Is there any way to make punching lethal while adding some sort of defence...

Is there any way to make punching lethal while adding some sort of defence? Obviously brass knuckles dont fit this criteria because they dont offer any protection.

Attached: The_Knights_Dream.jpg (3040x1802, 2.66M)

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Literally gloves

If you don't understand the protection brass knuckles offer, you've never punched anything.

Train a martial art pussy

Agree, the surface that first hits your opponent are the brass knuckles not your actual knuckles protecting you from some bad bruises

No there is no way to be a vagina of a human being, if you want to assault someone you will open yourself to being assaulted right back. Probably by police shooting the rough 10 yard spherical zone around you with thousands of badly aimed shots, at least one of which will get lucky and lodge itself in your brain stem leaving you paralyzed for life.

Moral: Don't be a pussy.

Brass knuckles are a shit idea they sit over your fingers not your knuckles. And if you try to put them over the knuckles they literally strip the skin from the bone.
Just punching a guy normally is safer, our hands evolved for that.

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Bruises are the least of your worries. Brass knuckles can save you from breaking your hand.

Punching is already lethal, you sheltered child. Life is not a fucking action movie, where people take strike after strike with no more than a bruise. Tell you what, you go let some giganigger punch you around a bit, then come back and ask again how you can make punching lethal. If you can still formulate a sentence or eat solid food, anyway.

Punch, keep punching, add more punching.
It will keel.

Brass knuckles are braced by the piece that sits in your palm. If all they did was slip over your finger, your shit would break the first time you punched anything

You’ve never been in any sort of real fight in your life have you? You can watch people bear knuckle box online and see that most of the time it’s no where near as dramatic as your interpretation

I've seen people get literally beaten to death.
>bear knuckle
Why do I even bother with you mongoloids? Fuck it, go for it. Hopefully somebody punches you hard enough to rattle your brain and get it working again.


Xbox gave you PTSD huh

You haven’t seen anything. Stop trying to compensate

Fat boy hands..

And what is bracing that piece in your palm? Form a fist for me, look at your hand, and try to figure out why the piece in your palm wouldn't just slide off.

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>our hands evolved for that.
So you not only fail to understand anatomy and physiology but you also fail to understand physics, natural selection, ergonomics, and evolution as a whole.

Brass knuckles arent for direct punching, theyre for "sweeping" or swinging from the side. I mean the knuckles shouldnt be in line with your POV when it hits.

A gun.

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Maybe I've held different brass knuckles, but they're beefier than those and go just below your knuckles.

wheres fwbp when you need him btw?
This punk was holding it incorrectly but he swung correctly

Shut the fuck up NagaToRo

Do you punch sideways like knocking on a door? There's no other way that would work.

There's nothing I can respond to in this post, it's just a garbage statement. If you're going to call me a poo poo head just do it.

Lace a boxing glove with metal? Dunno

I can't say with full confidence since I was more of a knife guy but from my understanding you're supposed to swing like a chimp with brass knuckles. You ever see some untrained mexican or black guy fighting? I'm fairly certain you're supposed to throw wild haymakers with those things.

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A small shield.

As a whole, in street brawls sweeping punches tend to be the ones that put people on the ground. It tends to be the swing that has the most force behind it and the least risk of damaging your hand.

Use can use a helmet like the absolute bro in this video:

Attached: Antifa gets beat down (1080p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Why the fuck do people even want to go play dress up and fight in the streets? Is this truly human nature?

>several people get beat up, some die
>everyone goes back to consuming products, struggling for social validation, and hungering for more products to consume
>nothing changes
That's all, folks!

Op has aids, confirmed

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those faces are Oblivion tier, maybe that's where they got the art.

they did, nigger. time to do some reading from this decade.

Im gonna fuck you up, NagaToRo

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Boxing gloves.
They're there to protect your fists, not your opponent. Deaths in the ring have actually increased since they were introduced

Originally to protect your fists. Now to protect your opponent from death. MMA gloves first worn by tank Abbot in a match were literally to prevent him from breaking a hand. You break a metatarsal once or twice in a beach fight you want gloves.

>real fight
Kek. I'll be honest and say I haven't been in many fights since I left middle school, but I've seen friends loose their teeth, pass out and rip their cheeks up from a single blow. And bitch fights where nothing happens.

Punching is stupid in most situations. Look up Bas Rutten talking about palm striking

>punching lethal
>adding defence
Hungarian arm shield.

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If youre worried about breaking your hands then just PAWNCH them in the LEEVER. Body is much softer

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Mech suit.

punch them in the dick

dip your fists in shit bacuse it smells bad and people will avoid your hands when you punch
when I was a kid we would dip sticks in shit and use them as weapons

Totally sure this would work against a grown man who is more concerned with hurting you than getting his nose mashed up or ear bitten

This is exactly what i meant in my original question. Something adds power and defence. Thank you. Can you give me more information on this? I havent been able to find it online

Is that Bas Ruten?
I recognize him by that liver punch.

Paper weight.

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No protection though

>Is there any way to make punching lethal
It's already somewhat lethal. I know somebody who killed a guy with a punch, you read about brawls that leave someone dead all the time.

B I T C H - M A D E

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Sapper/Sap gloves?
They're gloves with powdered metal or something like that sewn into the glove. It adds mass and cushions blows so you can use them to block. Does look quite bad, though.

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Just aim for the chin and liver lmao

Ten dollar fist bitch

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Nigger there are some in your picture.

>Doesn't understand how brass knuckles work but still needs to have an opinion
>Associates weapons with masculinity
Go away.

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Haymaker to the temple

>Is there any way to make punching lethal while adding some sort of defence?
Yeah. Just learn to punch correctly, underage. They pad hands in combat sports for a reason. A solid punch to the dome even from the weakest of males can quite easily kill you if you dont defend.

Go to a boxing gym and train. At first you'll immediate tear the skin off of you hands on the heavy bag if you dont tape. Once you learn to punch, it will take a while.

If your hands are sliding, you aren't punching correctly. If you aren't punching correctly, no gloves/knuckles are going to help you do any significant extra damage or prevent you from breaking your goddamned wrists. The sole exceptions are punch daggers or carrying something solid in your hand if you're planning on donkey punching someone poor fag.

Indeed. He burst Jason's liver with that palm-punch.

Dats ass

Learn to box.
Load your fist with something.
Use elbows.
Possibly logical fallacy, 99% of the people you see in street fights aren't good at fighting.
When they are, you get stuff like this, analysed by pro mma coach firas zahabi:

Attached: powerfist.jpg (1024x705, 83K)

>hurf durf brass knuckles r dum
Nigger they were used for a long fucking time by all sorts of thugs, including the fucking secret service. They are very effective and you are very retarded.

Five-finger exploding heart punch is all I ever use anymore.

Fuck off

Look up "king hit"

Plus carrying a roll of coins is not a crime if you end up in court. You were just going to the laundry mat or arcade.

Just infuse your punches with the power of the fucking sun

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