What's the consensus on bore snakes?

What's the consensus on bore snakes?

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Alright for lazy bastards who can't be bothered to take 30 seconds to put together a cleaning rod. Now you have a greasy bit of rope hanging around you have to do something with. Works great for field cleaning though.

tier list
>shit tier
never cleaning whatsoever
running a bore snake through once in a while
wire brush
>god tier
shoe lace.

>Now you have a greasy bit of rope hanging around you have to do something with
Like wash it in dish soap after every use?

>shoe lace

it's not the 30 seconds to put together a cleaning rod, it's the 30 minutes sending 200 patches down the barrel until they come out clean.

Do you not know what solvent is?

so where are you suppose to put the solvent on the bore snake?

tshirt patch bore cleaning is the ultimate fudd pastime

Or just throw away five half cent cotton patches in your trash can.

I drop it down the bore and on the tip of where the ‘cleaning’ rope starts

Throwing things away is expanding the colonies on India by a little bit at a time.
>t. Have been in a landfill before, smells like a pile of corpses, shit, vomit, jizz, and sewage that has been baking in the sun for days.

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Just a wire brush by itself? Also, running old cloths down the barrel sucks.

>not buying a one piece cleaning rod
I've found bore snakes do wonders on gunky milsurp barrels

>he doesn't know about the shoe lace trick
never going to make it.
sell your guns to the police during a buy back.
that's your best bet

>CLP down the barrel for aprox 5min
>brass brush to loosen carbon
>clp patches til I'm satisfied
Is there a better way?

its ok if you only shot the gun a little or its a touch up.
if theres heavy buildup its essentially worthless and you need to break out a rod.

This isn't just common knowledge?

bore snake before patches to take up a lot of the loose carbon so you don't use so many patches

I prefer to use wood handle Qtips, and then a single cotton patch at the end. the Qtips suck up more and I have more control on the scrubbing power of them. plus they are pretty cheap compared to the over priced cotton patches. though there are ways around that if you don't buy cotton patches meant for guns

A bore snake.

I use them a lot but don't rely on them for a deep clean. Works awesome on .22s though. One pull through and my 10/22 bore is shiny clean.

Wow, we got an expert over here guys. This dude’s actually been to a landfill before!

I like flex rods more than bore snakes.

I just put my pistols and other parts in the dishwasher. Mags too.

that works great for car parts too, especially plastic light covers

>What's the consensus on bore snakes?

No step.

i really hope you don't wash your dishes after doing that fren

They make foaming bore cleaners.

Nah, I just throw the dishes in at the same time.
Fuck yeah it does.

Can you imagine if that fucking rope breaks halfway? How in the fuck would you get it out?

Pull on the other end?
Take the barrel off and jam something down it to push out the snake?
Are you retarded?

By shooting it out.

I prefer a cleaning rod. It feels easier to push a rod through than pull a string. Also, if you have a cartridge stuck in the chamber the rod can knock it out. And you need a different bore snake for every caliber, whereas with a rod you just thread on a different attachment.

>And you need a different bore snake for every caliber
That's what I thought until I swapped to 550 cord. Take the inner string out for .22s, put a few knots through out the cord and run it through. Bigger calibers get bigger knots. Has worked pretty well over the years.

theyre fine. most of you faggots seem to clean your guns way too much. you dont EVER need to clean a pistol barrel until it's bare steel. anything gas operated needs a little more cleaning.

if you can't pack or take a solid rod with you, a bore snake is next best thing.
No, multi segment rods are usually not strong enough to handle difficult tasks a solid rod can accomplish without chance of fucking your bore.

i had one get knotted up and stuck in the end of an AR barrel/compensator for like 30 minutes, it sucked

>Have been in a landfill before, smells like a pile of corpses, shit, vomit, jizz, and sewage that has been baking in the sun for days.

You don't need a different one for every caliber, one will work for multiple calibers, they'll even say on the package which range of calibers they work with. For example, a .30 caliber will work on .308, 30-30, 30-06 and so on.

What should I use to wash the bore snake itself after it's made many passes?

Good idea.
But how do you get the cord down the barrel?

Literally retarded regurgitating a dumb akfag meme

> Now you have 3 pieces of greasy a cleaning rod that takes up even more space than a boresnake

Gee you sure are fucking retarded

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Do you not own paper towels and do you not have a workbench in your 1 bedroom shed?

It's a great, cheap, quick way to take most of a range trip's worth of crap out of your barrel before you put your guns away, but it's no substitute for deep cleaning. If a deep cleaning is even what you need, I almost never do that anymore.

