Hey Jow Forums, what is peshmerga? and what makes you don’t wanna volunteer?

Hey Jow Forums, what is peshmerga? and what makes you don’t wanna volunteer?

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>Dumb commie faggots 100% dependant on the West/NATO nations for aid and weapons. They are better than Turk niggers though.

but they seems that they are actually fighting the bad guys tho

they're commies they are the bad guys

>they're commies they are the bad guys

they are democractic socialists and their enemies are the islamists, from al qaeda to isis. they are the good guys.

also they're not peshmerga, they are YPG. Peshmerga are the official armed forces of the Kurdish republic in northern Iraq. They even have an airforce. YPG is a militia

You're confusing the Peshmerga with other Syrian Kurdish groups.

dudes in the front and on the right are dead, second from right is living in sweden now married to a cute kurdish girl, dude on the left just wrote a book that got published in the UK. I think it's the 3rd that was written by a volunteer now, and having met the guy, I can assure you it's by far the best one

Why Canadian weapons?

that picture was taken in 2014/15, before Trump was elected. Obama never allowed to support them with actual hardware other than ammunition for their soviet weapons and massive CAS, so everything they had at that time that wasn't soviet was taken from ISIS.

ISIS probably got it from the Iraqi security forces

>ISIS probably got it from the Iraqi security forces
Even if that is true. Why Canadian weapons and equipment?

They're commies and whatever grievances they have with the turkroaches I don't care about and not willing to risk my life for.

>democractic socialists
So commies.

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Peshmerga is the military force of the kurd faction in Iraq. They only accept volunteers of kurdish heritage. They are dually led by the two main political parties of the kurds in Iraq, have received some training but are woefully armed. Until recently, each recruit had to bring their own rifle and it might still be like that. Airforce is non existent. They are landlocked so no navy. Armor is non existent - they have some HMMVs with MGs. Artillery are a handful of light Soviet era cannons in dubious state. Training and ammo for the cannons is likely minimal. There is no anti aircraft weaponry and hardly any MANPAD platforms or antitank stuff beyond RPGs. About the only military strength they have is manpower, but most of it is woefully trained.

Kurds in Iraq want to be a nation. With absolutely zero foreign or national supporters with military strength, that want is meaningless. No matter how many millions of people live there.

I wouldn't die to fight rag heads, and I wouldn't die fighting for rag heads.

Turks and Kurds are both the scum of the earth. And YPG PKK et al are literally narcos.

Canadians probably gave it to Iraq? Or they shipped them from Afghanistan or something? It's cheaper to do that instead of flying them back to Canada I guess? No idea. It's true though, look it up.

>They only accept volunteers of kurdish heritage
That's not true, there's a bunch of Americans and Europeans among them. I've been talking to a few. Unlike YPG they only accept former soldiers though.

>armor is non existent
Dude what? They have MRAPs and MBTs. They also have MANPADs, static AA, and several helicopters. I think you can even read a list on wikipedia. Where do you get your information from?

Dude what? 80% of your post is bullshit

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>100% dependant on the West/NATO
So is every other faction, everyone's supplied by someone.

>what makes you not want to volunteer
The part where I don't get paid jack shit, if at all.

>yeah i'm up for cool Jow Forums shit to fight isis, but only if i get paid

What makes you think they're Canadian? They could just be wrapped in fabric or painted, its not like Colt Canada has a monopoly on green paint.

yeah, just like conservatives are fascists. dumbass

Havnt u heard? Peshmerga a shit. Our friends now are the Talibans

>Since direct talks between the U.S., led by Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad, and the Taliban started in late 2018, a number of experts and political analysts—many of whom are not Afghans—have said they believe the Taliban have changed or reformed. They say Taliban leaders in Doha have assured them that they recognize that today’s Afghanistan is not the same as in the late 1990s when they ruled the country.


Fuck kurds. There is a reason why every country they infested have genocided them at least once. Literally everyone hates them except dumb faggot amerifats who never saw one of those monkies irl.

Your post reads like it's from 2003, the Peshmerga in Iraqi Kurdistan is far better equipped and trained, especially after the war against ISIS.

>t. roach
the seething is actually hilarious when it comes to kurds lol i don't even get it, roaches sperg out so bad when it comes to them, must be because even after decades of trying to crush them they still won't go away

Nah im hungarian. As I said, everyone hates kurds you dumb cocksucker

I remember you, the kid from Hungary with the obsession over hating kurds. Still not moved on? How long has it been? 2 years now?

