Jow Forums
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Weapons #424
/gq/ - gear queer
FAL Confirmed Most Reliable Battle Rifle
Strike fighter
WW2 Destroyers
Disregarding pin pulling and fuse time for the moment...
Post really dumb WW2 designs that actually went into production and were in use
What's Jow Forumss plan for a demonic invasion?
1. Could a single missile make an Aircraft carrier explode like the DeathStar if hit in the right spot?
Mustard gas
Should I keep my Ruger EC9S for CCW or get a Glock 26?
Soviet Union
Remington M8 or Winchester M1907?
Heroes Rise Again
What was the absolute smallest amount of men necessary to take down/capture a modern city (i.e. in the last 100 years)?
Project Gecko
Is taking cover behind a car generally a bad idea? What calibers would be too weak to go through it and still hurt? .22...
Begun, the Meme Wars Have
FCAS render based on the latest mockup (in German livery)
Post the most autistic/wierdest/most interesting trivia about the swedish military
Daily reminder that only wristlets and fags say all pistol calibers are functionally identical
Let's finally settle this: Submarine warfare in WW2. Terrifying nightmare, or peak comfy adventure?
Using the safety
How do you go about cleaning your guns Jow Forums?
Fuck, you newfags are so serious. Post some dumb shit you've done with your guns
Canada general
What is the ideal long range precision rifle caliber?
Beretta 92FS, First Purchase
Do i reenlist bros??? osprey mechanic
Training general
Mmmmm what is this aesthetic and is it Jow Forums approved
Is it autistic to workout in your gear and use your chest rig as a weighted vest?
I'm assembling a team
AUG mags
Jow Forums, what is your opinion on this man?
One day while innawoods a mysterious figure claiming to be an angel of the holy murder/k/ube rises before you and...
Polymer 80 Firearms
Why not make the part that withstand pressure be the actual firearm?
Hobo Guns
Girls with guns
Chechen jihadi group in Idlib released video,screens
URGI Good Purchase?
What’s Jow Forums drinking tonight for those who aren’t working on the Labor Day....also Colt 901 as my new .308...
Cyberpunk loadout
Any love here for .22 Short?
Shotgun Thread : $50 Double Barrel Boomstick Edition
Why aren't AA tanks used against infantry too?
What would happen if I toppled a Doppler radar, assuming I could do it without being caught in the process
/MEG/ - Military Enlistment General
The "virgin retreat" vs. THE CHAD FINAL STAND
Kill me
How do I stop anticipating the shot and flinching, and being an inaccurate pleb...
Do you support the actions of the IRA? If not, be honest with me. Personally...
How does it stand up as an asymmetrical warfare tactic?
Glock 19 vs. CZ 75BD
Can someone explain terminal ballistics to me? People say that rifles wreck people because of their velocity...
Arg ar general ar thread ar thread general ar general thread
I’m looking for plates for a PC. Lv III or IV. I’d like to know what are good commercially available options...
I went dove and pidgeon hunting today, what did Jow Forums do this weekend?
Alright Jow Forums. Mayberry's Sheriff's Office just got a budget increase...
MRE expiration
I was considering on getting a nagant but now I'm convinced theyre garbage rods
What's the best doctrine for nuclear bombing, gotta go fast or slowpoke ?
Is this the thread for prepping?
Well, brass knuckles are finally legal to carry in Texas, boys. I'm not gonna carry them myself...
People that buy a firearm that costs $400
To any American police here, is being a cop worth it? Do you like your jobs...
Buying a Fuel Filter
You will never be a mech pilot
Jewish weapons thread
Hey guys, living in Arkansas and like to know how to get my hands on animal teeths easily...
Anybody going to give a shit if somebody buys a 3 burst trigger set off the internet?
This doesn't inspire much confidence
Best .22 revolver
Bolton Claims New Chinese Fighter Jet Looks Like F-35 Because They 'Stole' Design
World War II for Poland ended in 1989
I like gym shorts. although this isnt the best idea for concealed carry...
Whoa bros
.308 tavor
Anyone want to help DARPA train an army of mantis men? Any subterranean urban space will do
The Serbu RN-50 and M82a1 are both .50 will they both shoot the same distance at the same barrel lengths...
