Adios Argentina (and Bersa)
Why did the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan turn into such shitshows?
Flannel daddy told me to support firearms policy coalition why should I support them over GOA who actually gets stuff...
How much training would I need to do to be able to draw an 180-185 lb/f longbow?
What comes to mind when you think of your fellow Jow Forumsommandos?
Cyberpunk Guns
Jow Forums Fantasy General
Post Armed Forces ministers then and now
Ok Jow Forums my friends and I are convinced that the boogaloo is going to happen...
What kind of tactics will antifa use?
Non shit gun belts?
Hong-Kong fight out an independence with tooth-and nail
Buy sell trade
Best plate carrier/ plate set up for the big boogaloo
Hey Jow Forums
If you were treaded on and had to dual wield, what is your ideal dynamic duo?
You may not like it, but this is the ideal handgun. This is what peak performance looks like
Texas general thread
For me, it's the 90s Delta aesthetic
What technology is he referring to, project Pluto?
Violence is escalating around the world Jow Forums. WWIII is coming I can feel it
Kiev, Ukraine
How neccessary / effective are flash bangs?
Be me, at cousin's baby shower or some shit
Is the Yugoslavian SKS the most Aesthetic Eastern Bloc gun?
Tick tock
What was the most kino theater of war in WW2 and why was it North Africa?
Im a huge retard, please berate me. I feel like dying
Should the Britbongs pull a Falklands and retake Hong Kong?
How much ammo per caliber would you consider a stockpile?
So I got a glock 45 as my first gun and have a couple of questions
PLA forces are four hours away
Katrina Gun Confiscation & interesting comment
Summer NuggetFest 2019 This Month!
Do you agree ?
Shouldn't we be at least kind of worried about the Russians developing a nuclear scramjet cruise missile?
What's the most Jow Forums picture ever?
An upstate New York man got a knock on the door recently...
Should we give war a chance Jow Forums?
Why have we not started using metal storm technology en masse?
Incoming Supressor ban?
HOPE on the horizon for NY/Cali Jow Forumsommandos?
>He doesn't know about the SLORC
Look up list of our aircraft losses between the end of Vietnam and the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Brace ban incoming
Ya like boats, user?
/ak/ Thread - Real Life Jow Forums Heroes Edition
/arg/ AR15 general
How the hell were they able to beat a Macedonian phalanx with a short sword, a few throwing spears and a shield?
/bag/ Body Armor General: Body Armor Ban revival edition
Jow Forumsommunications general
What would a bunch of modern day historical "bad guys" wear/carry It would be different for each group based on their...
Highlights from the clown show
USA vs. China
/gq/ - gear queer
Why don't you own a sword user?
Did japan and russia ever fight durring ww2 and how was the out come?
The real reason why so many Americans dislike the Glock
This video explains why boomer gun owners don't care about semi auto ban
Canada general
Hey gun nuts
Besides Paul amd Flannel Daddy, are there any good gun channels left on YouTube?
Why is the insas such a piece of shit compared to other kalashnikov rifles?
Cooked up a little something for you guys the other day. Any questions...
Trans hon here
Let's play a game Jow Forums
Toughest deployment conditions in US history
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship