damn, sounds funny well, I'm ok with jews (more or less) and I don't have a gun, but can I join you? (just kidding, I live in europa)
Luke Cooper
Mighty strange looking bullet holes. Almost looks like you dropped cigarettes on it. I'll tower over you little boylet And say rude things to you in a deep man voice.
Connor Cruz
Try actually calling your senators and what not and explain to them why you disagree with such a bill. The Soccer moms, Neocons, and other such retarded or naive boot lickers are only a loud minority and pretty inactive unless someone is pulling the strings.
I want to come but I don't want to be called a Fed (I'm a little older) not get accidentally shot (or on purpose either really)by one of you idiots. What do?
Nicholas Murphy
no one cares about hershey fucking park, knoebels is where it's at
Lol, same, and my wife is due like a week after this happens, very unlikely I'd be able to go. I went to a Jow Forums meet up a few years ago, it was goofy but fun.
David Nelson
That's rude
Lucas Gomez
It was my .22. I gave some boxes to Porker because I was a naive fool trying to be nice (I had a bunch of extra .22) and he decided to be a ebin memester and throw it in the fucking fire. I bet you there's still fucking .22 shells in that firepit. He's lucky no one lost a fucking eyeball.
Robert Cruz
>>backdoor AWB to be passed by the legislature next month Explain.
Nogunz are allowed as long as you aren't a felon or underaged user Come have some fun, lots of people will let you shoot their guns, just bring ammo or something to trade
Jack Sullivan
>Don't eat the fuckin brownies who DOESNT want to eat Wirty'c cummies :3
Come anyway user, its fun!
Easton Roberts
They are so delicious and moist.
Luis Brooks
I will try to be there frens. It will be a journey to get there, a lot of travel on foot.
Never been though. Other than haggle chips, what else should I bring if I'm homeless broke. Tent? Foodstuffs? Comfy?
Robert Thompson
Go, just bring some ammo and/or money.
Jayden Miller
> homeless
>has an Internet connection and decice.
Yea okay buddy.
Chase Peterson
>What you shouldn't bring >Porker A hardy chuckle was had. Fuck u porker
Jace Peterson
It's your loss, meets are fun.
Grayson Rogers
Even the niggers in attendance said nigger.
Gabriel Reed
If you are actually homeless, join the discord and we can help you out. Probably help you organize a ride and share food and tent space.
Christopher Thomas
>sleeping and feeding a dirty homeless person and having several thousand dollars worth if guns gear and equipment. Mmmm I smell thievery.
Gabriel Green
I appreciate the kindness but I might not need any of that. I can trek to Butler if needed and perhaps secure a tent of my own. If not, I'll bag outside.
My primary concern is what I'm going to barter for ammunition. I only have electrical components, shiny rocks, and technical knowledge... maybe treats and the like.
Adrian Brown
Fuck off dude. You arnt welcome. Get a job you bum.
Juan Young
This is a joke
Liam Sanchez
Discord tag?
Anthony Mitchell
If you can clean up good I can give you a free ride and a good time for the low price of "letting" me suck your asshole until my tip slides in without impediment.
Any traps go to this event? It's been a while and I'd like to sensation of warm shit on the edge of my cock.
Carter Robinson
Seeing the pictures of these meets makes me not wanna come despite being pretty close
Austin Hill
If you're into disgusting looking/smelling know it all pieces of literal human garbage then yes. Lexi will be there.
Gabriel Flores
Why are you all so fucking fat? Lose 50 lbs fatty
Benjamin Moore
trannies are NOT welcome
Caleb Moore
>trap >smelly
What is the key to your heart, dearest “Lexi”?
Leo Perry
>Lexi >disgusting 10/10 would eat his cummies off his tummy it is well known that trannies are accepted and passed around to all the fatties in exchange for ammo at these kinds of events
Kayden Kelly
bruh wawa is based. i live in NC and I went up to md on buisness. food was spectacular. md niggas are based and wawapilled