I fold the snake in half about 3" behind the wire brush part and stick the fold down into my solvent bottle, then straighten the snake and pull it taught so the juice drips down the length. Once it's no longer dripping and soaked in, I put it through the barrel 2-3 times.

>Now you have a greasy bit of rope hanging around
I put all my bore snakes into a freezer bag with the strings hanging out. When I need one I look at the string tags to find the right size and yank it out. This also keeps the solvent from flashing off quickly or stinking up the room. There's no dripping and no mess. In fact they aren't dripping even when I use them.

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I don't think you understand what caliber means.

I don't think you understand one bore snake can fit multiple calibers because they are basically the same size as far as a bore brush matters.

My easy proven way of cleaning guns without disassembly:
-spritz some clp at the bcg
-rack the bolt a couple times so it spreads around and works itself clean
-drop a bore snake through the barrel
-wipe away whatever crap that's leaking out

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I just put the tip at the entrance, slowly feed it in. Take a lighter and melt the starter end so it's not all frawed and poofy.

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Don't bother other than the occasional patting off of gunk if its visible. I've got 8yr old bore snakes that are still working fine. If yours stop making your bore look clean then buy a new one because the bristles are all worn out and shit.

Just stay away from the rattlers and cobras and you should be good. Don't let them bite ya.

>that guy with the gun that smells like Wolf/Tula soot and lunch

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.308, 30-06 and 30-30 are not different calibers to any meaningful degree. So no, you apparently don't know what it means.

I wanna slip my snake through your bore Snake
>you know who you are buddy love you

Cram a .30-30 in your .308 and have at it.

Caliber=\=cartridge or chambering you idiot. Caliber is only the bullet diameter.

Go be a pedantic autist on some gun forum that requires a paid subscription and leave the rest of us alone.

Great as a first pass, especially on bolt, pump, and lever guns. Really cuts down on how many hundreds of patches you have to use until they come clean.

Knowing what the fuck you're talking about isn't being pedantic. There's a reason it's labeled .30 Cal or .22 Cal and not .308 Winchester.

You're the same person that has to bring up the fact that stripper clips in a thread talking about box magazines.

Bore snakes are legit. Better than cleaning rods and all the (((attachments))) they have. Cheaper than a cleaning rod kit, more compact and easier to use.


because I seriously didn’t really know this about the BoreSnake. I was in the military and all we used was CLP, rods, wire brush and cotton patches. Once I got out and proceeded to start my fun collection, Hoppe’s No. 9 solvent became the go-to. It’s the industry standard that everyone knows.

BUT.. a lot of people, me included, thought that Hoppes on its own was fine. That is not quite the case. You also need a lubricant to protect your gun after you clean it. I went with Ballistol. This is especially good on guns that have finer, more articulated parts, like the trigger group on your AR.

As for the BoreSnake, the proper way to do it is to apply Hoppes on the front end of the bristle brush, and then apply your lubricant behind it so it passed through last.


Pass it along.

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based and cleanpilled. use a solvent to help get the carbon off. rubbing alcohol will do, and it's 99 cents.


I was watching a guy on YouTube the other day, I think it was regular guy training. He was cleaning a pistol and said he doesn't use a copper borebrush because it's metal on metal contact and it'll wear down your rifling.

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>it'll wear down your rifling
If it is harder than steel it will scratch the bore. If it is a softer metal, it will not. There is a reason copper brushes are used instead of steel.

What are you even trying to say? Is English that hard for you to comprehend?

trash that don't clean with a damn

>watching the national guard POG

>copper wearing down hard chrome
ain't happening, a steel brush wont touch that either, unless you get your barrel hot and continue shooting, a gun barrel will last forever.

Battlefield vegas has a WASR with 60k rounds on it and it still shoots 4MOA, also never remove copper "fouling" it's a lubricant and fills in any voids and inperfections in the bore, its a good thing.


Ladies, ladies please! You’re both insufferable faggots

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depends on how clean you want your shit, in my semi auto rifles I usually just spray more go juice untill they stop running, then wipe em down and call it good. in my pistols I just run a wet bore snake thru the bish every other time i shoot. and in my long range "precision" rifles i will clean the fuckkkk outta them. solid rod,bore guide, bunch of solvents, copper remover, and 2000 muhhh fuggen patches

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Good on a rifle, retarded on a pistol.

>What's the consensus on bore snakes?
I use one every time I shoot my shotguns. It cleans, but it will not get all the lead fouling off the area immediately after the forcing cones, so I use a phosbronze and solvent every few weeks