What's the right amount of magazines to have per gun? I always hear conflicting answers. I have about 5 mags per handgun and 10 mags per rifle. Should I just keep buying more?
What's the right amount of magazines to have per gun? I always hear conflicting answers...
Logically there's no such thing as too much, but really you shouldn't need more than 5 or so per gun
The unofficial standard seems to be at least 5 for each handgun and 10 for each rifle.
However the more the better.
You can never have enough rifle mags. But I think anything beyond 5 mags for a pistol is pointless. One advantage of lots of mags is not spending half of your time at the range reloading.
3 in each pouch, one in the gun. If you're rocking 20s then 4 per pouch. If you're worried about possible bans on magazines, double that amount. That way you have spares in the event that somehow you destroy a mag.
5 mags for side arm seems right. that way you can have a mags of different ammo types.
for rifle, as many as you can carry without issue.
if you have the space, store ammo not in boxes but in other mags. I have about 1200 rounds in mags, with the mags in sealed boxes.
OP never said any thing about carrying, just how many should he have.
As many as possible, specially if you shoot a lot.
>just how many should he have.
I addressed that in a way.
the answer to how many mags in general you should have is simple
all of them
> What's the right amount of magazines to have?
enough to hold all your ammo, and then some.
> What's the right amount of ammo to have?
enough to fill all your magazines, and them some.
always is. if all you do is sport shooting about three will be seffecient. if you are preping, you can never have enough.
go for two and a bunch of strippers if you want a mag light set up plus it will keep your ammo neat and organized.
150 rounds at the ready is usually enough for a combat encounter, at least that is what I understand from veterans.
the marine attitude of all the ammo is never enough is reasonable but they are shock troopers and are more concerned with killing everything in sight than having to travel.
I keep two 30 rounders and one 10. I have a friend reload while I shoot and carry strippers so I can shoot on rotation.
The 5/10 rule is as close to a standard that we have, it is much more complicated.
If you store ammo in cans, then get an extra magazine and throw it in the can.
The only purpose of that magazine is to live in the can with the ammo.
If you're gonna have multiple 5.56 and .300 blk out rifles that accept ar magazines then never enough. Keep buying away. Handgun magazines are up to you. Some handguns I have 5+ magazines and some have only one.
>What's the right amount of magazines to have per gun?
5 maybe 6
Why would you have any less than is deemed necessary by those who actually use their guns for the intended purpose? If you don't have 7 30's or 9 20's then you're not equipped. 2A ain't about shooting tin cans in the back yard, man.
>What's the right amount of magazines to have
Buy as many magazines you can. I only use a few of them for my ar but i have like a dozen and plan on Getting more.
1 for shooting and 1 someone is reloading.
But as a minimum: take the number you're likely to have on you in a confrontation and triple it. One set for practice, one for backup, and one for the boogaloo.
10 all aloke for an ar-15
And then buy a few more for range trips
Well, that would be depending on what role your tool (gun) has. If it's just a collectible or safe queen , you could say 3 is acceptable. Something to hunt with ? 4 , conceal carry ? 3 but when it's a SHTF rifle I'd say ..the basic infantry blue book says 7 magazines per rifleman, if I'm not mistaken, British infantry also follow the same suit of 6 or so, so i guess it's safe to say that between 7 or 6 should be the standard but my true honest advice ? as many as you can possibly buy. I've made it a habit of buying random magazines for both my AR10 and G19. I can confidently say , about 20 + for a weapon you're gonna rely your life on.
I wouldn't feel comfortable with less than 10 rifle mags per rifle and 5 pistol mags per pistol. I am talking about 30rd ar mags and 31rd or 34rd glock mags. There should also be at least one drum mag per rifle.
8 mags per rifle for serious use. No less than 3 mags per handun.
Personally, I have
3 pistol mags for 1 pistol
13 various mags for 4 Ars
I just like buying magazines. I have no idea why. I plan on buying more when funds allow. Id say 20 is enough.
(You need a throw away mag though)
That would be the 10 rounder I have.
>(You need a throw away mag though)
Literally why would you ever need a throw-away mag?
How many do you expect to use in a gunfight? Seven rifles is standard issue for military to carry on their person, I think three pistols. Take that number and multiply it by whatever margin of error you want. Alternatively a magazine for every thirty seconds you think you could survive in combat.
How many full magazines do you burn through at the range? That's the number you should own. Reloading magazines and stripper clips is comfy and should be done at home while cleaning your guns and enjoying TV/music/alcohol.
I make sure to have a minimum of what I'd carry in a sortie, however, which would probably be 7-10. One in gun, 6 on person, 3 in bag or other storage.
As many as you can carry, plus about +5 to count for breakage or loss.
Depends on what you use the gun for, and how much you can spend on mags.
For me, I carry my firearm and two extra magazines, so that means I need one extra that I can have loaded and leave in the car or pocket if need be, and four others in case I loose the ones I have loaded, that is eight total, but it wouldn't hurt to have ten mags in total.
For long guns, pretty much the same, one in the gun and three extra on a PC, plus I don't known, then loaded and stored.
I would want at least double that number to keep as replacements.
That is, of course, for battle and defensive firearms.
If I have something like a strictly range toy, then maybe three or four only, but most of my guns are strictly for defensive propose, unfortunately.
Threadly reminder that magazines are a consumable and even quality ones don't last forever. Big value as a trade item as well. I bought 5 Glock 17 mags once just because they were cheap at a gun show ($10 per, shit was cash) even though I don't have a Glock, just because enough people DO have Glocks (or PCCs that use Glock mags) they are an attractive item for trade. Ended up trading the mags for a spam can of nugget food, not bad considering what I paid.