/pcc/- Pistol Caliber Carbine
The M16A2 was peak aethstetic, FACT
Precision pistol shooting
Really gets the cranium crankin'
Jow Forums music thread
Jow Forumsomandos I need halp
Can anyone ID the gun and the watch here?
Isn't about time we replaced powder with something more powerful?
ITT: Guns only YOU love
Jow Forums is this a good grouping?
How would a modern day SS look like?
People's Liberation Army Navy
Name better gun
Mossberg 590.Ye? or Ne?
What if *someone* sent a ship full of containers with weapons/ammo and anti tank grenades to Hong Kong?
The bitter truth is this: there will be no confiscation shock troops for you and your buddies to shoot back at...
Redpill me on the Redhawk bros
They killed millions
This pic pretty much sums up Jow Forums
Been several mass shootings in Texas the past few months
So after they pass the assault weapon ban, whats next?
How is California legally able to put so many restrictions on firearms?
Cannon/fortress thread
Name a more aesthetic and perfect war bird than the Tucano. (Including the super tucano)
Xian H-20
Should poor fags buy lowers?
S.E.A Leopard 2 Issues
Is EOD a POG job? And how stimulating is it?
How do you pick a silencer?
Warsaw Pact
Why is the US military so powerless to stop the Taliban after 18 YEARS of trying...
Avro Arrow was never a thing
An enormous coronal mass ejection occurs while North America is facing the sun. Our electrical grid is brought down...
There's been a backlash against the German engineering meme in WW2 as designs like the Tiger and ME 262 were too...
Whose the better CAS/CCA platform?
Why so many guns?
Survial Loadouts
What are the chances of a police trade-in having killed someone?
SKS Wood
How can you break someone else's gun without them noticing?
Handload basics
So I kind of feel like we're at the tipping point of a price change...
Patch Thread - Proletariat Edition
Canada General
100 pitbulls are coming to assault your house and destroy everything you love, in the following waves
Lube up. They're gonna keep happening until they push through national red flags and registries
Is this the best option short of an actual silencer?
What are long shotgun barrels for? Tests show that spread doesn't change much until you get a barrel below 12" or so...
How does this make you feel?
/arg/ - AR General
New Steve!!!
US Prisoners of war in Nazi Germany
Evan Nappen is hearing talk that in November NJ will push to ban ALL semi autos with no grandfathering
Recent acquisitions
What's the best handgun caliber and why is it the .40 s&w?
Posting the gun you bought by bypassing the background check, turning the brace into a stock...
AMTs (Assault Mail Truck)
Is putting fixable?
Jericho edc
Hey dumbass question
We talk about guns
/gq/ - gear queer
Are those Winchester repeating rifles just a fad?
Pic related and it's ammo can now be mass produced in 1940. What happens next?
Mass Shooting: Multiple Active Shooters In Texas
IS Yemen photo report from today showing battle against Al Qaeda in Yemen
You *will* teach your daughters to shoot, won't you, user?
How can one cope with the fact they will never be able to afford all the guns they want?
Kid with aspergers falsely accused of school shooting threat, forced to undergo "threat assessment"
Jow Forums Approved Shoes
What´s your favorite war machine?
Best Swords Thread
Pick my next gun Jow Forums
Honestly, in your average "fight" scenario...
Is it possible to rig a coach gun to fire both barrels at once like in Doom...
Bow vs crossbow
Hero deleting
90% of Jow Forums on the left
Post yfw you zeroed a new weapon
Oklahoma State Fuckery About
ITT: we vaguely describe firearms and other anons have to guess them
This fucking grenade launcher
How many of them are still alive in Vietnam?
Here’s your Glock, bro
1st thread on Jow Forums
Critique this nigger removal job
Alright Jow Forums your just chillin' on a Saturday morning getting ready to mow the lawn when all of a sudden you hear...
5.56x45mm NATO rounds are better than 7.62x39nm rounds
Missouri Thread: Tornader Edition:
This is the USS Iowa, say something nice about me
Post your best Joshuas
So can someone enlighten me. What is so fascinating about guns? All they do is make loud noises and hurt people
What do you think of 45-70 govt?
How the fuck do I defend myself without doing years of martial arts in Canada...
/akg/ AK General
Am I the only gun owner who isn't a right wing wacko? I believe deeply in the 2nd Amendment...
