Post your car-15, gear, or pics of the gun in action from various conflict zones.
I will start off with GAU-5A.
Post your car-15, gear, or pics of the gun in action from various conflict zones.
I will start off with GAU-5A.
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is a car-15
>what is google
Google is your friend
Seems pretty stupid to me
>Has access to the largest repository of human knowledge in all of history, which can be sifted through in the blink of an eye with a few keystrokes
>Still needs users of an anime website to spoonfeed him basic information
They say life gets better when you leave school, but I dont think that will apply to you.
sounds like your just mad
It was the M4A1 carbine before there even was an M4 carbine, zoomer.
>Me no feel smart due to mean words. Me will post "you mad?" As a coping mechanism to compensate for this attack on me feelings
garbage is what it was, loads of problems.
>thread about a particular gun
>9 replies
>exactly two pertaining to the topic, remaining 7 are asinine plebbit grade shitposts
What the fuck has happened to Jow Forums
my poorfag xm-15e2s by colt.
prior to my ownership it had less than 100rnds put through it. got it for $600.
optic is the PA CCO clone (poorfag shit but it is ROCK SOLID)
I love my XM177E2.
733 clone best clone
I'm halfway entertaining the notion of getting mine SBR'd and lopping off the extra inch of barrel.
That looks damn good, except the lower.
Brownells or Troy?
It would be cool but honestly not worth the trouble in my opinion.
e-forms are a cinch and ADCO does its thing lickity split. My only concern is that the faux-moderator would get merc'd in the process and I'm not sure if the replacement would have a decent matching finish.
Had a friend who saw an A1 clone with what looked like a E2 muzzle device pinned on up for sale on armslist. Went to check it out and didn't think much of it till he tried to get a look at the bore and saw baffles.
Fuck Troy. They hired the guy who was right next to the man who murdered Vicki Weaver and said he was about to take the shot but Lon took it first. Traitors like that have no place in the gun community.
Other companies should make better clones then.
You'd better hope to God then they don't make an A1 clone that shits all over Brownells' like what happened with the XM.
Heres mine. Some compromises were made but thats ok with me. Its a short handy rifle and my favorite ar.
There's just something real fucking nice about how light and unobtrusive a CAR15 is, isn't it?
No heavy gov't profile 16" or 20" barrel, no weighty cheesegrater quadrail, none of the customary six different attachments.
Primary arms optics are pretty tough. I love my aimpoint but I’m probably not gonna but another just because the less expensive optics are so close in comparison.
Can I play?
I call it the CAR-9. The handguards need some more work and a A2 upper when I can get it off my old Olympic Arms rifle
That's goofy short, but I like it.
Does the brace extend or is it stuck like that?
Just finished putting her together last night, my first AR as a lifelong AK guy
Closest thing I have. I've had one of those Troy reproductions in mind for a couple years now. Kinda just wanna go for it.
Real talk I'd ditch the N1 stock, it's AIDS and doesn't really give a midlength a CAR-15 look.
My thoughts exactly. It's tough enough to last my torturing, so I see no reason to drop $300 on an optic that isn't going to work with me. Carry Handle mount is a Larue, with Nikon rings. Sits snug.
You mean use a non collapsible stock? Even if that'd look better I want to rifle to be functional too, and I like how compact it is with this type of stock
What stock?
No I mean the polymer take on the older CAR-15 stock. It's probably the shittiest AR stock I've ever had. A regular M4-pattern stock beats it into the ground.
I like it.
Anyone know where I can get one of those mini triangle butt stocks?
I think it might be a tony’s customs. The poly repro he sells are like $30. It also has a $10 buttpad (repro) from amazon. The buttpad makes it nice bc it adds grip, surface area, and weight. All of which are make the lightweight car stock very comfy
What’s the retro sight so many of you run on your guns? I always see it but have no idea what it’s called.
Does anyone know a good fake can you can pin and weld onto an sbr length barrel to make it legal? I mean besides the xm177 style flash hider.
Oh ok thanks, it does seem pretty flimsy
Know where i can get a round mid length hand guard like what i have? These where shitty and broke going on so it rattles now, need em for a round end cap
it's really lightweight
need the skinny handguards/a2 grip+fh to be most correct but if you look at some old pictures and squint etc
>What’s the retro sight so many of you run on your guns? I always see it but have no idea what it’s called.
If it's a magnified, it's usually a Colt 3x/4x. Brownells just started making repros, but I cannot attest to their quality since I got an original.
These should do it for you.
great fireballs out of this thing.
Forgot pic.
Is that a Brownells upper?
>carbine length AR's
The whole thing is Troy. I just had it refinished to an actual XM gray and got the proper dust cover on it.
The future is now old man.
>My personal need to fulfill my power process through consumerist hobby purchases outweighs any objective moral principles regarding justice and the patronage of companies associated with injustice.
Nice. LWRC lower looks decent too. What upper/barrel?
>The future is 1959 old man.
the future is mid length, the sooner you accept it into your heart the better off everybody will be.
user I...
hey it's larry vickers tactital, today i got a fairly RARE gun for you guys : the CAR 15
>remaining four minutes is nothing but hyper-edited rotating and close-up shots of Larry dumping into a backstop with fake post-production sounds inserted during gratuitous slow-mo segments, with not a word about the weapon itself, its performance, or its history.
Is 9mm allowed? Waiting on a stamp for this one.
The lower is correct you mouth breather.
I like mine
What fucking retard. Pushing up on that mag like that can cause a failure to feed.
>maximum foddlore
Right, that explains all the times I've used it as a monopod and literally nothing happened. You're a noguns, clear as day.
It can extend. It’s shootable completely down like that though
My ban-era bushmaster with the restricted roll marks.
This shit slapped in blackhawk down