Why do bolt actions exist?

I'm not insinuating they shouldn't exist. I'm just ignorant as to what makes them relevant, or what advantages they might have to compensate for their obvious disadvantages compared to semi-autos.

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All the reasons manual transmissions still exist

ease of action, mechanics and parts. Some people just cant be bothered to fuss with something that moves on its own or has more than 3 moving parts.

Weight. That’s really about it

Manual transmissions are purely for hobbyists and will continue to become a smaller and smaller niche. There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission.
And yes I drive manual, before you write >t. ______

Well OP, If you don’t like shooting guns, then why are you here?
Please make a list of guns you think are acceptable for me to enjoy shooting,

Again, I'm not insinuating bolt actions aren't acceptable guns. I'm just ignorant about them entirely, and I'm assuming their continued use implies some advantage I'm not aware of.

>continued use implies some advantage I'm not aware of.
thats been answered

From this day forward...
All anons on Jow Forums can only buy guns that OP likes.
OP has determined bolt action guns are irrelevant.

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I don't dislike bolt actions. I used one in boy scouts but that was it. I'll probably get a bolt action some day just out of curiosity.

Bolt actions are more accurate then semi auto AT FAR DISTANCES.

They shoot bigger bullets more accurately and in a lighter overall package than a semi-auto

Less factors influencing repeatable accuracy. Its not a meaningful gap until extreme ranges, which is why precision rifles will be bolt guns for the foreseeable future but every other marksman role they've been supplanted by AR10s and the like.
You know something is utterly past its use-by date when people make tearful posts like this when you ask what the appeal is.

Name a 308 bolt action more accurate than a SR25

Bolt actions are lighter, simpler, cheaper, stronger, more reliable, and more accurate than auto-loaders (or just about anything else, for that matter). Bolts are ideally suited for hunters, who need an occasional fast followup shot but don't need to send hundreds of rounds at their target.

well if you want to go gucci, name your price custom chassis remington 700 build will btfo a sr25 all day long.

They are simple, cheap, reliable machines that are easy to take down/clean and they are accurate. I love my weatherby.300 wsm, killed bear with it no problem. Nothing like racking rounds in it, just like shifting an old granny box. I think it helps mentally set you up to take that critical first shot, knowing the follow up isn’t going to be immediate.

phew lad, try an actually relevant precision caliber next time

I like bolt guns, but don't get ahead of yourself. with actual shooting outside, one of the most common issues I have gotten with a bolt gun is still primary extraction. being manually operated doesn't automatically make a gun more reliable.

also please refrain from boomer posting that hard unless it's about lever guns

>cheaper and easier to make extremely accurate
>extremely hot loads
>hunting laws in some places
Honestly theyre better in any situation where extremely fast follow up shots arent necessary

Just fun to shoot. I took my 80 year old single shot bolt action out, it's just a blast to shoot. I enjoy working the action and seeing the round fly out, I enjoy l
Working the action to load it. It's also just a .22 rifle, even bigger cal bolt actions are fun to shoot.

Because you can build a more accurate gun more cheaply that can handle all sorts of weird cartridges more easily

They can also be lighter, which is nice when you don't necessarily need a fast follow up - like hunting.

Because the tactile feel is fun.

Because you enjoy history, and there are number of interesting historical bolt action rifles.

It's really because of history. They were fielded initially as the most accurate, most reliable, and cheapest rifles. Cheapness can still play a part, and their reliability is still bulletproof. Accuracy, however, is moot.

Honestly a $300 Savage.

I agree with everything you said, but I don't like you because you type like a boomer.

>Accuracy, however, is moot.
Yeah that must be why the vast majority of precision matches are won with bolt action rifles.

You’re one of those fags who legit doesn’t understand why any guns other than ARs and Glock 19s exist, aren’t you?

Half the price for any given accuracy.

Majority of them

And those same reasons are almost exactly why bolt actions still exist. Congratulations on understanding the point.

lol overprice pos
stop sucking up to American companies just because they're American.

Any heavy barreled Tikka T3 shoots 1/3 MOA with handloads. An AR10 is barely below MOA at best.

They are cheaper to make and to own. They're lighter than semi-autos and less finicky regarding gas, ammo feeds, etc, less things to go wrong. They also tend to be more accurate for a given price.
Bolts are pretty much the only feasable way of feeding some of the stupidly large rifle cartridges while still having a carryable gun.

>Why do things I don't like have to exist? Why can't everyone just have an AR and glock like me?