They for sale?
Went to Maine recently and a couple towns had roadside signs up "no guns allowed besides blackpowder ir shotguns within...
Any news on the Japanese stealth fighter program?
The first shots
The existence of the A-12 OXCART just seems so fucking crazy to me
Why do so many former US military members choose to get FAT after they leave the service? It's an "enormous" trend...
I miss Him bros
Anyone else do this?
P.L.A Weapon types
Dog gun
The Rolfs Call
What 1911 do Jow Forums use?
Uzi Build Thread
Revolver General /rg/
Theoretically speaking, if all of Jow Forums was placed on a big island and all the boards went to war...
"Updating" military surplus magazines
How accurate is this picture?
For me it’s the f16. I hope the block 70 sells well
Blocks your path
How often do you carry? You DO carry 90% of the time, right? Also remember to guncheck your friends...
How do i make a breeder reactor?
Wake up
Autists, get in here
Uncontroversial Opinions
/ak/ bread
Were the Maximum Battleships good or bad ideas?
Hidden firearm storage
Be me
Hong Kong Foreign Legion
/arg/ - AR General
Make sure you read your bedtime stories
If you had a fuckload of money, what unobtanium gun would you try to buy?
This is honestly a shit gun...
Hi im looking for a pistol that looks similar to the combine 9mm from Half Life 2. Any suggestions?
Single action fun
ITT: strategies to respond to red flags. I'll start with a few ideas I've come up with:
What military is this?? These guys look fuckin badass. Where can i get this camo?
Shoot First
Aus/k/alia General
Will the Jow Forums traps attend the hooker defense course put on by a friend of Karl and InRange?
Greentext Stories Thread
Germany is one of the largest military spenders in the world, why is its military so underfunded?
You get this in the mail
Heard you've been cooperatin' with blue bellies, boy. You know what we do to Yankee lovers?
Making your own guns
Gun owners in uk have their licences taken away for being assaulted
Lmao, I'll just cross the T for my enemy and STILL win
Happening Loadout
Gerald Bull was an unrewarded genius who deserved to live
Rebel sniper getting shot at by ukrynien upgraded BMP
What machine pistol is this? Why does she have poor trigger discipline?
Do You Love Your Mother And Her Double-Tap Multi-Target Shooting?
Scar gets btfo by a replica of a 60 year old AR
What does Jow Forums hunt and what caliber/gauge do you use to hunt it
Alright /k I just found a double barrel 12 ga on the used rack at my local fudd shop for 79$
Handgun General - /hg/ - #320
What are some K vidya?
Is there any reason to get an AR in 6.8mm or 6.5mm? Is there any reason to get a battle rifle in 7.62 nato?
US Army’s NGSW Program Awards SIG Sauer, AAI & General Dynamics
800mm round
What is the rarest weapon you have?
Canada General
I just noticed that 5,45 and 5,56 are about the same size. Are there any 5,45 AR's?
Typhoon Drops out of Canada Fighter Competition
Oh the horror! This is why we need to ban the online sale of DANGEROUS ammunition and limit ALL sales to ten or LESS...
Howdy pardners. What is the best weapon for stopping cattle rustlers?
So is it completely pointless to be cutting rifles down shorter and shorter? Are 20inch rifles the Apex of performance?
Behold, the coveted California CCW permit. Just got this bestowed upon me today
Can we all at least agree that Ruger is the last of the Great American Gun Manufacturers...
Suicide bombers are the airforce of assymetric combatants
Why do people SBS?
Museum miscalleny
Why was the Kriegsmarine so badass?
M1 Carbine
A few weeks ago my neighbor (a retired schizo boomer) poisoned my dog and nearly killed him...
Jow Forumsommunications general
Post cool, old "tactical" guns, no rails allowed
Broken Physics Equipment
/arg/ - AR General - "Be Nice to Each Other" edition
Did he just declared Race War?
Turkey in ‘talks’ on buying Russian Su-57 jet fighters – Erdogan
Skull Island Expedition
Where do cityfags go to shoot?
I have been ground squirrel hunting lately and invited my friend
Why does Jow Forums think most of the military which is compromised mainly of non-whites now will ally with gun owners...
Family Photo Thread
Will the operator beard go out of style if the next war isn't in Kebabistan?
