Do you believe in monsters, ayys, or spooks Jow Forums

and if you do, how would you hunt one, I've seen too much weird shit in the woods to ever not be armed when camping (pic somewhat related)

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I want to believe.

I wish they were real. Imagine you and the lads hunting skinwalkers or other cryptids, sounds fun.

I believe in ghosts and the existence of cryptids (which ones I can't say).
Aliens definitely exist. I'm pretty certain vampires and werewolves arent real. I'm not so sure about demons either.
But yeah, ghosts are definitely real. And we discover new species every year. Hell, the giant squid was considered a cryptid until they actually found one. There's also a lot of land that hasnt been surveyed or explored by man. The depths of the ocean is a whole other thing. Who fucking knows what's down there? 90% of our oceans are unexplored.
As far as hunting them? I don't think you can kill a ghost. I think you can get them to fuck off though with prayer or blessings.

I mean idk lads, I've seen some strange shit in the woods

rather succinct post, my money as far as cryptids go, I definitely think theres something like a skinwalker that really exists.

Skinwalker hours are real.

my nigger

Join a posse and fuck that strange shit up.

not many people here are up for a monster hunt

If I were in better financial situation I'd be down for skinwalker hunting in a fucking instant.

New england is full of spookies anyone in the area want to come out with me, camp a it, and hopefully fill a wendigo full of lead?

I'd gladly have you in my hunting party

>hear about local cryptid inna woods.
>get a group of 12 Jow Forumstards go camping in search of killing said cryptid

sounds fun as fuck. im sure your boss will understand and give raise when you bring bigfoots head into work.

fuck that mate, we're going for skinwalkers

sounds fun. Their shape shifting ways wont help them kek.

think about it man, all we need to do is keep a constant head count and not split up, if someone extra shows up (as is often described) we light the motherfucker up, and if it was really just some unfortunate hiker, well, we'll bring shovels

I just imagine 12 people in like a 360 degree huddle walking around. What are some other crazy innawoods cryptids

what if the cryptid was a cute girl

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big bears, skunk apes, wendigos, and other shit that doesnt really have a name but is definitely out there and is really really fucked. I've been hunting all my life, and have either run into or heard from extremely trustworthy fellows about all of them.

>skunk apes
what the fuck

shoot it, and fuck the corpse, if it's not dangerous just fuck it

fucking north american orangutans they smell like shit and they will fuck you up, they also have really good photos of them unlike bigfoot

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sorry was meant for

let's get a better look at that pretty face

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I'd love to camp in the middle of the desert to hunt some ayylmaos.


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now that can be arranged

shoot or fuck, the great question

im conflicted

i believe in dogman and sasquatch

what about the goat man?

One after the other, obviously

spooky more like wholesome
>tfw no 1991 gf

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can we at least agree a skunk ape is still fair game.

>skunk ape
yes user, smelly niggers are still fair game

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"Skinwalkers" for sure exist, but they're wardens of the forest, not evil fleshgaits as describen here.

you're thinking of wendigos, those fuckers protect the forest, they're alright if you don't piss them off. fleshgaits or skinwalkers are extremely malevolent and exist in laces without those kinds of forest wardens.

>I wish they were real.

I've been in all manner of godforsaken, remote and awful places in several countries.
There's nothing out there, it'd be really fucking cool if there was, but there isn't so oh well.

please be my skinwalker bf/gf please

>I wish they were real.

Try getting out from behind the keyboard.

Who am I kidding, you'd probably fright at the sound of an owl.

well we must have been in different places user, because I sure as shit have seen some spooky stuff.

shut the fuck up retard, you have no idea what disinfo you're spreading, or maybe you do, but you're still a retard.

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Maybe you're too close-minded, no i'm not joking.

I dunno if I believe, but I want to get a good buzz, search the woods, and murder the dick off anything creepy I find out there

I mean here's the thing, names are fucking useless, all I know is there are some that tolerate you, and some that abso-fucking-lutely don't, I know because if you spend any large amount of time in the woods of amine you'll meet both varieties.

