What kind of gun is this?

What kind of gun is this?

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Colt Python

That's a Gilboa Snake

Attached: double-barrel-ar-15.jpg (900x600, 72K)

how long till it gets flag

Attached: dont tread on meme.png (1200x800, 71K)

Thats a stupid design for a rifle and i want one with a binary trigger

Looks like a SnAK [snay-kay] 47 to me

That's an interesting concealed carry idea.

Does it fire two at once or different barrel every trigger pull?

a loooong gun

Choose the inscription.

Attached: dont1.png (1200x800, 169K)

And choose which version is better.

Attached: dont2.png (1200x800, 665K)

Surprisingly, neither. It's actually just two guns in one: two separate triggers, magazines, and obviously the barrels.
The idea is that you can be most responsive by not having to wait on the action at all and fire again immediately, and it probably helps to not get the rifle counted as automatic.

Please tell me that is a plastic or kydex cover. I can't imagine snakeskins would stretch like that thing does to show the mag and grip.

Yeah, it's definitely fake. A snake's body wouldn't conform around the gun, instead you would have an air bubble between the grip and the magazine.

snAK 47


Smash their bills

Neither. ATF still classified it as a machinegun tho.

Solid snake gun eater

Rock fucking solid, made me chuckle, gj lads

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