I propose a challenge. Design the perfect ship for >>>Jow Forums. I don't care if it's the size of the fucking Vatican...

I propose a challenge. Design the perfect ship for . I don't care if it's the size of the fucking Vatican, just design the perfect ship for war.

Attached: IMG_3258.jpg (3264x2448, 1.65M)

You already posted her.

>for Jow Forums
An old canoe with a PSA AR mounted on a pvc pipe rack


It was already made years ago.

Attached: 740BCAC0-1E8F-4B95-B990-8A553670B03E.jpg (900x599, 156K)

>Perfect Ship
>Would be sunk by literally any modern missle/torpedo before they even knew what was happening

Attached: 1559631190843.jpg (242x242, 7K)

Oh no not a Nimitz. That things hull's only about as thick as a Liberty Freighters. I don't care if you start with the USS Akron just design a ship that can do either 1 thing amazingly well or everything decently.

It's not "design a perfect ship to fight modern torps and missiles", it's "design a perfect ship for Jow Forums, an imageboard where people shitpost about traps". Learn to read.

Iowa class retrofitted with railguns/lasers, nuclear power and composite armor as seen in MBTs, albeit in much thicker layers.

Attached: chelseainvertedcrossfull.jpg (1000x1333, 85K)

Might as well build an entirely new ship with that price point.

>not Missouri
Almost perfect.

Clearly you've never heard of the Jow Forumsarrier, you fucking newfag

It's not a retrofit if it requires you to lay down an entirely new hull

DDG-1000 hull
Replace SPY-3 DBR with SPY-6 AMDR
Replace the battle management software with AEGIS BMD
Replace 2 AGS with 1 5"/62 and additional berthing space
Add VLO surveillance drones to the Aviation complement

Apologies for my lack of info on Jow Forums's past let's get to work

Something with three forward superfiring quad 20 inch turrets and a flight deck.

If we really wanted to, how many of these could we shit out a year? AEGIS, ASW, AshM (with LRASM), land attack with Tomahawks - the Burke really can do it all.

Attached: USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG-54) Arleigh Burke class.jpg (3534x2353, 925K)

Attached: USS Jason Dunham DDG109 Burke French navy frigate FS Courbet F712 2018.jpg (2048x1280, 301K)

Attached: USS Winston S Churchill Irish Sea Sept 2017.jpg (2048x1463, 399K)

Attached: USS Mustin and JMSDF ships JS Takanami and JS Onami Jul 2017.jpg (2048x1367, 677K)

Needs more ramp

If there's no sweet statue between the main guns, I want no part of it.

Attached: and on the microphone SCORPIOOOO.jpg (3478x4250, 1.56M)