Why are short ass shotguns banned?

Isn't that shit the most perfect low skill required maximum shitpost out of a barrel possible?

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>Why are short ass shotguns banned?
Because (((they))) want you disarmed as much as possible.


Too many drive bys with sawed off blunderbusses and muskets.

They'll tell ya it's cause they're too easy to conceal while also still being pretty lethal up close. Just another chip off the block

They were banned because gangsters used sawn offs frequently for hits during prohibition and banning them was a way of the fed saying "look, we are doing something about crime" without doing anything but piss off regular Joes.

Thankfully ass shotguns are not banned yet, and I prefer deep ones anyway

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Easy to carry, especially concealed. Though you also have the option of buying the same thing but with a pistol grip instead of a stock, so who the fuck knows. The legislation on what a shotgun or rifle is has to be the most retarded measure that anybody has ever taken to not solve any problems.

I guess it sucks to live wherever the hell you live.

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these are not even firearms

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theyre not you just pay a tax stamp dipshit. just these hick retards can't accept that

prohibition era new York anti mobster policy that wasn't really ever intended to apply to the entire country and wasn't really intended to apply forever

>Be Hollywood (((producer)))
>make movie about how sawing off a barrel to a shotgun magically allows it to kill everyone in a one mile radius
>have fellow (((tribesmen))) pass legislation banning things based off public fear in movies and tv shows
>count shekels

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My dream gun is basically one of these but with a double suppressor on the end of it

The legal justification was that short barreled shotguns weren't covered by the second amendment because 'arms' referred to military weapons and the military at the time did not use short barreled shotguns. For (((some reason))) they never applied this reasoning to weapons that were used by the military at the time or since.

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>enabling infringement on your rights by paying for stamps

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Fear of 1920s-1930s mafia movies.

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Hollywood and retarded politicians/populace who ate lead paint chips as children.

Dont forget the fact that it's also an outright bullshit statement as we have used short barreled shotguns in our military

shiggy diggy my niggy

Speaking of which, has anyone here used the Springfield M6? Been thinking about getting one for shits and giggles, but don't wanna invest that kind of cash if it is retarded.