Ok Jow Forums my friends and I are convinced that the boogaloo is going to happen...

ok Jow Forums my friends and I are convinced that the boogaloo is going to happen. We've looked over all of the land we own between us(a group of maybe 7) and we don't what's know best to run to when SHTF. I'll keep the locations private but i'll describe em a bit. I hope you faggots can break our tie.
>mine is about 6 acres in a highly wooded area
>surrounded by an unincorporated community who moved out there to escape the government
>has streams and wildlike ofc
>small mine that most people don't know about hasn't been put on a map since at least 100 years ago
>old as dirt but surprisingly uncollapsed
>no idea if it can even be reinforced

>one owns a ranch
>about an hour away from any town
>very large(no idea of acreage
>they don't keep much livestock there anymore
>nothing much out there so you can see your surroundings from all sides

>another has land that's in the mountains
>can't make much noise getting up there because of the mountain men still living up there
>far out
>high up
>has an old generator/windmill setup that was abandoned a decade ago
>has problems with the mountain men walking through the land and using it as they please

>one owns a small farm
>very fucking rural
>less than an acre
>lives next to an old farmer
>very friendly
>would take us in if asked
We all own guns, we all know bushcraft, gardening and most of us keep livestock. We plan to pool some money and leave society in less than 2 years. Should we move to any of these lands or just save up and buy some new land? Any funs or things we should buy or stock up on first? This plan started as a meme a decade ago but as the years went by we stopped joking and started prepping.

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Forced vatnik meme
>my friends and I are convinced that the boogaloo is going to happen
You're a bunch of deluded retards.

>>one owns a small farm>very fucking rural>less than an acre

That's not a farm. Fuck you are retarded city people

>we all know bushcraft
Shave your bush then. Make a doomsday pepper Topiary garden and hide in it

Why wait, just shoot up your local post office and court house. Maybe you can reign in your room temp IQ and anger at the world enough to not kill your neighbors like the retard you are.

doesn't your handler tell you not to samefag?

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>believing demoralization propaganda
Jow Forums will become just as bad as Jow Forums with robots and actual shills. Stop listening to posts you read and considering them in your head and causing the same physiological reaction the EEGs during testing caused.

What is the soil like on the ranch? Good for growing much beyond grass? If not, maybe consider some raised planters and shit to get a sizable garden going, one you can manage with hand tools or maybe draft animals. If you were really living off grid, you'd have limited access to fuel and shit so some huge tract of farmland isn't going to be that useful if you can't run machinery on it.

Not sure where you all are located obviously but consider planting some fruit trees that will do well in your area. They take a few years to start producing so do it now, I recommend looking at dwarf/semi-dwarf varieties since they're easier to manage. When they get going, fruit trees will produce literal tons of food from a small orchard.

The ranch seems like your best bet probably but your land could be manageable too. Consider how many people you're planning to accommodate as well, like family/loved ones and stuff.
Consider what sort of livestock you'd want. Having raised cows I can attest that they're pretty low maintenance, but if I was going off grid I'd think I'd want goats or something else small. They eat less, take up less space, and are easier to handle.

Even if "boogaloo" doesn't happen there's plenty of good reasons to consider trying to live off grid and plenty of Jow Forumsommandos wish they could.

confirm your plans with the old farmer. if he’s ok with it then you’re golden

>one owns a small farm
>less than an acre
Lol you fucking retard. Also this is some of the most cringe shit i've read in a while. Thanks.

Yours with the mine and like-minded individuals

i never browse here
can i get a quick rundown on the boogaloo meme?

A nihilistic lifestyle and the breakdown of society's social structures have generated such a strong sense of anomie amongst people that they crave destruction. Read Durkheim's "On Suicide" to gain a deeper understanding.

Basically the happening that ain't happening.. got it. But why "Boogaloo" ?

