Poland interested in joining Franco-German Main Ground Combat System programme

>Polish Minister of National Defence Mariusz Błaszczak and his German counterpart, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, met in Berlin on 16 August to discuss European projects, military co-operation, and NATO's Multinational Division North East, among other topics.

>Błaszczak said after the meeting, "We talked about the Franco-German tank project, which is at an initial stage. We would like the initiative to be accelerated and notified under PESCO [the EU's Permanent Structured Cooperation] projects and also reinforced by European Union funding. It would be a good solution for the Polish defence industry."

>He was referring to the Main Ground Combat System (MGCS), which is intended to replace Leopard 2 and Leclerc tanks in about 2035.


Does anyone have access to the full article?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jane's costs over 500 bucks a year last I checked, sorry bud.

When pigs fly.
Confirmed 100% bullshit, it's election time.

When can they even provide to the project?

free copies of The Witcher III.

extensive knowledge of supergluing random shit to t-72

If at least 3 countries are collaborating in a PESCO project the entire thing gets partially funded by the EU

At least the game would work, unlike the tank.

The two French-German projects explicitely started with the premise to have only few project partners.

Given that the last concept was just a leopard 2 hull with a leclerc turret, is it safe to say they'll then take some aspect of polak tanks to slap on too? Perhaps cover the abomination in ERA bricks like the retwardy they currently have.

Attached: european-main-battle.jpg (752x423, 80K)

>Given that the last concept was just a leopard 2 hull with a leclerc turret
That's just preparatory work to see how the two companies fit working together. The MGCS will be a new tank from the ground up

Those internet fanboy cg are so bad.

Poland cannot really offer anything to the project. The K-2 deal they were talking about is a much better offer.

Attached: K2.jpg (850x637, 77K)

Last time Germans tricked Poland into buying from them, they almost accidentally bought a CV90-120 with some plastic on it as their main battle tank.

Nigga u tarded? BAE Land Systems ain't German.

Probably this. It's explained a bit here if you guys are interested (defence is the green document)

The Germans bought it from them, modified it, and wanted to sell it to Poland. Look into history of their PL01

>poland joins
>france and germany can now use more of their own taxpayer money for the project
it's something I guess

They're set aside in the EU budget anyway, may as well use them for your stuff
Also military spending is much more justifiable to taxpayers if its just "EU funding" :^)

Fuck Poland, fuck this garbage dump
This shithole is a fucking US' protectorate state, they don't buy anything else but burgers stuff with EU money, OUR fucking money, just to show to Uncle Sam that they hate Russians and Europe so they're GOOOOD goys, what do they think, we're gonna let those dumbasses undermine our tank ?
Plus they are USELESS and can't do shit on their now, what's the point of having them in this project, FUCK THIS COUNTRY, FUCK POLAND, just go fuck yourselves you stupid pieces of shit

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A few suggestions:
>Make better hardware
>Actually show some commitment to defend eastern Europe beyond empty words

*fixes your Eastern Europe*

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what K-2 deal?

Did your wife get stolen by a pole or something?

The Koreatnamese offered the K-2 to Poland, in a modified version for them to be license built there. The upcoming K-3 would have Polish work-share opportunities if they accept.

We don't a single fuck to Poland, Estonia, Croatia, Lituania or whatever i don't give a single SHIT. If tomorrow a bunch of Igor took the entire region it wouldn't trouble my sleep, why should we be concerned

The irony of Western Europe complaining about another country leeching is palpable.

Because now all those lidls are close, meaning germoney cant take in all the fat cash while barely paying taxes, which means they May have to close stores in w. Europe, which means Hans von ischmellschitt loses his job

Daily reminder Poland would have had dozens of domestically produced and serviced H225Ms by now if not for the retarded post-2015 US-fixated government that cancelled an already signed contract with Airbus. Instead they are left with over 40-year-old Mi-8/17s and Mi-14s for another decade.

Also, they recently bought three (not kidding) S-70 kits and nigger-rigged them at Mielec... supposedly those belong to the Police, but are almost exclusively used for propaganda stunts and as a taxi for government officials.

Such is the price for Uncle Sam's cummies.

That dont look like a medication for HIV

t. my mom works at biedronka/zabka

Why are you capitalizing random words?

money and industrial floor space

the fuck this nigga's saying

Northern Ireland in the EU? This has to be made by a mutt.

