What does Jow Forums think of Sergey Shoygu?

What does Jow Forums think of Sergey Shoygu?

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what pecentage of russians are hapa?

I don't know who that is

as a slav i think he's more than decent at his job

I like his modest house that he could afford with his meager salary. Truly housing is cheap in Russia.

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The whole country got R I C E D by the Mongols, so probably a lot.

Something like 5%

>is half mongol
>secretly weeb
Imagine the shock

One of Russias main TV hosts is a Jewish guy that dresses like Mao(or Blofeld/Dr.Evil).

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>civilian administrator
>nice kurva

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He's no Zhukov

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He's good at his job.

Unfortunately, he's a Russkie, so his job is "give America problems"

I see you also go on dvach.

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He’s ok but if another war breaks out, Valery Gerasimov is probably going to be Zhukov 2.0

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And that's a good thing.

Malinovsky > zh*kov

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You mean Vasilevsky 2.0

About 10-15% ethnic Russians have asian genes.

Russia itself is about 80.9% ethnic Russian, and that percentage is actually increasing. It was 78.1% in 1920s... people forget Russians are actively colonizing Siberia.

He's a direct descendant of Subotai, the greatest general who ever lived.

What the hell more can you ask of your defense minister?

The Chad Marine vs. The Virgin Motor Rifleman

Is he?

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>What the hell more can you ask of your defense minister?
To stop larping and wear a civil servant dress?

Have I ever lied to you?

Don't answer that.

Shoygus father was Tuvan, which are a tribe of Uriankhai, this is the tribe from which Subotai came as well. Considering the size of the tribe wasn't huge, and that Shoigu was born on the same river where Subotai's house and final resting place is.... they're definitely at least cousins.

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It seems like a lot of his reforms are pretty shit, and done more for historical jerkoffs then for actual combat effect.

There was a Russian tank officer in a thread a few days ago who explained it better, but he seems pretty bad.

Bears a striking resemblance to the Russian Defense Minister. They even share a name!

>no belt
>cuffs are way too large

More like 80 percent of Russians have Asian/Finnish genes.

no such genes, fingols are swedo-russian rapebabies

He's okay but he should have figured out that Obama wanted to overthrow Ukraine. You can't be a Defense Minister and live on hopes and dreams that the USA will ever be nice to you.

small world huh
