ctrl+f on "Peace Corps" in the March for our Lives "Peace Plan" archive.is
Ctrl+f on "Peace Corps" in the March for our Lives "Peace Plan"...
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they also want to overturn DC v. Heller through means outside the supreme court to make it where you have no right to own a firearm and any pro-gun groups get investigated by the IRS.
>antigun movement hates guns and wants to get rid of them
Yeah no shit but they don't go out of the gates and say they want like this shit. It should be talked about.
I find this post extremely antisemitic
It's Bloomberg sponsoring astroturf so he and his billionaire pals can crush the middle class. Brazil (or Mexico) the Model, modern feudalism.
weird that theyre using "change" as their key point again, exce[t now it's an acronym. libs just love change
yeah, we gotta shut that down
It's not enough that Trump backed off from his misstep about red flags, we need aggressive action punishing these astroturf campaigns. These people are enemies of the Constitution trying to subvert democracy and society. They are not activists entitled to the protection of the same Bill of Rights they are trying to destroy, they are terrorists.
Can this be a Rolf thread? I don't want to start my own thread and bump another one out just for edgy Rolf memes
sure, keeps the thread bumped
I mean I wanted others to post them. I was on my phone for the last rolf thread and didn't get a chance to save them
truth is nobody gives a shit about the constitution anymore, the demoralization program is 110% achieved. You cannot win against state level propaganda, understand the chosen people have waited long enough for their third temple and for you to become their total slave. Dont make it too hard for them.
oh okay
There's also Infraguard, which was an FBI program to get doctors, dentists, therapists and so on to report on their patients.
Sounds illegal, not that the FBI cares about that kind of thing.
Bugger that I say! The Constitution as the founders wrote is the supreme law! The 9th amendment states that "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Congresses right to tax can not be used to deny or limit our right to keep and bear arms and the fact it has done so is wrong, we must pursue legal action until all means of peaceful resolution are exhausted. If we can not resolve these breaches peacefully we must take up arms to tear down the current federal government and roll back its power and privilege. Let any who oppose be recognized as traitors to the people and thus not a part of the people, and may God save their souls.
user, damned be the fed, take hold of your birthright as a free American!
honestly it's really weird seeing all of this from confiscation and alike becoming mainstream like it is. Usually it's just talk of "well we just want harsher background checks/a ban of assault weapons" to "Mandatory Gun Buy Backs" and "We want the amount of guns in the US halved by 52%" etc. It's just really odd. Like I'm in a different timeline or something.
Sound like a hobo. "Can you spare some change"?
i feel the same way, if youve been around a campus lately you know that feel. The timeline shifted
Brandon Raub was probably the test case for red flag laws, you should read about him if you have not.
where have you been the past 4 years?
they're pushing the overton window to the left, that's the new strategy.
they may not get confiscation in the end, but they will get a more "reasonable" outcome and call it compromise, when that's what they were asking for only a few years ago.
Yeah but I mean this stuff was always fringe until very recently. It's like someone flipped a switch after Parkland.
They are a minority of people given much attention, but despite our muffled shouts, we shall emerge on top so long as we maintain a willingness to resist with force as our ancestors did. We can not let the last bastion of true liberty crumble any longer. Take heed men, better yourselves in body and mind and prepare to fight for the liberty that not only belongs to you but to your neighbors, your friends, your children, and all our descendants till the ending of time. Don't let them demoralize you, there are many who think as you, and there can be more as long as our spirit lives and we introduce others to their freedoms.
Thanks for these posts user, really good stuff.
I'm glad my words give you heart user, I wish only for the spirit of liberty and revolution to be reignited in the American people. For to long we have laid upon our laurels and become complacent. So long as a good and moral people inhabit this land we shall have peace without the need of a domineering bureaucracy. I have faith in you and all other patriots willing to lend a voice and a hand towards the restoration of our rights, I only pray that we are successful and that I might live to have children that I can share these freedoms with.
I see you as well enjoy spreading the message of the founders through humor! Godspeed on your life's journey friend!
>very recently
the past 2 years at best and they're continuously going further. we're witnessing changing times and while I'm not sure if it's going to backfire on them or not, it is certainly interesting.
>I don't mean to sound like a boomer here but having a government funded group that recruits school age children to find those not loyal to their plans is shit that Mao did.
Bro you're absolutely right, but if you think that's the only Maoist shit that's happening right now, you're in for a shock. We're living the Second Cultural Revolution right now. It's fucking nuts.
hows it going to backfire when theyre turning your sons into fags in elementary school and grooming them with jewtube
Before, everybody had this pseudo fudd mentality of "muh shotguns muh wood furniture muh handguns" but the general divide includes Guns now, where support of the actual right to bear arms including full auto is becoming more popular along with the volume of pushes to BAN ALL GUNS REEEEE
Yeah just shows how much we're polarizing I suppose.
No ones talking about it
because the commies
aren't broadcasting it
how bout you post some
ACTUAL information on it
otherwise - SHUP
>how bout you post some ACTUAL information on it otherwise - SHUP
nigger what do you think the archive.is link is? That's literally linking to the Peace Plan itself.