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A bolt action has more felt recoil. This can be its own kind of fun.

>There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission.
Mechanical simplicity.

>There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission.
Try merging onto the interstate in a four cylinder grocery getter with an automatic.

Also they used to be a bit more fuel efficient but nowadays the gap is closing and CVTs are even more efficient than manuals.

You are a fucking retard.

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OP only hunts from a stand 50 feet from his Prius.

Get into the rough back country chasing elk and big horn sheep with your heavy ass semiauto. And than miss cause you fucking suck.

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idk faggot why dont you ask all the military special forces that still use bolt actions or insurgents who pick hunting rifles over an ak

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the less parts and more sturdy your rifle, the more consistent your shooting will be.

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>will continue to become a smaller and smaller niche
manuals are still the majority here in the uk

>cost less to achieve an equivalent level of accuracy
>normal manual action advantages over semi autos when it comes to reloading such as seating bullets right off the rifling or using minimal crimp to maximize accuracy, and being able to go as hot or as weak as you want without running into problems
>normal manual action advantages over semi autos when it comes to dry practice at home, as the experience is the exact same as firing normally minus recoil which allows for complete dry practice while dry practice with a semi auto will always be extremely artificial and lacking in many ways (although not many people will be taking advantage of thise with a bolt action)

>There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission.
>what is mechanical simplicity
>what is engine braking
>what is being able to get more torques without flooring it to force your auto to downshift

>And yes I drive manual
Just because you drive a vehicle with one doesn't mean you know how to use it.

I have a 30.06 handed down to me and I have never touched a thing on it, never even turned the sight adjustments. I can hit your penis at 300 yards. I also have a .308 that I'm pretty good up to 200 yards then it turns into s shit show. I wouldn't hunt with it because it wouldn't seem fair.

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You know that in most automatics, putting the pedal to the floor will tell the car to downshift, right?

>I wouldn't hunt with it because it wouldn't seem fair.
Except wolves, or maybe if I lived in the south pigs.

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Yeah, like four seconds later.

Yeah, I don't think anyone cares about what's popular in the uk,especially when it's popularity is only sustained by cucked, crown-licking kiddies.

Better to bow to the Crown than get shot by a cop.

And this is why you have spork control while us Americans have auto loaders and private sales. Fuck you and your human hierarchy.

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My bolt action shotgun is still my favorite. Its just fun to shoot.Same with my lever rifles.

>he thinks people care what the uk does

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greater selection of obscure meme rounds to shoot

Being able to change your clutch yourself, or getting it done for half the money it would require to get dual clutches changed on a modern automatic transmission. Not to mention, dual clotches have a shorter life.

Daily reminder that Feudel Lords were kinder to their serfs than Modern American companies are to their Employees

>There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission.
Less likely to have your car stolen.

I'm gonna need to see some research to back up that wild claim, chief.

Because semi auto centrefires are effectively or completely banned in most of the world.

You mean literally all modern ones?

more evidence that most Jow Forums posters know even less about automobiles than guns.

Do you have the same one as me? Grandad used to feed the family during the depression with this little bastard.

She's going to stay in the family, that's for sure.

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Yes, the older bolt actions 22s are special & enjoyable to shoot IMO. My grandpas Remington 24" barrel bolty made in the 50's is nice quality and very accurate.

Nice - I like it.

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Well it's probably a kid or a yuropoor who doesn't own a car or drive

Is yours one of the ones with a mag? Or is yours also a single-shot?

Also, pics of your grandpa's gun?

>Why do bolt actions exist?
because fun thing are fun, also they have better accuracy potential and suppress really well.

To appeal to elitist dumbfucks without any practical application? Don't think bolt actions fit that

It is the single shot Model 514 in pic. These came with walnut furniture up until about 1966 I've read.

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Simple, cheap, hunting law compliant. Easy to make different calibers because you don't necessarily need to make an external detachable magazine.

She looks nice. If you lived in the extreme South end of Texas I'd ask if we could go shooting together.

Nice, I like my old Sears rifle too

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Millions do everyday. But racer faggots always kill their cars at stoplights and fuck up on inclines. I'm always hearing about people with manual getting new clutches for burning up their transmission but people who drive auto never have this problem.

Nice, yours has a magazine! Did you get the metal polished/blued? It looks far more shiny than mine.

the fact 22lr guns with barrels this long still amazes me. You start seeing diminishing returns with 22lr around 18".

