Is piracy a good shtf survival strategy?

I want to buy a big diesel boat and pillage other boats and coastal cities with the bois for fuel and supplies.

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Cruising around on the open water so people on shore can shoot at you with rifles sounds like an excellent idea.

Attached: Even Jeb thinks you're a loser.gif (280x211, 1.92M)

Yes, this career choice ensures you will be spared decades of the unending horror that is post-apocalyptic life.

Not if you stay out of range and most people cant shoot to save their lives

Rampant theft and murder seems to be the default course of action during shtf. So yeah, join the club of hundreds of thousands that will already be doing it

Too resource-intensive to sustain. Besides food, fresh water, and fuel, you'll need access to weapons that could actually threaten other ships/shorelines; good luck getting your hands on TOWs or even an M2 to accomplish that

piracy tends not to work that well when everyone is armed, if there were stone age natives or non-combatants bound by contract and international law you'd be good to go though.

>big sail boat with motor
>use sails/solar panels to save fuel
>pretend to be abandoned whenever another ship can be seen
>pop out when they come close and rape them
>anchor out of sight of beach settlements
>deploy raiders, patrol to the target, proceed to rape and plunder

i mean, it's not like people hadn't figured this out before, these tactics have been around a few thousand years or so. deisel is a bitch but i don't think were exactly thinking cruise ship here. more like an oversized skiff

Problem with that is that you don't get to choose your engagements, which is imo the key aspect to surviving shtf. For that you would need a fast boat, and fast boats use stupid amounts of fuel.
Potentially a large sailing craft with the capacity to launch RIBs when you need them could work

what if you stayed moored in your own beach fortifications but used the boat to raid? comes with it's own risks, but realistically most civilian boats are relatively fast. I'm talking like a 30 person boat max, not a cruise ship, just enough for a platoon sized element to live in away from the madness on land. how many full-on speed boats will be out on the sea raiding? although i would agree that the worlds navies would probably become rogue state actors on the water, but without a legit supply chain would become big fucking paper weights really fast

You'd better hope that nobody figures out where your home port is, but it could work.

>change tack
>get knocked off and drown
Such is life on the seven seas

yeah i think that would be the most dangerous port, but people have been doing this for millennia and there are ways of disguising your craft on shorelines. and realistically, whatever danger you have from that is the same danger you expose yourself to by being on the coast anyways, vulnerable to raiders like us. i think the only real discouraging down side to it is what the other user said, you run the risk of coming across a much bigger and faster craft with more/better weapons. if that happens in open water you're fucked beyond all hope.

you can't swim? I bet your favorite sport is basketball

Jokes my dude, if you're on a boat you better know how to swim but more importantly avoid the boom


fucken where do i sign up, captain?

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Once people catch on to your bullshit, you're fucked. Notice there's nto a single fucking machinegun being fired at these pirates. You can look up others that have MGs and cannons if you want.

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it might work once or twice but then they'll wise up and you'll be fish food.

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CGC John Midget is being decomed in six months, look for it on the market.

Attached: USCGC_Midgett_WHEC-726.jpg (2830x1870, 2.36M)

Not as good as a hard to find and remote farming community up in them hills way out in the rocks. when the bombs fall, you'll get some of the char but none of the real bad shocks. Armed in case of discovery, of course.

Do you like 30 foot waves, because if you do then being a pirate is the way to go.
Oh and some storms will have much, much larger waves and wind.
Im sure you'll be fine.

>diesel truck
>join land pirate crew
>do what OP did on trusty land instead of water shit because I don't know shit about boating
Leave the seas to seamen, I'll take the madness of the road. Just gotta shave a mohawk and decorate myself with trash.

Attached: road bandits.jpg (1600x900, 228K)