Just post Jow Forums-related shit
All threads on Jow Forums for the next 6 days will be hurricaine/Florida related...
Ammo Personality Thread
Maverick 88 or Benelli M4
Fear gear
Red Flag Laws
Defense scenario:
Saudi Arabia Losing in Yemen
I drive for my job, a lot. IWB, pad, and other options aren't cutting it for me for my daily CC...
What's the handgun on his hands ? it looks short to be a 1911
Did Prince Harry kill anybody during his service?
Affordable Nods?
If the boogaloo comes should I get a SS uniform
What the hell is this thing for?
What is the best weapon for home defense in a hurricane?
Can we have a 6th gen concept thread?
From today's police blotter
Black Powder Shooting
How do you survive jumping on a grenade?
At least they didnt shoot the dog
Does Jow Forums have a favorite gun from fiction?
I just got a job at a gun shop but I don't know much about guns, can I get a quick run down?
FARC are back
Chinese 2nd LHD is being built
S00tch is a bandwagoning faggot
Board Discussion
Conceal carry thread
What's your breaching line?
/msg/ Milsurp General
The Low-Recoil Space-Age MARS Rifle
South Korea begins annual war games to defend against Japan
Should we support the FPC when there are people like this that join them?
The "I have a middle life crisis and 5k in the bank, so why the hell not." gun
Is .327 federal magnum a meme caliber for an LCR?
Redpill me on pistol carbines
BST - Buy Sell Trade
What do I do now /k?
Home Defense Gun
Is this tacticool?
Training at home
Hello Jow Forums
Florida Thread: Hurricane Edition
Patch Thread
Handguard system
Remind me again how a baton could help you against a skilled fighter, Jow Forums
ITT: Gun You Don't Lock Up
Do you run your cans until they are dirty as this one? Or are you a nocanz?
What is your opinion on Navy Seal and BJJ blackbelt Jocko Willink?
My son said he made this weapon to kill flies
Why are Ruger Mk4 pistols twice as expensive in Europe?
Alright Jow Forumsommandos, whats the best silencer for an AR-10 chambered in 6.5 creedmoor? Pic related...
Post Apocalyptic Gat Aesthetic Thread
How well would your local police department fare against a zombie outbreak?
Flanks protected by Romanian armies, equipped to fight WW1 in a warmer climate
Giant Ants
I want to buy an ak. What is the best kind to buy without being needlessly overpriced...
US military requires 250,000 rounds per enemy casualty
What kind of rifle could realistically use 2000 rounds of ammo? My money is on something belt fed...
Pure Cheese
Mom my Xbox isn't turning on !
Modern Guns with Nazi Mods
Did gunpowder ruin warfare? Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage...
Im scared to fill out a 4473 :(
In one extreme instance of self-censorship...
Don't mind me folks, I'm just the US Army's next rifle
Which Weapons are more appropriate for executing a p*tbull
Besided Paul Harrell, GunBlue490, Sean Havok, and Flannel daddy...
Hong Kong thread /HGK/
Have you ever found a gun?
/arg/ AR Thread AR General
Reach out and touch somebody
In a local militia group
Canada General
UCP is cheap, can it be fixed?
Should this be my first handgun
Is pic related useful against someone with a knife or a machete?
What´s Jow Forums favorites cockpits?
Aesthetic Handgun
What do you guys think of Ace Combat 7?
The last ice cream flavor you've eat is now a camo pattern which you must wear during the boogaloo. All of your clothes...
Imagine being the absolute subhuman autist who has his concealed gat on him in a mass shooting situation and doesn't...
Pawn shop guns
Just built a new glock & went to put the slide on for the first time but it seems like it’s getting caught on...
So I bought a 10$ 12 gauge
Why do so many people on Jow Forums idealize the losers of this war?
Member when there were shows about guns on TV?
What's the next AR15?
Honest truth about the french army during WWII?
Moist Nugget
What .22 rifle would you recommend for a first gun buy?
How does Russian special forces adopted western operator culture such as wearing plaid/flannel shirt and wearing...
Well florida Jow Forumsommandos it's that time of the year again...
/akg/ AK General
To dong or not to dong?