I’m American and I like Kurds.

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just like I said

>t. roach in hungary
>everyone hates kurds
lol you're trying way too hard dude

t. kurd

Come back when you get your own country sandnigger gypsy

Try again, roach

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Lets hope they try again and kill more than 100k of you rats this time

I'm not a kurd you autistic roach, lmfao, jesus christ, why do kurds make you cockroaches sperg out so bad online? It's fucking hilarious

>...who have never seen one IRL
You’re bad at this

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low iq kurd

Do tell more about the Peshmerga Air Force. Because I can't find any evidence of it. Your picture is from 2015. As for all other pics that claim to be kurd aircrafts there's hardly any from after 2017 and for some reason I can't find any actually in the air.

>I’m American and I like Kurds.
Good, give your address so the rest of the world can send their Kurds to your place.

Seething roach who can't even open a picture on mobile phone, can't afford a laptop or what bud? I know the Turkish economy is in the shitter but jesus christ man

Is there a Winnie the Pooh Copypasta equivalent for “Hungarian” Turkroaches?

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in the end of the day its you and your countryless rat pack is the one who wonders the desert aimlessly while you get genocided by everyone because you are just pests.

ive honestly never seen a more assblasted demographic than turkroaches when it comes to kurds online

The ones I was embedded with seemed real keen on having their own country. Maybe you should leave Hungary and go back to yours?

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>still can't open a picture on his 2009 nokia phone
I'm honestly laughing irl at the absurdity of this autism, this is just shitposting and you're bored or something, right? No way this is serious
Fucking roaches man

you want attention so bad with your twitter pics, but you aint gettin yous cuck

They have a bunch of helicopters. German wikipedia has a detailed list of their hardware, you should be able to figure it. Not sure if the numbers are correct though.

I do remember seeing footage of Peshmerga helicopters in the Sinjar mountains fighting against ISIS and extracting Yazidi refugees.

They also have modern German MRAPs btw, Germany supplied a lot of stuff. G36, MG3, etc.

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>still dont have a country

lmao at ur rat pack

Germans gave them a lot of hardware, including some nice ATGMs, it made the Turkish government go full seethe mode back in 2016 I want to say

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Click the picture you goofball and you'd be able to see I'm in my very own country, did you reply to the wrong person or something? I know your English isn't very good but come on man, also kind of ironic you're a Turk expat with no real country of his own seething online about Kurds

k desert rat

Lol okay, roach

He's doing this for some time now, I actually remember this dude and his weird seething and dumb phrases. They are still the same

>The ones I was embedded with seemed real keen on having their own country
That would explain why approx 2 million Kurds are living (and happily leaching of course) in Europe.

>Maybe you should leave Hungary
I'm not the user from Hungary.

Hoes mad

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In Turkey the rate of consanguineous marriage is 23.2%, indicating a preference for this traditional form of marital union. Social and cultural factors are especially important in marriages between first and second cousins. The highest rate of consanguineous marriage can be found in South Eastern and Eastern Anatolia regions of Turkey due to a significantKurdishpopulation

Go fuck your momsister desert rat

And there is millions more Arabs in Europe, your point? Kurds suffered ethnic prosecution in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq driving them out of their home lands, of course they will have significant numbers abroad, just like there are millions more Arabs abroad due to the volatility in the Middle East. Turks are also wide spread due to their home country being a shit hole yet I don't see you saying they should go back either, are you perhaps a roach as well by any chance?

I don't live in Turkey nor do I ever plan on visiting a developing third world country like Turkey, so I'm not sure how those statistic pertain to me in any shape or form, did you reply to the wrong person again or something, Mr. Roach?

>kurd obsessed with turks

Just get over those genocides already

Hey, maybe I couldn't find it because I only googled in English. Well done, I'll take a look.

In the mean time. That 'kurd' chopper from 2015? Look at the flag from up close. It is only taped on, and only at the top.

What? I'm not Kurdish, did you reply to the wrong person by any chance? I'm confused.

>y-you’re wrong! It’s not the Somali or the Arabs. It’s not the kangsof the poos. I-it’s certainly not the Jews!
>no, it’s the one little ethnicity capable of maintaining an Audi Dealership in Iraq that’s the problem!

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>And there is millions more Arabs in Europe
And they need to leave as well.

Kurds and jews are best friends in the ME. How stupid are you to not know this well known fact?