There is no limit but the minimum is 10 for anything
These guys have the right idea. Assume that the next time you're going to want to buy more mags is during a ban panic, in which case you aren't guaranteed to actually get your mags. Essentially, buy enough mags for your gun that you won't reasonably be affected by a ban. Even breakage or loss shouldn't hamper your ability to run your weapon of choice. Even mags are consumables over a long enough time interval.
I have a lot of magazines for each gun.....some for stockpiling and some for training.
How many loaded magazines should one have at their home? I have 8 loaded AK and 8 Loaded AR mags in my home. Should I have 10 or 15 loaded mags?
I am curious about everyone's thoughts
If you have an AK, then you need to add at least one from every country that made them. Just my 7.62x39 mag collection has grown by 4 since this pic was taken...
7, one in the gun and 6 in pouches.
Honestly I'm thinking about swapping one of my belt accessories out for another mag pouch and going to 10.
Keep going until you have no more room for fully-loaded mags and your house looks like(or rather, is) an overstocked armory.
>then you need to add at least one from every country that made them
I try for 2. And of each type every country made.
How many countries are you up to?
I think I'm at 10.
Nice donger, user. Kit or WASR UF? Can't quite make out if it has dimples or not.
fuggen based
Bretty cool
>chink no spine
>random combloc mag
based and bolt lock backed
>40 round rommie
>bulgarian commerical plastic mag
shit tier bro kys
>backloading drum
get a toploader, otherwise kys.
you alright.
Is there a concern about stored loaded mags wearing out from having the spring compressed, or are they designed around it?
t. new to guns
Springs wear from repeated use, that is all
it's probably nice to have some spares, but a no-autism approach would be to have enough mags to carry your combat load. i'm not likely to ever feel like i need to carry more than 350 rounds of 5.56 (if that, ever) so i have 7 mags i keep loaded, plus a couple spares in case something happens.
The Founding Fathers and the early continental army recommended all infantry have 15 reloads of shot, powder, etc. Make of that what you will.
I'm just going to buy like 1 or 2 per payday until they get banned.
I'm going to say 100 per gun is the minimum amount.
I won 100 AR-15 pmags from an armslist contest a few years ago.
100 is fucking absurd and retarded to the point where you're gimping your ability to buy other shit like ammo. That's 3000 rounds just to fill them a single time. Do people on this board think you can only use a mag 10 times or some shit like that?
Just do what said and don't worry about it. 5 each rifle is the absolute bare minimum, but you should really have 10+.
I have about 30 AR mags, 10 of which are ready to go. For my duty pistol, I carry (besides what's already in it) two on my belt, a spare with civil defense in the mag pocket of my pants, and two spares on my plate carrier in my trunk.
My 870 has 6 in the tube, 6 on the side saddle, 15 on the sling, and 42 in a shell holder on my plate carrier.
My .38 snubbie has just the 5 wadcutters in it, since it's a concealed backup piece. If I'm carrying it for off duty, I'll take two speedloaders with semi wadcutters or RN.
What is this algebra
Yea but it takes a long time
well if a guy only owns 2 rifles, 200 mags is fine, stocking up is great
All the mags
Need + 1 magazine.
However many you need to complete your specific mission, plus one.
This is correct. You want enough that your grandchildren will be able to have new condition magazines for LA riots 3.0, Minnesota Crusades, or Civil War 2: Burn the Cities.
>Minnesota Crusades
Deus Vult
n actually means the number you have + 1. The idea is that it is iterative; never ending
Eh, my guess was close ish.
The worst part about having a 553 is that the accessories are proprietary. The mags are $65ish bucks from the sole importer in the US with a big lead time or $90 on Gunbroker.
Deus Vult
I love the historic sentiment. I hate how it fails to apply modern logic.
>low test
I pity the mofo that requires 69 12g to kill
More is better. Depends on purpose. Range queen? However many it takes for you to have fun. Could be 1 you reload after shooting. For duty .mil run 7 offensively, and however many you can get defensively. A realistic number is 10, but it's far more comfy to have around 20. Realistically $200 in AR mags is feasible for every American.
Fucking underage b&
I have 3 AR's and 40 30rnd mags, 30 of which are loaded. My logic being what good are empty mags.
I'm at the point now where I buy mags and leave em in the packaging for when, not if, the mag ban comes.
12 sounds good for rifle 6 for your load out 6 for spares
But as much as you can afford and store if you live in a free state
15 rifle and 6 pistol if in a cucked state
Nobody wants those mags
you should carry anywhere from 5-8+1 on your person for a combat load for your primary, and 1-2+1 for your secondary. you should have as many magazines as possible in reserve. 50-100 primary mags is not unreasonable at all.
>100 is fucking absurd and retarded
the absolute state of mongolian macaroni art pinboards. in the real world, 50-100 is fucking normal as shit if you actually shoot your guns.
I loaded a gi 30 round mag 1 year ago
I will tell you in about 4 years if spring wear is true
7 is basic load retard
I snagged a deal off PSA. 500 rounds and 10 pmags. My range bag only has slots for 6 of them. I don't know why I would ever need more than 10.
>Is there a concern about stored loaded mags wearing out from having the spring compressed, or are they designed around it?
No. The plastic is more likely to fracture over time if its a cheap polymer (promag) magazine, but the spring won't ever have any real problems from being compressed.
>I don't know why I would ever need more than 10.
To promote freedom?
Well, if you watch a modern firefight, they often consist of a lot of suppressing fire. While 15 reloads may be excessive, I think their point of "be prepared for a lengthy engagement" is probably not a bad idea
>Minnesota Crusades
I live here and what's this about?
Somali/Muzzie pop
Handguns I'd say 10, AR or AK 40 seems good.