51 F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Jets Remain In Inventory, Only One Destroyed In Last Two Years
Hey all, I’m looking for a gun safe and this seems to be a great fit in terms of protection and price...
How rare is my WASR-10 pt.2 electric boogaloo
I bought these NATO 9mm 124gr bullets from PSA and I noticed all the rim/primer part is all crooked and shit...
New Acquisitions Bread
Your thoughts?
9 millimeter
What are the gun commandments?
Just got a PS90. Been my dream gun for a while. What's a decent optic for it...
What naming convention should America use for armed starships in service to the Space Force? I don't mean X-37B...
Did I fuck up my 458 upper?
Kel-Tec thoughts?
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #33 - LARP edition
Hungary rises
Brazil has burnt its last tree, as France how do you invade Brazil?
Jow Forums Fairy
I made my dog body armor
Need to fucking vent
Winter Jow Forums
Grip safetys are absolute garbage and easily the least aesthetic feature ever added to pistols
Civvie explosives
What were some funny things that happened in the military
Fintlock rifles
How hard is it for you to get a gun in your county?
Are the marines standards that low?
Come now, just admit that your government wouldn't use a website like this to commit entrapment or to spy on you
Would you shoot a child soldier shooting at you? Isn’t against Geneva Conventions?
Traps with guns thread
SAS are elit-
Boot Camp/Basic Training
Is bear spray really better for self defense against bears than a gun is? Is this a meme?
The Sling beats the bow
Why are pump-action rifles so uncommon, especially in places where semi-autos are more restricted?
I'm still fairly new to guns because my country makes it unreasonably difficult to get them and wanted to know what gun...
So the Russian Government is trying to replace the A/k/47 with the /m/16 exactly why isn't Jow Forums moving to setup...
Post your favorite guns between post-Old West and pre-World War 2. I'll start with pic related
What should everybody stock up on before the next democrat president?
Live near Aachen, Germany
Is this guy actively trying to sound like Hickok45?
Veterans only thread
Never liked that old dog anyway
Jow Forums vidya
How would you optimize the AK to be lightweight, more accurate and ergonomic?
Hey guys we wanna play soldier too!
Sub sound proofing
What would happen if America invaded Brazil?
Hey, how the fuck am i supposed to edc in a white-collar job...
Vintage operator thread
Do you fantasize about stopping a mass shooter?
CZ 75b First Firearm Purchase
Things you want that will never exist
Outdated: clearly, but is it unreliable?
Korean war
Chechen Sniper Tactics
When the FUCK did Sig start making new production P210's, and why am I just now finding out about them?
What is /b/ currently drinking tonight?
China to use J-20s on Carrier
Retro AR general
Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?
What 1911 does Jow Forums own?
The Supreme Fuddlord has seemed to have deleted his video about how owning an ar15 will get you killed
How do things work without the marines?
You did go shooting today, right Jow Forums?
Bolt action babies
Gun ideas
How would a squad of Jow Forumsommandos handle a supernatural threat?
Hi Jow Forums
It says a lot about our military that they have to use 5...
Is this the greatest class of submarine of it's time? It seems pretty revolutionary to me
What watch is Jow Forums wearing?
Someone give me the tldr version of the actual history of this...
Tell me about the Swiss guards, Jow Forums
Webm thread pls
I need to buy a 10 gauge shotgun to hunt geese. What is the most low recoil 10 gauge shotgun on the market...
What is it about Glocks specifically that causes such autistic defensiveness...
Just ordered a PM63c from sweaty Ben
Character in a tv show raises pistol/rifle
9mm vs .45 vs .40
The Czech Republic requires all gun owners by law to be physically fit
Why has every single stereotypical firearms/tactical JewTube shill personality consistently advocated against the...
Battlebots for Tactical Use
Heckler and Koch MP7
Tactics againts a shadow goverment
Could it work?
Unlikely grail guns
/gq/ - gear queer
Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
Just placed an order through CMP to get a service grade M1 Garand. This will be my first rifle
Daily Reminder that if you have an SBR and are stockpiling anything other than hot loaded 64gr Nosler Bonded Solid Base...
Boomer post
Thoughts on Garand Thumb?
Old ass musket
Guns in Switzerland
Is the AR-15 platform objectively the pinnacle of gun design or is it so popular due to US market dominance?
