>Wouldn't the ban of firearms in the US be better if they just define the type of firearm your allowed to have? Yes, everything. We don't worry about LGBT and criminals because we killed all of them.
Michael Flores
1. How old are you? 2. What garbage country are you from?
You have made an interesting point not about your bullshit about guns but about the army point of view, strictly speaking an army needs a single firearm.
Bentley Nelson
>Well regulated militia with standardized firearms...
Firearms aren’t for home defense and hunting. Those are nice hobbies, but the real purpose of firearms is to tell the king of England and other tyrants to go fuck themselves.
Alexander Allen
>home defense Which would include defending your home against agents both foreign and domestic. This isn’t complicated stuff. The people who wrote the second amendment also had citizen-owned cannons and ships, which were the most advanced military technologies of their time, as part of their defenses. You are suggesting nothing but further restrictions of arms designed to weaken the people of a nation into slaves for masters instead of citizens with a system of civil servants.
Joshua Jackson
>Legal gun specifications happen to match the bestselling types of guns of a certain company a few senators have a financial stake in No. >Government taking away more freedom and wiping their ass more with the document that has led to our primacy In this nation power is meant to be held by the populace because the opposite has led to countless injustices, atrocities, and violence throughout the ages. Keep it up. Let's just keep the cycle going of oppression, revolution, bloody power grab, oppression, revolution, etc...
Kevin Howard
Can I ask where that is from, genuinely interested
Ryan Howard
And what firearm is appropriate to fight enemy infantry soldiers? Try engaging soldiers beyond 80 metres with a shotgun, or even bolt action rifle, when your enemy has automatic weapons. Go read some WW2 combat stories. Or are you willingly suggesting that a nations people be defenceless against its government?
Weak & stupid people are often more comfortable with someone who has authority over them acting in an official capacity to be armed in public, hell people don't bat an eye when a private firm is armed to protect money for ATM drop offs, yet if a civilian is walking down the street with a holstered handgun (OC), some people freak out like it's an active shooter.
Carter Miller
You do have a point. The American government should issue an AR15 to every American citizen upon reaching the age of 16. You can still buy whatever you want, but now there would be a standard for everyonw who would be needed to serve in the militia
Ian Hughes
Instead of issue, you turn 18 and are sent a letter from the government saying you are eligible for a payment plan for a Mil-Spec AR15.
Owen Collins
>Mil-Spec AR15 >Mil-Spec >AR15
Jordan Phillips
No officer it wouldn't
Owen Diaz
A completely armed society is a happy and safe society. Every man, woman, and child of age should be required to be armed and trained in use, and maintenance of a firearm of choice. No nigger open fires on someone when they know everyone around them is armed too.
Luis Clark
>Every man, woman, and child of age should be required to be armed and trained in use, and maintenance of a firearm of choice.
yeah we should spend billions of dollars to train people how to operate shit they will most likely never use. I'd rather have mandatory financial ed classes so kids can leave highschool and actually understand what a fucking loan is
Matthew Jones
Oh I'm sorry, a Mil-Spec upper and Mil-Spec trigger group & Mil-Spec buffer tube fitted to an AR15 receiver.
Evan Brown
Use as much US Mil-Spec M16 components as possible, except for a select fire trigger group and use an AR15 receiver that is as close to Mil-Spec M16/M4 series as possible bar the channel carved out to allow installation and operation of a select fire trigger group.
Parker Taylor
You are right, repeal NFA too so you can give everybody an AKM or M4 instead.
I like this idea better, sell off older military hardware to citizens and upgrade active service tools.
Jack Roberts
>I'd say a double barrel shotgun is perfect for home defense and hunting. And I'd say that short, fat cock is perfect for your mouth and anus, OP.
Now pls delete this thread and leave.
Tyler Williams
I prefer mid length, lean girth & silicone attached to my girlfriend. Feels good
Carter Price
I've never heard of voluntary training and self-purchased rifles & ammunition.
Jaxon Ortiz
>has Biden-esque gun politics >is a sub in the bedroom Many such cases. Sad.
Cooper Johnson
I'm on board with this idea, actually. What's the best weapon for defense against tyranny?
Alexander Mitchell
Honestly, it blows my mind how people dont know how loans work. We give you x amount now, you have to pay it back in y time. It increases by z% every month/year. If you graduate high school and canr sort that shit out you're retarded. >inb4 student/consumer loan all time high My statement stands. Retarded.
Matthew Jackson
He's from the future telling us how its gonna go down.