Un-kurwa-likely. German and French cooperation barely works as it is, considering all the retarded shit the Krauts are pulling with export prohibition. Don't forgeT GIAT and KMW are already arguing over their share in production and localisation.

>Don't forgeT GIAT and KMW are already arguing over their share in production and localisation.

GIAT stopped existing in 2006, and their owner (Nexter) merged with KMW in 2015.

Reminder the polish army is retarded
They sold perfectly fine bmp 2s and forgot to modernize bmp 1s

Right, its KMFDM or KNDS now. But You don't say the cooperation is going smooth, do You?

Might be a product of Google Translate?

Also the heated opinions here belong to butt fucking blasted polak liberals, still mad with Poland jumping on that MAGA train.

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I just have no idea what you are even talking about because you're bringing up companies that don't exist anymore and pretending that they do.

>Right, its KMFDM

Is this your attempt at a joke?


>They sold perfectly fine bmp 2s
Selling them was perfectly reasonable decision. They only had like two dozen of them, they needed their own unique parts and ammo.
If they had few hundred of them, sure keeping them would make sense. But trying to keep just a couple of unique vehicles that don't fit into your logistic system without giving any meaningful benefits to your total combat strenghth is stupidity.

>But trying to keep just a couple of unique vehicles that don't fit into your logistic system without giving any meaningful benefits to your total combat strenghth is stupidity.

How so? Russia does this all the time.

I fucking love my country lmao

>Russia does this all the time.
Proving his point.

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Looks cool. I want it.


> t. Putin

How much for this bloated leclerc-leopard hybrid?

Kek, you Eurofags are dependent on the fucking Burgers to protect you from the Russians, who are even more inept and poorly trained than they are. Meanwhile, the African and Arab rapeugees are turning Europe into an enclave of mudpeople. Eurotrash don't need weapons because you're too limp-wristed and fey to do anything but cry like little bitches and present your coal chute to the rest of the world.

Where the fuck are you from that's so great, faggot?

>Where the fuck are you from that's so great, faggot?

>Iceland and Greenland
Well look at me being fucked. Always a good thing that niggers and camel fuckers hat the cold and can't swim for shit.

In case of russia there are other considerations - namely, keepin their own industry going.
Russia does buys small series of random stuff to inject money in their own industry, evaluate and and boost export chances.
There is a difference between buying small amount of stuff from your own factory to keep it chugging , and sinking money in keeping non-standard foreign equipment running.
Note that poland does the same with buying small numbers of Rys or Dzik or Zubr or whatever woodland critter named wheeled light armour is offered.

>talks about K2
>pictures show Leopard 2

Cheap labour, volkswagen factory space

It's still in development so no-one knows really
In theory the cost per unit should be lower, since they're sharing R&D and procurements

Chill, dude, I am only asking to confirm the rumors about mishaps in Franko-German cohabitation.

>In theory the cost per unit should be lower, since they're sharing R&D and procurements
You wish

If your buying 200 units of the MGCS instead of 100 Leopards + 100 Leclercs the cost per unit will be lower. It's economies of scale


>It's economies of scale
>what is ef2000

A project plagued by the end of the cold war (and the so called peace dividends), France leaving, etc
It's not comparable to the post-Aachen treaty Franco-German cooperation

>t-this time it will work
I've seen many joint euro projects and almost all of them turned out badly, I hardly doubt this is going to an exception.

There are no reasons to believe it should go wrong

>literally all the history of previously failed projects
>there's no reason
Sure, whatever you say

>Reson #1
Fance is involved, they are massive jews when it comes to military hardware and sales
>Reson #2
Germany is involved, they have a defence budget 10 times as large as for example Sweden, and their forces are similar in size, they just manage to fuck everything related to defence up, and expend massive ammounts of money on it...

How many countries had to cancel projects or restrict procurements with the end of the Cold War? Basically all of them
There's plenty of successful joint programs, you just don't hear about them because memes about failures are funnier. Take for example the FREMM, or basically the entire missile industry in Europe, or Airbus

>How many countries had to cancel projects or restrict procurements with the end of the Cold War? Basically all of them
Some of the cancelled projects were inevitable largely due to the fact they don't suit for the modern battlefield. The whole of military expenditure hasn't changed much or even augmented for the big players. That being said euros being absolute shit at manufacturing has nothing to do with it.