And yes, Kurds are a problem. Next to niggers, Kurds are THE drug peddlers par excellence in Europe.

>ignored my comment about the millions of Turks expats as well
Hello, Mr. Roach.

Hey mr kurd, hows your country? Oh wait nvm...

Okay, let's see. Undated wiki article. The same equipment list as mentioned elsewhere - in 2015. Only two choppers are confirmed to be existing; two Mi-17s 'on loan from Iraq govt'. The rest are 'unknown'. Mostly US choppers. Are they still there? Who educates their pilots and mechanics?

Hey, I'm not against the kurd cause or against the Peshmerga. But I'd like to know the updated facts. And they seem to be in short supply.

The same could be said about you desu, Turk expat living abroad with no real home country.

>Israeli intelligence assets are serving their interests by hanging around someone I don’t like!
Well, fuck, Turknigger, you might be on to something! Say, what political revol...oh. Welp, guess you’re the Jew too.

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>Left handed master race

They are a bunch of ''commies'' working as proxy forces for America to sow discord within the Middle East. The current project is Syria, but based Assad is not backing down.

If everyone in the region hates you, then you might just be the problem.

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Nah kurd rat, im not a turk. I know your low iq sandrat brain doesnt work well but you should have got it by now.

Whatever you have to say to convince yourself, homeless Turk expat, lmfao.

I mean a kurd callin someone else homeless is pretty ironic

Or can your phone not open pictures on mobile or something?


So you can't open pictures on your phone? Weird, do you need me to send cash or something? Wait, are you actually homeless? Kek. Homeless Turk expat screeching online about Kurds, was it autism?


yeah I my phone totally cant open pics, dumb sandrat

Kek homeless kurd sandrat screeching online about Turks, was it autism?

Why are you having so much trouble opening
Do you need a new phone? I'm confused, did you reply to the wrong person again?

Or did you reply to the wrong person (again)?


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Okay, let's dig in. I'm using the English wikipedia to countercheck the German page
Kiowas: operated by Iraqi Army/Airforce. No mention of Kurdistan using them.
Same for the Bell 206.
S-333 - not even used by Iraq.
Bell UH-1 - Iraq Army
MD-530F - none delivered as yet
MD-Explorer - none delivered
Mi-17 - Iraq AF.
EC-120 - not even Iraq AF
EC-135 - still nope

But hey, what does one end of Wikipedia know about the other. Maybe all data so far are hopelessly out of date, which is par for the course when it comes to Wikipedia.

Does anyone actually have any real information about the current 'airforce' of the Peshmerga?


Yeah the article says that the two hinds were only lended from Baghdad

I never said they have a full fletched air force, but they have choppers and pilots. Doesn't really matter how many, the fact remains that some exist. That's a lot more to show than 95% of militias or armed groups in the world

MI-24 Hinds are attack choppers. MI-17 are transports with some weaponization capability.

Yes, I know. What does that have to do with anything?


turkroach shill detected.

Well, you refered to them as Hinds?

Oh, I always thought they're both called Hind. My mistake

I loathe Erdogan. How you manage turning questioning Peshmerga capabilities into supporting that turk asshat is beyond me. Unless you think there are only two possible opinions?

Peshmerga are cooperating with the Turks to some extent by the way. In the 90s the Peshmerga fought with the Turkish forces against the PKK in Iraq, today the Pesh tolerate the PKK in their mountains and they crossed through Turkey into Syria to support the YPG against ISIS in Kobani. But they also have Turkish special forces compounds on their territory and allow the Turks to fly attacks against the PKK/YPG in the mountains of Northern Iraq.

I'm not sure how trade looks, I just know that it exists. So it's not as simple as "All Kurds vs Turkey"

It is not a biggie, honestly. Just the autism that forced me to correct you. Both MI-17 (Hip) and MI-24 (Hind) were developed from the same MI-8. I guess I'm just a fan of the wolfish Hind.

Attached: Mi24CP_(modified)[1].jpg (2235x1306, 553K)

kurd sandrat shill detected.
kurd country not detected

You ever get your phone to work by any chance, Mr. Roach?

>kurd country not detected
what kind of insult is that even? are you 12? or just from some 3rd world country? do you think this insults anyone?

How can an ethnic group be so pathetic that they dont even have their own country? Literally gypsy tier


>not having your own homeland and being nomadic sandgypsies is not even bad

fuck this is getting really funny