Russia demonstrating Su-57 to Erdogan
What do you guys know of the Angolan Bush War?
How do we bring back airships as a viable military asset in the 21st century? Can it be done?
Reloading thread
The Coast Guard is not gay
Sensible Chuckle/Humor thread
First time buyer
Kosovo War Thread
The Russian did it
I am considering purchasing a Ruger 9mm Carbine...
We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here
Which martial art is closest to light infantry tactics...
Armslist Thread
What's the consensus on the Glock 42?
Why were the natives so difficult to subdue in the early US...
Found this in the middle of no where, pretty fresh find...
Bolt action iron sights?
.45-70 against vests
How are you holding up, Jow Forums?
Revolver General /rg/
All the commotion in Hong Kong really has me wanting to arm myself...
Rate the shoot Jow Forums
He thinks fists can be used as an effective carry weapon that posses stopping power against multiple attackers
Best gun of World war 1
Ok in all seriousness what is the "Shoulder thing that goes up"...
How much ammo do you guys keep on hand? Enough to avoid the panic buying?
Only an absolute nutter would edc a 629
Dies anyone regret not joining the military...
The Waffen-SS was the single greatest fighting force in history
you can't fight the government, they gonna drone you
Could the Americans have won the Vietnam war?
*kills your f22&f35*
We're too smart to kill things. Can you help us?
Is it me?
How to fake a shooting
ITT we pretend we are Jow Forums from the Madam President timeline
Have any of your purchases been inspired by vidya/tv/movies/books?
What is a good carry gun for Christian man?
Help me come up with my form 1 serial number lads
How is Bear Creek Arsenal...
Last thread died
The second amendment applies to everyone
Underrated weapons
How exactly do you go about killing a Jedi?
Cold weather
/arg/ AR thread
/ny/ general
Hong Kong Urban Warfare Thread
Ruger American Rimfire OD Green .22 LR
Bayonet thread
Seals btfo
This stuff is impossible to find because of hoarders
RIP oldest submariner
Patch Thread
Are PSAs worth buying?
/akg/ AK General
Please not that the following is my prediction, not my wish
Let .40 cal die ffs
Imagine spending thousands of dollars on tactical equipment and then running out of breath going up the stairs
UFO Area 51 Raid
Reloading General
/3dpg/ - full technicolor motion picture edition
What will/when will end the age of dirt cheap ARs? Supply and demand wont let this keep up forever
Jow Forumsommandos I don't know who else to turn to and this is off topic but how do you help your Jow Forumsombat pups...
A little late but now that red flag laws are a thing here in Nevada how does everyone feel about it?
Just went shooting for the first time and had a blast...
I am planning on going to Devil's Den to camp out inside for a few weeks and want to know the best way to keep...
Is this a meme weapon? How would it hold up against someone with a knife?
So... Any word on these things? Sol Invictus semiauto AA-12
With the rise of better and better body armor systems that can easily stop 5.56 in its current state...
PCCs are nothing other than a range toy
Texas is in trouble borthers
Poorfag thread
Jesus christ, the faggots are ringing the alarm bells, buy em now
What would happen if Brazil tried to invade French Guyana...
ITT: Genuinely beautiful guns
There is literally nothing wrong with NDing your firearms. If you claim you haven't had one you're undeniably noguns
Is this the best camo pattern ever?
AR thread /arg/
Hey whats the current US m4 barrel profile?
Howa's new prototype for replacing JGSDF type 89 rifle confirmed on patent information web site
Knife Fighting
Fallout aside, could this actually work?
Please stop me from buying this
They WILL be reactivated again, for what.. like the 4th time now? stupid zoomers running the military
We gonna talk about this? Dennis Tuttle
Russia invades The United States. What's your primary and secondary you carry on your person?
Official panic buy thread
Will there ever be a day when NATO is no longer needed?
Why do boomers/great gen do shit like this ?
Daily reminder that wheelgats will never be relevant again and we need to let it go
What sort of firearms would a well-off Englishman have in his country estate in the early 20th century?
OK heres my idea for a gun
Im looking for a home defense gun for an apartment with tight spaces that could also be used as a deer rifle...
What is this?
Carrier thread
The 2nd amendment
Which rifle would be better for SHTF in burgerland?
