What can i expect price wise for processing a deer? (white tail)

what can i expect price wise for processing a deer? (white tail)
i know i need to cure it, i dont have any space for that stuff, so how much would it cost to get a butcher to do that?
as for the meat itself, i'd want to process it into fillets myself

Attached: daer.png (587x592, 896K)

'bout tree fiddy

Make sure to just take the carcass to a processing center and let the actual professionals test to see if the meat is clean or not before you win Darwin's Award dumbass considering there been alot of idiots hunting and eating deer without having the meat checked first by professionals.

No curing of game meat like you would a cow. Game meat doesn’t have the fat, and rots faster.

Get your deer cooled down, dry, and away from flies. If you plan on paying to have your deer processed, all you got to do is field dress and skin that bad boy. You can leave the skinning to the butcher, but it adds about $50 more. Expect to pay about $200 for basic butchering and wrapping, more if you want sausage, jerky, and burger. Butchers have a price guide, much like a restaurant menu, to select from.

Good luck in the field.

oh, so you dont leave it hanging at 40 degrees for about a week?

Is there a parasite going around infecting the meat?

yes actually
chronic wasting disease, or zombie deer

How much for a zombie deer

What state are you in? How big are the deer (the further south, in general, the smaller).

Around here, it's ~$80 per deer flat fee for processing, and you get the backstrap and a few other choice cuts as 1lb vacuum-packed cutlets, with the remainder being 1lb packages of deer burger.

That's assuming you field dress. If you don't, then you need to expedite getting to the locker plant, because the meat will start going bad very quickly if you leave the internal organs in the carcass. Check with local plants *before* you shoot, because they will usually charge $20-$50 more to field dress for you, and some won't do it at all.

If you're processing it yourself, then field dress immediately--either on the spot, or, if you have a fast ride back to camp, you can do it there. Time is of the essence. Once that's done, you should immediately skin and butcher into primals. You don't leave a deer hanging overnight, or anything like that. Place the cuts onto cookie sheets (with full rims!), cake pans, whatever you have handy, cover with moist cuptowels or hand towels, and stuff them in a fridge for 2-3 days. I don't know that it cures the meat as much as it keeps it cool and fresh while allowing excess blood to drain to the bottom of your pans.

Then, take your meat out and perform final processing--cut into steak fingers or cutlets, can some if you want to, grind whatever's left into burger meat. Vacuum sealers work great for storing meat the whole year without freezer burns.

One last thing--since this is apparently your first time, make absolutely sure to fully read and understand your state's requirements for field dressing (especially proof of gender--game wardens will NOT accept your preferred pronouns here) and tagging. Failing to comply can cost you all the meat, a ton of money, and even jail time.

Best comment.

It's a lot of work to process the deer yourself but it is more than possible with a sharp knife and enough time.

i'm in kansas
i dont have much fridge space, so it may be a problem
as for the part for requirements on field dressing, i cant find anything on the specifics

Just leave the head attached and you’ll be fine.


>i dont have much fridge space, so it may be a problem
A chest freezer is a couple hundred bucks at home depot. Frisge space is the least of your concerns when it comes to hunting, assuming, that is, that you can fit a freezer into whatever space you're calling home.
Said it best. Failing that:
When you shoot the animal, remove its innards, cut out its butthole, and skin it. then take the whole thing to a game processor. Do all of this as quickly as possible. That's the whole thing.

That would be illegal here, but I can't speak for Kansas. Find some local plants, get some price quotes, find out what you need to do in order to stay legal.

Does Kansas require Hunter Education?

>cut out its butthole
There's a plastic tool you can get from Amazon (or probably most dedicated hunting-related stores) that will greatly reduce the frustration and effort that goes into this step.

You're in Kansas, but don't have a stand-alone deep freeze?

Well, you have a couple options (other than buying one). First, buy a pressure canner, a bunch of Ball jars, and follow the rules on canning meat religiously (it's perfectly safe if you do it right, but if you mess it up, you can kill yourself without ever realizing you did something wrong). Second, make lots and lots of jerky (I like Alton Brown's jerky recipe, although I usually hot-jerk the results as opposed to the cold-jerk he favors), and store it in solid plastic containers with tight lids.

If you're serious about hunting, though, I recommend you at least get a cheap chest-type freezer, although I'm partial to a large fridge-type with lots of shelves and a few baskets.

no no, i have a chest freezer (though it'll be a bitch to make room for meat)
you mentioned just a regular fridge

Why do you gotta chop the head? CWD? What do you do with it? And what if you want to mount it?

Here in Colorado, I can leave the head attached. Or if I have to quarter the animal, I can leave it at the kill site. We don’t yet have a CWD issue.

OP, ideally you would have a mentor to help you on your first big game hunt. There’s a bit to killing a deer sized animal. Failing a mentor, watch a few YouTube videos on field dressing and skinning. It will help.

yea, i'll have a mentor
these are more just kind general questions about shit you dont get taught in hunter education, mostly what to do after getting the animal

your virginity

$100.00 virginia -that is a field dressed deer, meaning its been gutted at the minimum. (plus it makes it way easier to drag out. price includes processing of meat and vacuum packing of said meat.

not memeing

What do hunters do innadesert? Bring a lot of coolers full of ice?

Other way around; the head isn't enough, you have to leave the genitals attached to the carcass.

Oh, gotcha.

Yeah, you just need to make room in the fridge for 2-4 days. It's doable. Work on cleaning out some space before you go hunting.

Do it yourself for free
>idiots hunting and eating deer without having the meat checked first by professionals
If you can’t tell meat is bad while processing an animal you don’t need to be hunting
CWD is easy to spot