Realistically, would a person passed out like this be violating the GCA's prohibited persons clause, specifically under the "addicted to an addictive chemical" clause? I wanna know when I turn 21 if having alcohol in my system will make me a prohibited person with boomers cheering my mutt bleeding out and not me.
Realistically, would a person passed out like this be violating the GCA's prohibited persons clause...
>passing out drunk once
>alcohol addiction
>still drunk while buying a gun
Probably a bad idea. While you're not necessarily addicted to an addictive chemical, you're certainly under the influence and in possession of a firearm. That's a no no
>when buying
I said you ALREADY HAVE. You already HAVE the gun, but ownership and possession is also bound to the prohibited persons clause.
No probably not because that clause specified illegal addictive chemicals. If what you said was true then people who smoke would be auto disqualified.
I know a real easy way to solve this problem.
Just don't drink alcohol.
I really wish the world would just grow up and stop drinking.
Thank you r/im14andthisisdeep
>I said you ALREADY HAVE
Well, you didn't. But no. Being drunk doesn't make you an alcoholic. And alcohol, despite being an addictive chemical, is not often recognized as one buy the law. Generally, it only matters if you're currently drunk
damn thats a shocking picture. reminds me of an old friend who had literally hundreds of empty gordons vodka bottles under their bed. nigga would actually drink in between vomiting. i think he died a few months ago actually
Fuck I live like this.
Try drinking sensibly and not like a roided out Jersey shore faggot for once, fucking autist.
>This is how it feels to chew five gum
>passed out after three shitty tall bois
how do people let themselves get to this point?
Top lel. But forreal, I agree. Having a nice buzz and talking mad shit to fat chicks is a personal favorite past time of mine.
It took me until I was 30 to figure out how nice life can be when you don't drink.
>the Jow Forums tranny janny is asleep...
>now to party like it's 1776 in Trenton
>honk wears hearing protection
well shit
alcohol literally rots your brain, if you insist on being a degenerate, at least smoke pot
>Haha alcoholism!
>at least smoke pot
idk about you user but i find drunks more sufferable than potheads
im biased ive never smoke weed but used to drink with decent frequency (not alcoholic)
Elaborate, my apparently straight edge friend.