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this user is right, the amount of excuses you can make when you try is astounding, nah that shriek was prob just a fox, and those slaughtered deer are due to bears, that smell is probably algael bloom off the lake. Yeah sure I feel like I'm being watched but that's nothing, I'm being silly.

i'm pretty sure you could be prescribed some medical candies if you spoke of this to a professional, they would have no issue quelling the voices in your head as long as you kept on top of it.

on a side note, don't feel too uncomfortable letting your guard down in the woods. don't forget to investigate all sounds with wanton abandonment

>hurr durr schzophrenia

nah I'm in fine working order according to my psychiatrist, but I"m a zoologist, so I spend an absurd amount of time in the field, you see weird shit, my colleagues do to, we just don't talk about it generally.

>zoologist, so I spend an absurd amount of time in
>the field,
The zoo?

zoologists son't always work in the zoo friend, a lot of us are field biologists, meaning all of our research is conducted in the habitat of what we study, and given that I study north american pit vipers, I spend a lot of time innawoods

I was kidding, kinda, I stupidly thought zoologists worked in zoos.

sorry man, didn't mean to be a sped, and no worries, some of us do, zoologists sometimes work as zoo curators

Places I've been into really remote country- New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, all Australian states, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and some of the southern states of the US.

Not joking either, there's fucking jack shit out there except animals and the odd person
I consider myself pretty well switched on and connected to the natural environment, always felt completely fine there regardless of the country, I'm a farmer now but I still do commercial pest control out in the boonies killing pigs, goats, deer, roos, dogs, cats, horses, you name it. Usually with some long ranged commercial drones in the area to scope out vast stretches of country to isolate where the target species are moving about.
We're talking big areas, national parks the size of Belgium and the Netherlands put together where you can walk 6-7 days in any direction from the centre and you're not seeing any trace of civilisation.

Basically, just nothing unusual or what I'd consider abnormal.

I've seen most of the weird shit in the northeast US, the amazon, and a few in the midwest US. Although a friend of mine swore he saw some spooky shit in afghanistan

Me and my friends 100% met something that is not an animal nor a human, although I’m not sure what it was.
We never saw it directly but all of us heard it and I can tell you right now no animal in my state made the noises it did. It also left behind “markers” I’ve never seen or heard of before, me and the guys have been finding stick “teepees” for years, and they’re all in the area where we saw it, along with some other things.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a skinwalker either since we didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary, it didn’t make the sounds described in many stories, and it did not shapeshift.
There’s definitely things out in the forests that are completely unexplainable, I doubt anyone would ever have a solid explaination for them.

well, wanna load up and hunt it?

Been there done that.

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best girl 10/10

Which ones the goat man. I get all these things confused.

Cryptids as in regular animals that have not been scientifically described, yes. Cryptids as in supernatural critters, no.

Please actually read up on Navajo, Algonquian, and Ojibwe folklore. Neither of those things are "muh forest guardians".
Skinwalkers are literally evil medicine men who steal shit and eat people, and Wendigo are spirits of starvation and the freezing cold.

weird biped looks like a deer or goat and has a penchant for raping and killing people. shows up in the midwest.

nigger you have to be a retard to think we're referring to the Navajo legends, they are co-opted names given to cryptids with a barely passing resemblance to the myths, but the name sticks.

so no fleshgaits or wendigos for you, instead bigfeet and dogmen and whatnot

The thing is we’ve tried to do that but to no avail, everything’s been relatively normal since that night.
There has been some sparse incidents since then but it’s not really comparable to that night. My friend who lives next to the same woods says he can hear screeching very similar to the shit we all heard. But that’s pretty much the extent of it.
On a side note we encountered it during a yellow moon, not sure if that means anything or is just coincidence.

well I have some ideas if you'd like to hear them

Go ahead friend

Pretty much. Not sure on dogmen, and as much as I'd love for another great ape to be found in the Americas, it doesn't seem likely at this point.
However, there are over 1,400 cataloged sighting of flying animals that aren't birds and aren't bats, and that's just in the US.