Canada general
How do I put an end to picrelated? I already keep my trashbags in a space under my deck...
This Animation makes me Hard Jow Forums
Would it be reasonable to buy a nugget that would sit in my trunk loaded and acasionaly go shooting with it? i mean...
Wouldn't a 45 be better in room to room encounters where the close proximity would call for greater stopping power?
Shit Jow Forums hyped up that went literally nowhere
This hurts the boomer
Objectively, how long would it take for the USA to take over Canada ?
Stay Away From Alexa
Jow Forums related YLYL bread
139 KB JPG
Can anyone identify the make/model of this helmet/mask?
Gets killed by a rusty 50 year old rpg 7
Coconut Oil
If United States vs Miller states that the 2nd Amendment protects military arms...
What do houthi rebels have in their mouths so often?
Should I buy a gun from the black market for self-protection?
Musi/k/ Thread
/pcc/- Pistol Caliber Carbine
Redpill me on AR9s
Would you own firearm with no serial number ?
Meanwhile, On 1999 Jow Forums
What went wrong?
/ak/ bread
I posted ths on another board but got no replys,what are the pro's and cons of owning a glock...
Where can I learn non-meme spearfighting?
What's the most patrician branch of the U.S military?
Can you break a glock by firing blanks?
/IRG/: Intermediate Rifle General
Body Armor backface deformation
Let me try making this short
How fucked are you if red flag laws pass?
Redpill me on the Mk IV
God dammit
How would Jow Forums weaponize/militarize this fucking thing...
ARG/ AR General/ Trip fag containment
Is there any other WW2 weapon or equipment that has not become obsolete by 2019 and is still widely used by modern...
Chose Greece’s new planes
Newfag Infographic Update
Who's more based?
/MEG/ - Military Enlistment General
What is your preferred gun cleaning product, Jow Forums?
K/ommunications general
I'm thinking about buying this gun, the Ruger PCC. It has a free floating barrel, takes Glock mags...
In a boogaloo/situation/apocalypse/collapse situation, how would a 40s-60s semi-auto rifle hold up? Hakims, MAS49, SKS...
BOPE FAL Substitute
What's a defense contractor job really like?
Mosin stuck bolt
Handgun General - /hg/ #319
Combat footage where one films his own death
I want one of these, are they worth it?
Oy vey
Jow Forums btfo by based Paul
Tell me about ruskies electronic warfare units. Are they really that good as I often hear?
Grand Solar Minimum Prep
Mercenary Navy
Gun Store & Fudd Stories
Gun hate
Getting a Gun in germany
Movie/TV Firearm Fails
S-70 model at MAKS shows flatten exhaust nozzle
What gun is dis
Museum of the Great Patriotic War
What's the most similar gun to the RK62 that you can get as a civilian in Finland...
USMC Ka Bar experiences?
How's that 3.5 trigger working out, cunt?
Just a reminder that concealed carry is the only sane and sensible practice...
Opinion: is a 4x scope too much for a 7.62x39 rifle...
Homemade gun thread
Hong kong thread /HGK/
What is the most retarded tank design in history? pic related
When's the earliest year an assault rifle could have been invented in history?
Where can you get a new MK23?
Talk me out of buying one Jow Forums
What does Jow Forums think of the Finnish police armored vehicle? I would add a machine gun on the roof
How do we get black citizens to arm themselves?
The goose is loose ;c
68 whiskey from 2008-2011 ask me anything
What's the best deal on a firearm purchase you've gotten Jow Forums?
Police jump suits
I get social security benefits for having ocd. am i allowed to buy a gun in texas?
Does a DUI conviction affect one's ability to purchase a firearm?
Keep seeing Hispanic men with Vietnam war veteran hats on but they can't speak english
How far does a bullet have to travel before it stops being lethal?
With modern technology could the gyrojet be upgraded and be actually effective?
I want a 16 inch barrel with a rifle length gas system, is there any good options out there for me?
Molotov cocktails
Daily reminder the Maginot Line was a good idea and did its job admirably
/akg/ AK General
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of it?
P80 thread
Joining the Russian Military as a foreign national
What country has the most fit military?
I did a full disassembly on my Glock 19 Gen 3 earlier today and I cannot get the hole on the slide release to line up...
