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Grayson Flores
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Parker Thompson
Tyler Garcia
You forget that leftists are rooting for the chink government here... they WANT US TO RETURN TO FEUDALISM because leftists are deluded enough to think they'd be permitted to be "nobles".
Daniel Ross
The Chinese managing to pull off a successful armed uprising is why Hong Kong's in this shit in the first place. Meanwhile in Taiwan things are, well, relatively free and democratic.
Cooper Ramirez
what does one have to do with the other
Ryder Allen
The Constitution was made to not turn into China.
Jackson Torres
They give coverage to people with ideas contrary to the benefit of armament of citizens and it's presented in a positive way with good framing and zero criticism
>being this much a Muh logic shill
Aiden Garcia
i dont understand. thats stupid
Andrew Phillips
That's because your penal gland is calcified and you're a mental defective
Dominic Evans
But the cops crack down on protests all the time, 2A or not.
Jace Cook
Only when it's evident that the protests would cause harm to the nearby area. I.E. Fights are breaking out between protestors and counter-protestors, stores are being broken into, destruction of property, etc. Though usually, the police try to separate the peaceful protestors away from the more violent ones so that it can still continue
Owen Ward
Would've been better off tailoring it to prevent one party state socialist south american shitholes instead.
Leo Garcia
they dont want anything beyond whatever sexual fetishes they have. all their politics are fed to them by whatever media is mainstream and they dont even realize it.
Leo Walker
Eh, did the police in HK attack peaceful protestors? I'm not sure
Jeremiah Wilson
Grauniad, CNN and sundry are saying boohoo human rights
Local newspapers know better than to lie or be forcibly corrected by way of angry mob with bamboo sticks and meat cleavers
Ian Carter
Most of the time only after the barricades were set up and stuff
Civs are worried about cs gas wafting in through windows
Gavin Jones
I share a planet with these "people".
Are they even human?
Jayden Myers
Andrew Stewart
James Davis
Luke Russell
>"Democrats Ask: Why would we allow you the tools to defend yourselves against our tyranny, lol"
Elijah Lee
that chick lean
Mason Barnes
really makes you think
Kayden Cox
Not too sure, but I was mostly referring to American police.
Isaiah Murphy
>You forget that leftists are rooting for the chink government here
So is ((Jow Forums)). They bitch about communists. But soon as citizens in China or Venezuela rise up. They cheer on the communists. Than again Jow Forums users kill/celebrate the killing of white people in the name of winning over whites to win nationalism. Totally not helping leftists pass gun control in places like New Zealand. ( the Muttler behind the New Zealand shooting also pro-communist China. Jow Forums loves him)
Evan Phillips
Hong Kong doesn’t have their own military. Guess what Taiwan has?
Cameron Hill
Dude, that's just poor instruction. Whoever was standing there should have stopped him and corrected his stance.
Brody Miller
Blame the UK for our gun control
John Sanders
gun control is death by a thousands cuts to the second amendment and American rights overall.
Anthony Myers
Nu-Jow Forums pretty much just controlled opposition to help the left pass pro speech censorship laws at this point. say what you want about old Jow Forums. Before the trump humping MAGApedes and pagan larpers. They didn’t have a problem with anons falling for fed posters. Look at what happens with 8chn when their Jow Forums became a safe space for Varg fanboy because of mods. ( most 8/pol/ mods were Jewish, Turks and Indians larping as whites that ban anyone making fun Varg on sight) It became an FBI honey pot before the site got shut down.
Jack Walker
Oh no. The shooter is a "37 year veteran".
Easton Ortiz
He's talking about the gutting of the german military here.
Owen Walker
They are only rooting for the CCP because many of them are in their pocket. I dont think they care about the politics, other than the oppressive regime isnt white men.
Jeremiah Morris
No, blame the HK for ceeding HK to China.
Taiwan has pretty strict gun laws. But it also has a military to defend itself against invasion from China.
Christian Miller
>So is ((Jow Forums)). They bitch about communists. But soon as citizens in China or Venezuela rise up. They cheer on the communists.
I have never seen cheering for commie government crackdowns on Jow Forums outside of a few random troll posts
>Than again Jow Forums users kill/celebrate the killing of white people in the name of winning over whites to win nationalism.
I guess you could say they celebrate the death of leftists who might be white, but political opponents are held on the same level as niggers to them, regardless of race.
>Totally not helping leftists pass gun control in places like New Zealand.
They didn't tell him to go remove kebab, they just memed the aftermath
>( the Muttler behind the New Zealand shooting also pro-communist China. Jow Forums loves him)
He also said his idol was candice owens m8. Much of what he wrote on his manifesto other than his accelerationist motive was drenched in memes to troll the msm
Ryan Russell
If Hong Kong citizens had guns everyone would be curbstomped by the PLA by now.
Nathan Rogers
the instructor is the retired general, not the shooter. use your eyes and brain
Justin Gutierrez
>I guess you could say they celebrate the death of leftists who might be white, but political opponents are held on the same level as niggers to them, regardless of race.
Terrorism is okay if white people do it. Jow Forums spree shooters killed more white people than antifa.
>They didn't tell him to go remove kebab, they just memed the aftermath
8ch threads Jow Forums was rooting for him and telling him not to pussy out.
>He was trolling the mainstream media
Passing communists okay if it’s ironic.
Logan Lopez
this, there is a heavy push by the chinese to discredit the kongers, there are plenty of changs here getting yuan to spread propaganda.
Jason Cooper
Daniel Green
Only tankies are rooting for China and literally no one likes tankies.