>Some of the cancelled projects were inevitable largely due to the fact they don't suit for the modern battlefield
True that, but a lot of stuff also had to cope with smaller budgets. Now they're slowly increasing again

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>euros being absolute shit at manufacturing has nothing to do with it.
Now that's simply not true

Franco-German projects actually worked out well.

>overly complex optic system
>no radar

some people eh...

Attached: hesaid.png (722x687, 720K)

We got tigers 'n' shit nigger

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Probably in the rangefinder


Fucking newfag, I swear. Suck mama Merkel's wrinkled cock.

Not the guy you responded to but I'm 99% sure you're a slav.
For some reason whenever someone criticizes, shitposts or insults eastern euros, the default 'comeback' is always;
>"Did [nationality] do [something sexual] to your female partner/family member?"
It's just something I've noticed a lot, always some insult about someone you know and something sexual. No other nationally does it as much (though it happens).

It's fascinating how common it is, it's like how the default insult for Trumpets is always "Cuck" or "NPC" (nowadays it's mostly "Dilate"), I suppose it's the equivalent insulting "gotcha" comment in eastern european culture.

FREMM, Milan, HOT, Roland, Eurocopter, Airbus, ATL2, Tornado, Typhoon, the entire MDBA catalog?

Meanwhile the US and Russia manage to crash projects after massive cost increases without having to share them with anyone, lol.
Hard to talk shit when you're shovelling money into the F-35 or the Flatpack.


Keep eating daddy Trump's shit.

Fuck off and kys burger, we don't give a shit about NATO, we have nuclear weapons even so you stupid burgers tried to prevent De Gaulle to acquire this technology because you perfectly knew that it would make you USELESS, and so you are faggots
Fuck off burgers, fuck off vatniks, go home

Putin plz go

Based Pierre

Attached: 1561180024664.jpg (320x352, 34K)

Not exactly that great. Only 16 SAMs.

>Milan, HOT

Better options

And every one of their big ones is a pile of shit (NH90, Tiger etc)

>Airbus ATL2
Poor man's P-3, oh wait whats that, we're on P-8 now? Oh well.

Made during a different era of spending from involved countries

Literally only saved because the Bongs pumped money into it and did all the post creation development and upgrades pretty much themselves as the only creating country who bothered to make them worthwhile

>the entire MDBA catalog?
Not as "pan Euro" as you think. Most of them are primarily developed in one country.

>t. buttmad Kraut

>Not exactly that great
Must not that bad if it being considered by the US navy

>Not exactly that great
Must not be that bad if it is being considered by the US Navy

Oh nice, that way a bit of the tax money we waste on pooland finds it's way back to us, kinda.

While that is true, that still doesnt change the umodernization of the BMP 1.
Funny that the BMP-2 was supposed to be a symbol of modernization of the Polish army, was always shown off to presidents and the ministers and suchs, along with the OCHRA vest and the wz 93 helmet. Only one of these made it in.

1 - It isn't "considered", it's submitted.

2 - If they do choose it, they will be changing a fuckton of its systems. They want 32x SAM for one.

Also remember that competition is for a "low end" escort. And what they want is still more than France's "top end" they use it as.

that's not how you spell AIDS

Polish PL-01 BAE IR tech? Money? Poland has been spending a LOT on weapons.

>If at least 3 countries are collaborating in a PESCO project the entire thing gets partially funded by the EU

And this

kys vatnik. Not even polish. Off you go and wonder why all your neighbours join NATO and would rather be dead that under Russia ever again

>bmp 2
>perfectly fine

No Russian made engines and designs from the 1970s are not perfectly fine.


Budget: $9.4 billion
Active frontline personnel: 120,000
Tanks: 1,009
Total aircraft: 467
Submarines: 5

Alliance commits to $260 million construction on its eastern flank to deter Russia
By James Marson
March 22, 2019 12:14 pm ET
BRUSSELS—NATO will plow funds into stationing U.S. military equipment in Poland, lending allied heft to Washington’s strategy for quickly reinforcing Europe with troops in case of a Russian incursion.

Poland edges out Germany in the list due to its larger number of tanks and a more fleshed out submarine fleet. Poland has also drastically increased its military spending in reaction to Russia’s seizure of Crimea and the ongoing Ukraine crisis.