>Inforce APL More than a few reports of battery connectivity issues and flickering issues. If you really want small profile the XC1 can't be beat, just be sure you don't get the older first-gen model that was absolute AIDS.
For output most go TLR-1 or X300, both of those have very solid reputations.
Inforce is what I prefer for use and on my “buddy guns”.
explaining “hold for momentary, tap for constant” is surprisingly easy for new shooters to grasp.
Mason Richardson
I bought an iprotect light for 40 dollars. 230 lumen. Button on both sides, 3 modes of light- bright, low, and strobe light. Fits well to my glock. I really don't know why you'd bother with anything else. Unless you need a spot light on your handgun so you can nail an intruder from 100 yards in pitch black night and illuminate him entirely. Especially for indoor use. this thing lightens up my entire 35x45' living room.
Asher Russell
it may not matter much when you are about to put a bullet through someone anyway, but they say the disorientation to the attacker from high lumens is worth it
Luis Stewart
I guess. I'd think if someone broke into your house, had a gun, and was fully willing to use it on anyone inside, a light in his face would just tell him >shot over here frantically Plus you could just put on the strobe setting if you feel like being a real mall ninja.
Alexander Gomez
That's not how it works.
Levi Gonzalez
how do it be when it do work
Joshua Ward
>>shot over here frantically Better than aimed fire.
Levi Gray
>>Plus you could just put on the strobe setting if you feel like being a real mall ninja.
Here we go. It didn’t take long for the uneducated to puke their opinions in the thread.
The Bucha effect is a seizure-inducing effect of light flashing at 1 Hz to 20 Hz. These seizures are similar to those caused by epilepsy, but are not restricted to people with histories of epilepsy.
It is named after a Dr. Bucha who identified the phenomenon in the 1950s when called upon to investigate a series of similar and unexplained helicopter crashes. Those pilots who had survived reported sudden onset of dizziness and confusion, causing them to lose control of their aircraft. Dr. Bucha found that helicopter rotor blades, when turning at certain speeds, could cause flashes of sunlight at frequencies coinciding with the electrical frequencies of the central nervous system (brainwaves), inducing symptoms similar to epileptic seizures, including disorientation, nausea, etc.
Adrian Powell
Have the TLR-1HL
Get it! More powah!
Oliver Smith
Now tell me about how people get hypnotized, for real.
David Ramirez
so basically strobe lights works k
still cringy mall ninja tier. people who use high power lights probably also load up hollow points and use laser sights and red dots on their handgun. or don't even use a handgun for home intruders, they probably grab their gucci AR. I'd love to see someone like that explain in court why they need to fire 10 hollow point 5.56 rounds into the home intruder, who had a pocket knife, from their big scary SWAT-esq looking AR. Better hope there's no soccer moms in your district.
Ayden Baker
Inforce a shit. Buy the TLR1. Specifically, get the TLR1 HL because more lumens = more better.
I used it on my 19 as my bedside gun until recently when I acquired pic related. Also, I've found that the TLR works great as an AR mounted light in a pinch. I think they even make a tape switch kit for it.
Scientists throughout the world understand flashing lights can cause epileptic seizures.
From the 1950s scientists have proven flashing lights effect human central nervous system.
But you. The typical uneducated/k/ user. You are much smarter than all of these people. And instantly disproven decades of scientific research. Thank you for being a cancer, and gracing us with your presence and ignorance.
Lethal force is lethal force. A knife in the hands of an unknown intruder is equivalent to them holding a loaded AR in the eyes of a law, and any defense attorney worth a shit can point that out. Also, even if you get jewed in court, you still prevented being stabbed and potentially dying, so the AR did its job.
Joshua Thomas
that was a really long and rambling way of complaining about people with more money than you
Jayden Garcia
People around the world also understand that flashing lights make it difficult to see what and who you are shooting at, which is why nobody uses them anymore. Those same people also acknowledge that constant bright ass light in people's eyes make it hard for them to see and act effectively, with the downsides of strobe.
Camden Bennett
Asher Watson
>actually advocating using a strobe light in a HD scenario Have you dumbfucks ever tried to actually, you know, AIM with one of those giving you a seizure alongside the nignog breaking into your home?
Jayden Wright
> Scientists throughout the world understand flashing lights can cause epileptic seizures.
On the roughly 2% of the population with epilepsy
James Cooper
>A knife in the hands of an unknown intruder is equivalent to them holding a loaded AR in the eyes of a law nope many people go to jail for meeting a small knife with a big beefy gun. laws mean nothing when infront of jury. it's all about how they feel. they feel you are a big bad man? you go bye bye
Jaxon Mitchell
are NDs a problem with that light?
Does anyone know if a TLR-7 will go on the Glock 43?
Ethan Baker
just got back from /d/ to check on my thread give me more gun light reviews less arguing about strobe functionality please
Owen Morales
I got a TLR 1 (300 lumen one) on my M&P 2.0 compact and I love it. Still keep a handheld light next to my gun incase of none bump in the night situations.
Cameron Sanders
You don't see the light, you just see all white. Your eyes get totally blinded by the strong light.
Luis Nguyen
Give me a single clear example where someone was convicted of a criminal offense because they used a firearm against a knife-wielding assailant in the US.
Ryder Stewart
Have a Streamlight TLR1-HL on my 19x. Mine came with different adapters so they'll fit on a Glock, Beretta, Sig, & Ruger, maybe others as well. 800 lumens so it's bright as fuck.
Sebastian Torres
Nope. The big ND concern with light switches is actually the ones where you squeeze the grip to actuate a light. Only an issue with improper trigger discipline, but it was such an issue that many PDs stopped allowing them.
Jason Jackson
Why do you want to give away your position?
Samuel Lee
>he doesnt PID his targets before blasting them Yikes. Have fun getting a brick thrown through your window at least once a week tell you move because you blasted an unarmed 13yr old escaped retard making yourself a social pariah.