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hunting cameras are a really basic step but it's a start, if you really want to agitate this thing, you have to fuck with it's territory, find the little teepees? fuckin smash them, find marks on the trees? piss on them, it screeched? screech right back. You are an invading force, and if you rile it up enough it'll show you what it can do, the trick is being prepared for when that happens. Of course this all needs consideration, because once this thing is pissed off, it'll probably stay pissed off, and that might be very bad.

now that's interesting, considering the United State's large amount of mountainous terrain there must be plenty of places for a pterasaur or Thunderbird or I dare say a dragon to hide and nest.

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It seems like most reports come from mountainous/forested areas.

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well I'll be honest with you as a herpetologist I"d love to investigate that without any hunting in mind, god can you imagine being the first to bring back a pterosaur egg? It makes my dick so hard!

Yeah we’ve been thinking of agitating it into attacking us/show itself again, but we’re vastly under equipped, and we have no idea what it’s capable of, hell we don’t even know what it looks like. We’ll definitely look into trail cams and other forms of detection tho.
We did find a deer ripped in half in the middle of the street, with the other half missing, I’m not sure if a car did it. I did take a video of it though, I can post a screenshot of it if anyone’s willing to identify the cause of death.
But we’re definitely going back sometime to try to find it, this shit is too fucking strange to pass up.

>how would you hunt one
I wouldn't. Don't fuck around with faeries.

I'm thinking drones with nets.

I want to believe, but I'm not retarded enough.

post the screenshot, I may be able to shed some light on it, in my experience, I'd you need at least three heavily armed men to match one of these things. I remember the first time one of my hunting pals told me about one, how he saw antlers and thought it was a deer until it stood up, shit it with a .223, the thing didn't even notice.

My current theory is that they're like huge amoeba that the have some form of central regenerative line so they aren't seriously hurt unless massive amounts of them are blown off, but that's just a working hypothesis

if you end up spending enough time in the woods, it won't seem that retarded anymore

Not just innawoods. In and around abandoned structures, too, especially where there was a great deal of pain or death. Old battlefields, execution sites, Alcatraz and other prisons like it.

staircases in the woods seem to be hotbeds

Sorry for the absolute shit quality
I should note that there was a trail of blood leading about 5 feet away from the carcass, and the upper half of the deer is completely missing, we rode around trying to find it but there was nothing.
Also it’s strange you mentioned your buddy saw antlers, my friends nephew who lives near the area keeps talking about how he keeps seeing the “deerman”
I’m looking into getting PTR91 soon, and my friends have been looking at some AKs. Hopefully we can find something out by the end of the year.

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okay that's rally hard to tell, pretty much all I could tell you is it wasn't cut, and it wasn't smashed either, it was obviously torn from what I can see

maybe someone wanted free meat, pretty common in georgia (my state

disregard my post about free meat then

why would they just take the top half then? and some of the guts as it would appear

shit pic plus my autism,sorry

no prob man, dont beat yourself up
I uploaded the video here, please excuse my cringe wigger dialogue, this was like two years ago lol
Which also kinda speaks to how long this thing keeps it up

Rapists Mexicans, and the CIA? Yes.

that clears some things up, that was definitely torn in half, however it also appears to be in the early stages of decomposition.

Interesting, I can’t really think of any animal that could do that in that area, I know coyotes usually roam the woods but that was pretty far from where we found the carcass. It’s near a residential neighborhood as well
If whatever killed that deer was also the thing we encountered, I guess we’re lucky we didn’t get turned into a damn meat pile


Masshole here. I'd go hunting for something that hasnt been proven to exist with some of you goofsters

>Scared Stiff: Memoirs of a Cryptid Hunter, by user Johnson
My benis

I honestly believe that humans are the first intelligent species to evolve in our galactic supercluster.

I really want to see some weird shit in the woods so that everything Im scared of now seems diminished. any tips on how to improve my odds of encountering some shit, my surival is not necessary

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Go out into the Alaskan deepwoods/Nevadan desert, wash, rinse, repeat, and hope you get (un)lucky.

Did someone say "spooks"? None allowed!

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I hope werewolves are real.

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