Why does it say connecticut has a gun licencing law?
you mean
thats ALL you have?
thats all?
wow some fucking plan. get back to me when theres something official
and not just a geocities level web page with commie tard
talking points
They're not going to stop at guns either. They want to go after everything associated with gun culture. Don't think for a second your precious surplus, gear, or camo collections will be safe either since they're "just cloth". To them, it's part of a culture that needs to be destroyed in order to make the world safe for their corporate masters' profits. I know from personal experience that liking history isn't an acceptable cover anymore since they will just call you a "Nazi" because that's what the legit neo-Nazis hid behind.
Let's talk about warren v DC...
Well considering they have a lot of political power within the left, that does make it relevant.
>They are not activists entitled to the protection of the same Bill of Rights they are trying to destroy,
Well they just want to remove all your guns and milsurp so you can't do anything against them when they want to do their actual plans against you. Which is to kill you or throw you in prison and create a liberal utopia where everyone who disagrees is shot on sight and where "true equality" exists.
Remember everyone, we need to defend ourselves from all forms of tyranny, be they the government, criminals, or corporate entities that vie to wrest power from the people. Hold fast against their demoralization campaign and ready yourself and your rifle for action!
Not going to lie i would buy this to shoot at
We should get on this right away, it'd be an excellent tool to combat all kinds of groups. Like Antifa, the Proud Boys, and the other white supremacists who were in Portland.
Never forget. They want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's fucking funny.
Don't make the mistake of thinking this is "just political discussion" anymore.
>implying the proud boys or white supremacists are a problem
You can get an 80% version from a recycling bin you just have to finish it with some simple household tools so there isn't a record.
I don't think this is the endgame since the real enemy is industry (corporations) colluding with government. They simply want docile consumers to force their marketing on in order to extract money from. There will be a few example thrown into prison/executed to keep the proles in line but don't expect a massive FEMA death camp affair since it would be extremely expensive to run. I don't think they care whether it's a right or left wing utopia so long as they get total control over others and they get to make their money.
>Proud Boys
>White supremacists
Proud boys allow niggers and kikes in their ranks, if you weren't such a bumblefuck old boomer sipping the msm coolaid you would know that. The biggest group we need to combat besides the (((chosen people))) are boomers. They are a blight on western civilization and in desperate need of complete and utter liquidation.
U fuckker
I gazed upon your words and in that moment I knew you were my nigga.
>The biggest group we need to combat besides the (((chosen people))) are boomers. They are a blight on western civilization and in desperate need of complete and utter liquidation.
It's already happening. Try posting a Gadsen flag on reddit or twitter and you will be called a nazi.
I know. Just saying the word "history" on leddit is enough. They will bend over backwards to claim you're a Nazi if you don't provide enough details to d0x yourself (who in the right mind would if that what they already think of you over there), listing such choice phrases like "weasel words". It's spilling over to the real world too. This is why I've been saying "history" is no longer a valid cover hobby for your guns.
>Take heed men, better yourselves in body and mind and prepare to fight for the liberty that not only belongs to you but to your neighbors, your friends, your children, and all our descendants till the ending of time. Don't let them demoralize you, there are many who think as you, and there can be more as long as our spirit lives and we introduce others to their freedoms.
Thank you for these words, I needed them.
yeah reds like frequent changes and shake ups to obfuscate their real agenda when its actually just same shit different day
This is true, both liberty and history-minded people are terrible consumers and they won't stop until everybody consumes whatever junk they put out without thinking.
Yeah that's Neo-Liberal Capitalism for you.
Shut up nigger
They've completely abandoned all pretenses since Obama took office. The question is why all these 'white nationalist terrorists' keep picking random soft targets, instead of actual enemies.
>The question is why all these 'white nationalist terrorists' keep picking random soft targets, instead of actual enemies.
because nearly of those "White Nationalist Terrorists" aren't politically minded, just bullshit spouted by politicians and the media. That Dayton shooting was done by an antifa supporter (though not politically motivated, just domestic issues) and that El Paso shooting was just random, that "Anti-Mexican Manifesto" wasn't written by the shooter, it was some bullshit meme script made on 8/pol/ by someone as a joke. Something Jim Watkins himself confirmed but the media keeps spouting off that he did write that manifesto. The only politically motivated shootings I can think of were those 2 synagogue shootings in recent memory here on US soil. The rest is just the media framing some edgelords/mentally ill individuals as "White Nationalist Terrorists" for their own political gain. Same reason why the feds are busting people on jokes if they have opinions they don't like or convincing dumbshit skinheads into making black powder bombs for them like what happened in Toledo (as well as a slew of other cases exactly like that). Terrorism in general is just a big scare tactic and rarely happens. You're more likely to die in a car crash or drown in a swimming pool than die by a terrorist or even a basic bitch mass shooter that just wants to kill random people for no reason. It's a joke. That's the real conspiracy there rather than what retards on Jow Forums ramble on about with "DUDE MOSSAD LMAO!" which is absolutely autistic.
Proud boys are controlled opposition
You sound like Tiborasaurus Rex, can I come live with you?
I wish you shills would fuck off