Jow Forums here. One of yours went full retard on social media and got his dad's guns taken by the state.

Thought you'd want to know.

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Almost forgot... HH 1488 etc etc. Have a good Saturday.

We know, he was a Reddit fag as those memes are cancer from some faggots subleddit but thank you for your concerns, Jow Forums. Hail victory.

wtf I hate memes now

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I'm gay

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>literal stolen valor
>also pretending to be a janitor. why of all things a janitor
>"muh boogaloo" memespouter
>larps about breaking state laws and killing feds on facebook
>associates with Jow Forums on social media that his real name is attached to
reap what you sow desu.
shame about his dad, but that's what you get for not beating your kids.

>>thinking any of this is really anonymous
user you know that any police agency could pop in, take a look, cry to the feds and your name and address would be compromised before you could blink, right?

The author of the article specifically said he went through his social media and didn't find a specific threat of a mass shooting. The police report also didn't cite one. They just rolled up and robbed him and his father. That said, they live in Conn. and should have known better.

Sure, but there has to be state inertia behind it before that happens. I'm not at risk of any passing soccer mom when I post here, but on fb anyone could report you.

>thread #463 on the topic
>Jow Forums here
Git and stay git.

You should apply to be a janitor on the board. You're already doing it for free.

>Git and stay git.
We're here, we're queer, and there is nothing you can do about it faggot.

Well at least I don't have to smell you, because I can't imagine a 300lb cheeto-encrusted Jow Forumsnigger smells fresh

Implying that discription doesn't apply to 90% of Jow Forums, to include you.

all it takes is one fag here to make an anonymous tip to FBI and then they can get your isp from Jow Forums and get your ass.

>robbed him and his father.
They robbed his father. He's a parasite, its impossible to rob those.

So in other words, if you really have set a trap for the pigs, post on facebook and they will walk directly into it.

This incident seems like it could be a great vehicle for taking "red flag" laws to the Supreme Court and getting them overturned as unconstitutional.

I'm actually a tall lanky fuck and I don't care for cheetos. Not everone fits the stereotype of basement dwelling fatties you know. Jow Forums is merely part time entertainment for me when I get bored or need to kill time.

This individual was too much of a weak cretin to do anything but this proves how easily the cops are emotionally manipulated.

I think it would be a decent case, but it won't get that far if these guys have a decent lawyer. Their 1st amendment protected right to free speech is being trampled on because they posted memes that made no specific threat.

something tells me brandon will be looking for a new flat soon. was he a neet or something?


We don't want him as one of ours.

>HH 1488 etc etc

o you're a convicted felon and were forced to join a prison gang to avoid anal rape. That's nice.

>Thought you'd want to know.
Old news retard. Try keeping up with us if you want to come and try taking a shit on us, faggot.

I watched The Wicker Man last night. Great movie.

Not likely. This is the dipshit who showed his illegal-in-CT capacity mags and dared the popo to bust him, is it not? Last I saw, he was being charged with 4 D-class felonies at the maximum allowed by state law. Not the best vehicle to get to the SCOTUS, in my opinion.

Is this the new “pants worn low means you’re available for anal sex”? I like it.

Which one? The original or the Nick Cage remake?

The original, apparently. Your post explains why I was saying "huh for some reason I thought Nic Cage was in this" to myself.

Dude has had multiple warrants for making threatening comments through out middle and high school, and his 8/Jow Forums and other social media posts are less than flattering. Poor candidate for the cause, even if his lawyer is claiming he purchased the illegal magazines as civil disobedience.

The original was in the 70's, with a trippy kind of vibe, it's not bad. Nick cage remade it not too long ago because he's poor and will take any movie role.

He had illegal mags, which was the point of the warrent.

Media is focusing on the fact that he is a memeing fucking moron.

>stolen valor
No one cares
>justifying it in any capacity
Kill yourself boot licker

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>he actually respond defensively to a meme
Oh yeah, you are the fattest of them all.

This is something a Fed would say

Cringe. Gb2 plebbit

post body and guns with timestamp

Everyone already knew, go back.