Xavier Evans
>became a safe space for Varg fanboy because of mods. ( most 8/pol/ mods were Jewish, Turks and Indians larping as whites
Not shocking. Jow Forums real world Gatherings look far less white than Antifa. Heck people who spam mutt memes are like male feminists who call others incels. It’s projecting.
Lincoln Young
Did someone troll journalists into believing dragon ball z power levels among AR-15?
Henry Foster
>Only tankies are rooting for China and literally no one likes tankies
The Thomas The tank engine fandom?
Angel Long
>Jow Forums spree shooters killed more white people than antifa.
Ah yes..the "Jow Forums killed more whites than antifa" shill.
And whomst nevers post a source
Landon Robinson
depends how you decide how someone is a Jow Forums shooter.
Henry Bailey
>Ah yes..the "Jow Forums killed more whites than antifa" shill.
INB4 it’s okay to kill white children if their parents are leftists.
Dylan Richardson
let's be real though. the reason nobody actually gives a true shit about black on black crime is because a significant majority of the time, both the shooter and victim are willing participants in the whole thing. a mass shooting from a black tends to be killing other blacks concerning criminal activity. the mass shootings from white people are the ones which kill predominately innocents.
Colton Murphy
I actually read it to see wtf this was about and it was all about Stag Arms being the best AR manufacturer and just sort of listed all these specs to sound militaryish to normies. "Polyurethane pistol grip and hand guard, 6 position adjustable high-polymer stock for a sturdy lightweight design with a 1/7 barrel twist 16" short barrel design of course, with an A2 muzzle brake flash hider"
Landon Butler
That both a good and a bad argument. Gang violence mostly blacks on black and Hispanic on blacks. White supremacy overwhelmingly targets whites. Also Jow Forums hardly a white community if you ever see them in real life.
Robert Torres
8/pol/ far more radical than 4/pol/. Yet they mostly brown people spamming mutt meme and self hating Jews. I have a feeling half of Jow Forums just self hating Jews.
Zachary Wright
most killers tend to target their own race serial killers, spree killers, one offs. here's an interesting chart based on relative population sizes.
Brandon Reyes
Native Americans deserve the odd spree.
Ian Watson
those aren't necessarily the victims, but native americans happen to have a high instance of spree killing per capita
Nathan Garcia
oh unless you mean they should get to make up for the country stealing, reservations, trail of tears, smallpox, kidnapping, etc? ehh they got casinos for that.
Eli Robinson
Native Americans can’t function without a warrior culture. Realistically they are what would happen to Klingons in Star Trek. If it wasn’t for guns. Europeans couldn’t beat them. They outright genocide Vikings out of North America. Than again. Vikings do suck at fighting outside of attacking Peasants.
William Lewis
at this point everyone on Jow Forums knows to disregard national interest because it's bot-generated click bait, lurk moar
Thomas Ward
black people commit non-gang mass shootings too, they just tend to get memory holed.
Camden Smith
How come the US doesn't have a pro-white news source? Why are all the TV channels anti-white?
Jackson Long
Not my point. Reason Taiwan enjoys more freedom than HK is because they have their own military. It might not be able to fight China’s, but it’s enough to deter china from just starting shit at drop of a hat. Also Taiwan has US backing for now. HK has no one except themselves, and like Catalonia independence debacle showed everyone, you need a military or armed force of some sort if you want to be independent.
Gavin White
No they aren’t, the few who read enough news to know something beyond BLUMPF BAD are totally for the citizens. Which is a big reason our media aren’t going into detail on the reasons behind the protest, spotlighting persons of interest in the anti-extradition crowd, naming the various politicians who need to be vilified in government for being so amoral, etc. that’s the treatment they reserve for us now, which is made all the easier by the big orange soda having taken up all the available space in leftards tiny heads.
Almost as though trump helps that whole process along, funny huh?
Angel Morris
>instructor takes his earpro off while fag journo still has finger on the trigger
this was the point where I knew the instructor was just shit instead of letting journo boi fuck up on camera purposely to let us know exactly how much we should trust his opinion on firearms
Kayden Phillips
Okay this is epic, you get 50 upboats my famlamdingdong totaly going on r/4changers y'all'd've XD
Landon Johnson
>Jow Forums Helps elect trump the most pro Israel president in history
>Trump pass more gun control than Obama
>Jow Forums users committing terrorists attacking that help pass liberal policies
>Jow Forums justify killing white people in the name of white supremacy
JIDF and /leftypol/ wish they were as useful to the left as Jow Forums
David Thompson
>Orange man bad
>Jow Forums bad
>white people bad
Fuck off tranny discord.
Jack Diaz
I mean, if the anti vaxx beliefs don't get them first...
Camden Long
>Watching CNN
Jonathan Howard
He was a fed that was making him look shit to sell the scary gun narrative
Julian Campbell
The National Interest is literally the biggest garbage I have ever read.
Ryan Roberts
Buddies that's a fucking army general doing the shooting.
Jason King
Your tranny is showing /leftypol/
Elijah Moore
No, this guy is a communist, he's just an anarcho-communist (?) or some other weird flavor of communism which is just as bad or worse than original.
They call actual real world communists "tankies" so they can claim communism was never tried before.
Jayden Anderson
So CNN publishes articles written by the CIA about riots they agitate in China. And published articles about disarming the US people. They are like the RT of the federal government, except RT at least doesn’t hide that they are govt run
Gabriel Bennett
Nearly Every conspiracy theory about Disney been proven recently yet /co/ still deny they would buy tickets for captain marvel and fix RT to favor their movies.
Levi Thomas
Without civilian gun ownership in the USA we would be a military dictatorship within three years. Probably less.
Lucas Diaz
How can you possibly be this dense
Xavier Lewis
I understand his hesitancy. AR-15s kick like a mule