Think it was an evolution on 'Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo'

shills and shitposters memeing for US civil war because real life is boring

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People who dont remember the weekly bombings, political furor, assassinations, immensly unpopular war, black national movements, and economic instability of the 60s-70s think the country is going to descend into civil war over a theoretical ambiguous event that hasnt happened yet

buy hawaiian shirts for the big luau

It's a parody of a god-awful direct to VHS flick from the '90s.

Yeah this posterIs correct it's just a contraction of an earlier meme, that had it's roots in the humorous title of an "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia " episode.

>We've looked over all of the land we own between us(a group of maybe 7)

So there's going to be 7 people and all of their wives, girlfriends, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and inlaws. How many people are going to want to actually come with you?

Reminder: There were 1900 bombings in the US in 1972.

Not to mention that decade saw a presidential scandal that is still endlessly referenced, a border skirmish between the USSR-China, regular highjackings of planes, the shift to fiat currency, israels war, iranian revolt, deliberately trying to start race wars, Jonestown, etc

Seriously, if Jow Forums was around for that 70s phase of the cold war, it would be completely dysfunctional and every day would need a sticky

>every day would need a sticky

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I'd say yours probably sound like the best option since it's likely that you will have more than 7 people with you. Plus it is in a wooded area with wildlife and streams providing most of the natural resources you would need. But it would need reinforcing if you think it might collapse. Bonus that it isn't on a map.

If lots of people would be joining you 20+ I would say go to the ranch and start building infrastructure like cabins, wells and crops or livestock.

If it's only a handful of people (5-7) then either stay at your land or go to the mountain one since you mentioned a windmill generator that could be useful. That and the fact it is high up and far away. But the mountain men could be an issue if they try to fuck with you (Rob/ kill you).

In conclusion:
I think you should go with your place as it the the most well rounded of the bunch as it has lots of natural resources, is not on a map, surround by a community that is fond of government and is a decent size of land for 10+ people.

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Ment to put *not fond of government*

I actually have been thinking about it and boogaloo is basically the new zombie apocalypse.

Evening, Agents.

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It's either the First or Second one. First one is better, unless you have meth-head scum in your area. No better way to survive The Boogaloo than having a maxed to shit zombie horde to go with it.

>because they know I'm full of shit with my boogaloo meme I'll call them feds
Nah son, you're just stupid and "muh boogaloo" is literally just muh zombies, muh civil war, muh happening. Why don't you play some more fortnite

my blackout curtains are doing fuck and all right now

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>Forced vatnik meme

I would plan for using them all. You are a group of people and shit WILL happen in SHTF. Build a wonderful place and it will be destroyed as part of the initial event, or one of your buddies will suddenly decide that the fortress is best used by just his family. Or his family and/or other buddies will force the decision.

What you do is fortify the position you own, your buddies are responsible for theirs, and then you and your buddies coopeerate in matters like planning comm network and helping each other build and go large scale grocery/etc shopping. Work with others but don't fucking rely on them. When society breaks down we are all expendables to everyone else.

I should have added that for a start you can all build caches, even in the places you can't defend. Hidden, of course. Anything visible and padlocked will be a target from the day it is placed there, never mind SHTF.

Le ebic meme 4channer don’t forget to get ready for the boogaloo it’s crazy how it real it seems and the danger we are in. Don’t listen to those boomers we know more than them even though we graduated in the 2000s. And don’t forget we live in a society.

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It won't, the country will just become like Brazil.

now you're getting it

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young dudes looking for reasons to buy shit they won't train with so they can larp about how ready they are with all their online friends because they have nothing else going on in life and cba to invest that time and money into something productive with the society they exist in

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Ask reddit if you love their memes so much

A fantasy for outcasts who can't find a place in society who hope to take a part in burning it down

boogaloo needs to be word filtered. rahowa or bust

Evening, Joe.

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>i never browse here
then please dont. go back while you still can
but to answer your question, breakin 2: electric boogaloo was a shit sequel to a shit movie that nobody asked for. seems fitting enough