I just keep it well oiled, so it stays shiny. I forgot it's not actually from Sears though, it's made by Montgomery Wards a Sears-like company. But the selectable magazine is very neat

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Stop slinging around boomer when you don't even know what you are talking about. OP had a valid point and sorry(?) that you can't even handle a firearm? More (?) ?

>Montgomery Ward
Jesus, it's been a while since I've seen one of those stores. Or even a commercial for one. Nice gun though.

Ever change a clutch before? Ever worked on an automatic transmission? Ever notice the price differences? Do you know the difference between a flywheel and a flexplate?
then shut the fuck up

It isn't just the UK though. Automatics are rare outside the us and it's because the only benefit they have is giving the driver less stuff to do. Much like bolt actions, they're simpler, cheaper, easier to repair and maintain, lighter, and (usually) more robust. They really only have one disadvantage which is more of an inconvience than an actual problem.

A well made transmission lasts the life of the car.

You've never driven an automatic have you user?
Your dad and grandpa probably told you stick shift was better because it what they drove and you never even thought to question it.

>Millions do everyday.
Yes, and I'm always right behind them yelling MATCH SPEED, BITCH!

why are 99% of motorcycles manual if automatic is better?

I've owned several of both. Manual is better real world performance for any given horsepower. Much like bolty boi is more accurate and reliable for any given price tag.

>being bad at using a machine means the machine is bad
The only advantage automatics have is that they're idiot proof. The majority of the world still drives manual and don't have these problems, because that's the norm and it's well understood

>There are no mechanical or practical advantages to manual transmission
As much as you want to pretend that every automatic vehicle has a high end transmission that mitigates power loss and fuel efficiency loss you're lying to yourself. Not to mention the mechanical simplicity and strength of them still makes them superior in almost all applications.

Id say its because theyre extremely simple but that doesnt explain how companies get away with selling 1000 dollar durr rifles

>A well made transmission lasts the life of the car.
That's a silly and worthless statement that actually makes no sense.

>Why are there still bolt action rifles
>Why are there still manual transmissions
>Why do cameras also have manual shooting modes
>Why are there still shoes with laces

Some of us are capable of learning a slightly more complex skill for more control over the process and a better end result.

>why are 99% of motorcycles manual
Because they're generally more powerful than shitboxes, and automatic gearboxes strong enough to deal with said power would be prohibitively heavy for a motorbike.
Notice how slow bikes are actually almost invariably automatic.

They're the perfect hunting rifle.

>Accurate enough for a precise, clean hit on game
>Way more affordable than any other rifle, so even someone on a budget can afford a decent one
>Comes in all kinds of cartridges, allowing one to find a rifle suitable for what they intend to hunt
>Mechanically simple, require no tools to field strip; anyone with a brain can take care of one

Well there's no gas escaping to cycle the action, it all goes out the muzzle. That's why military snipers still prefer them.
They are much stronger than a semi auto, so you can run rounds that are hotter. For instance, I use a 180 grain bullet on 40 grains of BLC-2 in my AR-10, but I can bump the charge up to 42 grains of BLC 2 in my bolt action .308....However 42 grains of BLC-2 in my AR-10 will cause the bolt to freeze in the buffer tube and I have to mortar it against the ground. Hope that helped

>>Montgomery WardJesus, it's been a while since I've seen one of those stores. Or even a commercial for one. Nice gun though
That's because they went bankrupt and were liquidated in 2001. There's an online/catalog store that uses the name but it's not a linear continuation.

I wonder when these companies stopped selling house branded rifles...

>more reliable

Lmao look at this fucking cucked loser.

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They're the most accurate action we have made to date. The sum mass of the moving parts during firing sequence in a bolt action is lower than pretty much any other firearm, while minimizing the amount of variables that can cause one shot to be different than another due to the way the bolt locks into place (i.e the break action single shot, which also has a low mass of moving parts during firing, may not lock up exactly the same way each time it is reloaded, which is why they tend to be less accurate than bolt action rifles).

Forgot to mention, semi autos are inherently inaccurate, because they are slaves to looser tolerances in order for the action to cycle and actually feed another round. As the bullet travels down the barrel, parts like the bolt begin to rattle and wobble their way down their little tracks and exert forces on the rifle which changes the final position the firearm is in at the time the bullet actually leaves the barrel.

Because semi auto durr guns are like 1k+

Are you saying it doesn’t seem fair because it’s so accurate?

An accurate bolt action is cheaper than an accurate semi auto.