Alright Jow Forums
I'm now a HAZ
It's 2019. Why are you not shooting superior 22 Long Rifle calibre?
Hong Kong?
Tank Thread
Killing a man for putting his hands on you
Which EU country has the best Army?
Retro-wave shooting. Cowboy action of the future?
Wow what a hero a (((gun owning mom))) step in the stop her daughter's cheer club from auctioning off and scary and...
Should I invest in a box of MREs? I know the shelf life is about 3 years if you get them off amazon...
Considering that cyber is one of the most important domains of warfare in this day and age...
Journalist tries to write about the process and how easy it is to buy guns
How do secret organisations and malitias communicate with each other without being detected by gov't agencies?
Punisher Time: Day Late Edition
Canada General
/arg/ AR General Tripfag Development Group
First African American Woman Graduates from US Army Ranger School
When is Jow Forums going to accept that women are inherently superior at shooting than men are?
Break out your bingo cards
ITT: Only the best fictional weapons
Do you think we will ever go back to the good old days of trench warfare, Jow Forums?
General Douglass MacArthur
General Buttnaked
I want out of AZ and I'm looking at Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana as the next place to settle down...
Armor rating
The longer you look into her eyes the blacker they appear...
Yeah the Murderkube is cool, but what about the Angel of Knives?
Su-57 thread. Last one reached its limit
Is it possible to get this fucking gun in the US?
Volchatka / Nagaika
*rips through NATO armor at 100 yards*
Anyone do the $0.25 Glock trigger job?
First AR
/PCC/ General
Meanwhile, On 1969 Jow Forums
68 whiskey from 2008-2011 ask me anything
How much armor would need to become impervious to any damage?
That 135 year old boomer that just won't die
Just post the most aesthetic war photos you can find
Be martian invasion
Biggest battleship ever built
/gq/ - gear queer
Clean your guns
What type of suppressor is best for making the first shot quiet?
Is modern Jow Forums trying to change the definition of "fudd" to "guy who likes wood furniture"? If so...
Advice For Home Defense
Family Thread
Alberta range officer AMA
/ak/ bread
NASCAR Gets Woke On Guns
Is eye protection really necessary for shooting? Entire armies have been mobilized without it...
What are some firearms you want to see back in production?
Why are these things over 800$ now? You could spend just a little more and get a 6920 or equivalent tier AR
Picked this up for 60 credits from an old Twi-Lek. Did I do good Jow Forums?
What baofeng should I get?
Be me
So is Matt Jow Forums or not?
Actual Shooting Thread
Boom apples
/rfr/ raifu on ridefu thread
If you don’t think 458Socom is the tightest shit ever, you need to get the fuck out of my face
Over-under shotguns
Stsh-81 Sfera, Russian bulletproof helmets
Another beautiful day to go shooting
Thinking on getting a model 1894CB but I have heard divisive reports on Marlin...
Unpopular opinion thread
Dieppe Raid
Becoming a Super-Solider with CRISPR AMA
How do you train a militia?
Pistol lights
AR15 First build - need help
Poland interested in joining Franco-German Main Ground Combat System programme
What does Jow Forums think of Sergey Shoygu?
Are Arab militaries the most incompetent in the world?
Handguards with teeth
Can a polymer80 AR lower be milled out to accept a full auto parts kit, and stand up to thousands of rounds?
CAR-15 thread
Turkish Outpost Encircled By SAA
Hey Jow Forums, what is peshmerga? and what makes you don’t wanna volunteer?
Girls with guns
What kind of gun is this?
How do we stop the killbots when they eventually get made?
What could have been
Good Guy with a Gun
Do cops legally have any self-defense (or offense) rights that civilians don't have?
Recent acquisitions
What do you call this style?
Hear me out
Just post the most aesthetic war photos you can find
Pick a fave
Ammo Rust
But...Jow Forums told me this was a good shoot. Have I been lied to?
Mexican APC's
Why do bolt actions exist?
What car would Jow Forums use in a SHTF scenario and why?
Nuclear Cannon
PA Jow Forums Labor day!
Can we get some more aesthetic pictures like this one?
/arg/ AR thread
Motorization of Infantry units
Ctrl+f on "Peace Corps" in the March for our Lives "Peace Plan"...
Why are short ass shotguns banned?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship