what car would Jow Forums use in a SHTF scenario and why?
>duce and a half
>because it can push anything out of the way and has enough space for all of my shit plus some
>that and it'll run on damn near anything that burns. (it'll run on used motor oil if it's filtered and thinned out with some diesel for the fuel pump to actually work)
What car would Jow Forums use in a SHTF scenario and why?
>no gas
>low target priority
>very quiet
>able to ring a bell or honk a horn which is hilarious in a post apocalyptic world
Nobody looks at some dude on a bike and thinks "i'm gonna gank that guy, he's probably got some good loot"
spell deuce you fucktard neverserved
but all it takes is some nigger to tackle you off of that shit and beat your skull in for a chocolate bar.
good choice. trucks like these are actually obtainable as well.
does the vehicle we choose have to be obtainable or can i pick literally anything?
68 whiskey 2004-2012
guess again fuckface i misspelled
> Jow Forums - Weapons
eh, i like the rule if you can't find it on ebay motors or some other alike website it's disqualified.
you know what the hell i mean
Those things are maintenance whores and use propitiatory parts and get terrible millage.
>shit gas mileage
>Loud as fuck
>obvious target
>impossible to find spare parts or tires
>do you even know how to do maintenance on it?
>can't outrun anything
Poor choice, OP.
Personally I would choose a sturdy truck like an F-150. I've driven one for many years and can replace or repair pretty much anything important other than the entire engine or transmission. Plus I can put a bike in it for when fuel becomes scarce. If I could figure out biofuels I might swap that out for a truck with an appropriate diesel engine.
>runs on anything that burns
>just keep a fuel pump, 2 extra tires, and a basic maintenance kit in the back and you'd be fine.
True, but I'm a lot less likely to take aggro from riding around due to the quietness of it. I definitely see how there are drawbacks to it, but I think ultimately it would be better for my style.
i would get a rig like this and fuck off into the woods
I don't know who told you that but they only take desel or JP8 and do not take standard fuels.
>yet again it'll run on damn near anything that burns
>i was working around them for about 8 years, fixed about a dozen of them.
>not that loud with good care and if you keep shit tied down. Hell i'd even go to say it's quieter that some diesel pickup trucks i'v'e been around.
>i live in the country so i't'd be no more obvious than a pickup truck
>spare parts are kinda sorta obtainable if you look in the right places.
>you don't need to outrun them if you can deal with the problem and the the fuck out of dodge when shit hits the fan.
about the f150.
>every f150 that i've driven feels like shit. i can't really explain it. That and my neighbors f150 as well as my dad's f150 have alternators and starters go out about every 10k miles.
>not using a Mr. Fusion
doing it wrong
They can run on pretty much any fuel that will burn with a wick. Same as pretty much any Diesel engine ever made.
>damn near any diesel engine will run on the following: peanut oil (the original diesel), basedbean oil (another one of the original diesels), black diesel (30-70 mix of filtered used motor oil and diesel), combat gasoline (stated in the original manual of the truck), kerosene (can't remember what k rating)
do i really need to go on?
>shit i meant basedbean oil.
guess it doesn't want me to say "onions bean"
fuck it give up
are you trying to say $0Y boi?
Well that makes sense, not surprise you were in the Army and can't do shit right.
well there you go. thats how you do it
If I have to have a car or something I'd say the most fuel efficient SUV with true 4WD.
A high effiency diesel car. Probably a mid sized sedan.
Strap some armor plates around the front and also on the sides and in the back.
Add some way to quickly add armor plates to the side windows or bolt on bullet resistant glass.
Take out the back seats and anything else you don’t need to reduce the weight.
>Be me post apocalypse
>Be riding my bike through the danger zone
>Smug face everyone I see and ring my bell "kek, they will definitely laugh and everyone will respect my balls"
>Hear voice from nearby shadow
>"Ayyo, whatchu got on muh fo-ty homie? Gibbs me dat bitch"
>Get tackled as group of swamp donkeys swarm me and culturape me to death
>Last thing I see through a layer of semen is Deebo riding away on my bike
>Mfw that nigger stole my bike
aye man fuck you
>also, guessing you where in the marines or navy?
Think I'll just take a boat, gut a Nissan Leaf, steal some solar panels, jury rig the whole thing together, grab a fishing rod and a water filter and go
Dont fucking talk shit on doc you never served faggot.
>about the f150
You must have had some bad luck then. I've owned 3 personally and know several other people that own them. I've never had alternator issues and they have always drive well with the exception of icy roads. But then I live in Texas, so icy roads are a myth these days.
I was a driver on one of those puppies. They use a gallon of fuel per ten kilometers. A modern military truck with the same payload uses only a fraction of that, and does not require constant maintenance to not fall apart.
Not sure about old style deuce and a half a but I know the modern FMTVs require a shit ton of maintenance and get 6 miles to the gallon. If the deuce and a half is anything like the modern trucks it won’t be a good boogaloo carriage unless you aren’t going alone and have access to plenty of parts
t. 88M
But on the other hand you can drive them in 60mph. If you can get to the top of a tall enough cliff first.
Thinking again, I’d figure it was the highways miles that causes these trucks to shit the bed all the time.
Also I don't say that you couldn't get fuel, just that it had shit mileage.
How new are you senpai?
>sent from my iphone
any diesel suv, loaded with lots of fuel canisters in the back
Mercedes W123 wagon. Bullet proof 5 cylinder diesel.
who are you quoting?
I genuinely thought I was on /o/ while browsing this thread.