Mexican APC's

>Mexican APC's
What's wrong with Mexico, Jow Forums? Why don't they proper APCS like the rest of the military World? I mean look at them, it's trucks nothing more. How do they expect to repel a foreign invasion?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How do they expect to repel a foreign invasion?

user, Mexicans *are* the foreign invasion.

Their Army is more of a giant Military Police Force than anything else.

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This. They barely can afford helicopters and search lights trying to find spooks dealing blow raking all the good boy points for retirement.

Remember how in Sicario the Feds wanted only one crime cartel in charge? That's the best realistic scenario for Mexico.

But they have UH-60 Blackhawk.

Attached: UH-60_Black_Hawk.jpg (2736x1824, 1.22M)

Just imagine that thing suffering a failure right there and crashing straight into those people. The rotors tipping into the crowd, the engine catching fire. The body settling with power on 300 adoring patriots. Wow.

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That's why they also have something more reliable.

Attached: MI-26_en_Mexico.jpg (1768x1172, 206K)

>Toothpaste celebration

They're disorganized and poor
They don't expect to repel a foreign invasion. Who would invade them? Guatemala? Any other country would draw the attention of the US

Why the fuck would anyone ever want to invade Mexico? If they were using Mexico to start a campaign against the US, why wouldn't they expect us to immediately assist militarily? Mexico's far more pressing concern is the cartel nightmare.

>armored taco truck

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>If they were using Mexico to start a campaign against the US, why wouldn't they expect us to immediately assist militarily?
Because America hates Mexico?

go away child

Migration from Mexico has been a net negative for 10 years.

>pretending USA are on good terms with Mexico

Do you also worship Jews user?

>foreign invasion

They just have two borders, the US in the North and the 3rd world in the south. There's zero threat. Even if they get invaded by Guatemala, the terrain at the border is mountainous. And they have a much larger army. If the US would want to invade, they wouldn't stand a chance no matter what anyways. There's no need for any bigger hardware.

Also, Mexico has a strict isolationist policy. Their army would never leave their territory.


They are our largest trading partner.
>muh juuuus
cringe and teenpilled

That would be Canada, not Mexico.

Mexico took the #1 spot earlier this year.

Attached: atlas_g8YZrMFgH.png (640x405, 24K)

America hates anyone that are invading them more than they hate mexico.


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That's nice.

Mexicans have been a net negative for a lot longer than 10 years.

Even stupider and less educated people climbing up from the bowels of South America to get smashed on Tecate and clog your hospitals is not better. You are still important thousands upon thousands of semi literate subhumans into our country every year. Please unfuck your terrible country so being your neighbor stops being such a burden on our police, military, and taxpayers. Thanks ese.

Because literally no one has any reason to invade Mexico for starters. The only nation in the Americas that could even stand a chance if they wanted to is the US. And no one on earth could beat the US in a conventional war, they especially couldn't do it while being next door neighbors.

And that ignores of course that anyone who tried would immediately be destroyed by the US. Invading Mexico would be only slightly less retarded than invading Canada.


That's not a why, that's a who. Why does China want to invade Mexico? You stupid boomer.

To install a puppet regime and put bases near America, therefore pressuring it.

Laughable, china has nothing mexico wants that it can get from the US.

Infact, mexico views china as a huge competitor.

God, you really are a boomer.

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>bro they visited a port oh shit oh fuck they are puppets now
Not even him, but he's right. Mexican labor is not only on average more skilled than Chinese labor, but they are younger and cheaper. China views Mexico as threatening to replace them as the cheap, low value added goods manufactuter that services the west. They are right, the shift is already happening.

We are seeing the peak of immigration from CA as we speak my dude, its going to start declining in late 2020. And CA immigration doesnt even come close to the levels we saw from Mexico in the 90s/2000s. We will never see the same level of immigration from south america, as the geography of the land prevents all but those who can afford to from coming here, reducing it to a trickle.

>post yfw France lost a war to Mexico

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who the fuck would wanna invade this god forsaken shithole

>looks at Jow Forums

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They steal the trucks in the US and get your tax dollars as well

Is it an invasion if the ground troops are trying to exterminate an ethnicity instead of seize territory, or is there another term for that?

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Money, same answer as all of these dumbass question threads.

What's that added on?

>What's wrong with Mexico?

Apart from food, what ISN'T wrong with Mexico?

>Because America hates Mexico?
>one Largest trading partners and neighbor

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