Dieppe Raid

Anyone remember that time when the Bongs sent 5000 Canadians into almost certain death just to lure the Luftwaffe from central France to the coast, where the RAF could fight them without the problem of wasting fuel on the way and not having enough left once they encounter the Germans?

Attached: Dieppe-Raid.jpg (720x449, 77K)

>5,000 moose fuckers
nothing of value was lost
based bongs

A.k.a how the Brits treated every subjected nation - disposable barbarians

If you work out the number of generations they could have sired, that's a lot of Canadian shitposts stopped.

> Anyone remember that time when the Bongs sent 5000 Canadians into almost certain death just to lure the Luftwaffe from central France to the coast,

No, but i remember the time when bongs sent 5000 canuckistanis to their death to prevent influential Stalinboos in british and burger command to stop pushing for immediate full scale invasion that would be doomed to failure and would screw up the entire war.
In case you forgot, soviets were squealing pretty hard for bongs and burgers to open 2nd front ASAP, and there were lots of influential people in the west, supporting the idea of commiting suicide in order to help stalin conquer europe.
After dieppe these faggots no longer had any ground to stand on, and allied command could take their time to properly prepare for real invasion that would be more than kamikaze charge to distract krauts from stalingrad.

We get it Churchill was a faggots that willing to suck Stalin's balls dry and surrender Europe to the commies just to show up the Germans.

I've read the plan was to occupy a French port to lure the Luftwaffe towards the coast, like I posted. They were planning to hold it for at least "two tides" to finally be able to fight the Krauts in the air with an actual chance.

They did in an absolutely retarded way, like asserting the terrain at the beaches only from holiday pictures of people. Germans also noticed the landing ships gathering in Britain on the other side of Dieppe, and they also ran into a German convoy on the way. German defenses were enforced and on high alert.

Attached: events_can_raid_5.jpg (510x318, 52K)

Too bad they didn't send all of Canada

>If your enemies kill you, you win

Dieppe was a clusterfuck but what they learned there was invaluable to the actual invasion.

Imagine being one of the Canadians being sent to death as a guinea pig. Or imagine being the son of one of them, reading about the whole thing after the war.

Imagine being the first wave on d-day. Imagine being the most exposed convoy ship. Imagine being cut off and surrounded for 2 months, but command wont save you yet because there are more important strategic goals to take. Imagine that war sucks.

Thats why they sent canadians. Nothing of value was lost and intel was gained.

The bullshit about it being a chance to fight luftwaffe is retarded. They hadnt staged a major naval landing and needed to know how to do it. If RAF can fuck up luftwaffe thats a bonus.

>Imagine being cut off and surrounded for 2 months

talking about that, why the fuck didn't the airforce constantly supply them? how was there ever a shortage of supplies and ammo? didn't they have air superiority? i never understood that part

that aside, I meant it's a bit fucked up to be sent into death as a literal guinea pig for the real thing.

rewrite the wikipedia article then

That's war. You are the youngest and least valuable in the battalion, run up to that tree over there so we can draw fire from the machine gun nest that we suspect are on the right. NO you can't crawl. You run, yes out in the open and if you don't obey this order I'll have you shot, if you survive I see about a promotion to corporal. Now off you pop. That's fucking war OP. That why orders are ultimately enforced by the threat of execution from your own team. Pawns exist and are sacrificed if it wins your side the game. Its like you finally realised how horrible war actually is.

>I meant it's a bit fucked up to be sent into death as a literal guinea pig for the real thing.
>That's war. You are the youngest and least valuable in the battalion, run up to that tree over there so we can draw fire from the machine gun nest that we suspect are on the right. NO you can't crawl. You run, yes out in the open and if you don't obey this order I'll have you shot, if you survive I see about a promotion to corporal. Now off you pop. That's fucking war OP. That why orders are ultimately enforced by the threat of execution from your own team. Pawns exist and are sacrificed if it wins your side the game. Its like you finally realised how horrible war actually is.

>rewrite the wikipedia article then
Where om the wiki does it state that the objective was to fight the luftwaffe?

>Objectives included seizing and holding a major port for a short period, both to prove that it was possible and to gather intelligence. Upon retreat, the Allies also wanted to destroy coastal defences, port structures and all strategic buildings. The raid had the added objectives of boosting morale and demonstrating the firm commitment of the United Kingdom to open a western front in Europe.


>Thanks to intelligence provided by Ultra, the British knew that if any Allied force attempted to seize a port in France, the Germans would assume it to be the beginning of an invasion and that the Luftwaffe was to mount an all-out effort against the Allied forces in the port, whenever it might be.

>Armed with this knowledge, Fighter Command pressed very strongly in the spring and summer of 1942, for a raid to temporarily seize a French port in order to provoke the Luftwaffe into committing most of its fighters in France to a battle along the French coast that would favour the RAF.[9]

>It was largely because of pressure from the RAF to fight the "greatest air battle" over the French coast that Operation Rutter/Jubilee went ahead

And if you read the first 2 paragraphs in that section you will find this:
>In the immediate aftermath of the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Forces from Dunkirk in May 1940, the British started on the development of a substantial raiding force under the umbrella of Combined Operations Headquarters. This was accompanied by development of techniques and equipment for amphibious warfare.

In late 1941, a scheme was put forward for the landing of 12 divisions around Le Havre based on a withdrawal of German troops to counter Soviet success in the east. From this came a proposed test of the scheme in the form of Operation Rutter. Rutter was to test the feasibility of capturing a port in the face of opposition, the investigation of the problems of operating the invasion fleet, and testing equipment and techniques of the assault.[7]

The raid was planned with the intention for testing techniques, tactics and strategies conserning a naval landing on occupied beaches.

Combined Operations Headquarters were created in May 1940 several months before the daytime force of RAF "lost their purpose". They were created with distinct task of making an invasion possible.
If their ideas and goals are later supported by RAF because RAF is bored and wants to play dosent make the mission a RAF mission.

Well it wasn't the single reason, but one of them. And according the article, an important one.

>The bullshit about it being a chance to fight luftwaffe is retarded
is wrong. I won


So this post that, i assume is yours, does not claim that the "THE PLAN WAS TO LURE THE LUFTWAFFE TOWARDS THE COAST"

Luring the luftwaffe was never an objective for anyone else but RAF. RAF was under the command of the Combined Operations Headquarters. The raid was not because they wanted to kill german pilots. Saying otherwise is supid. Saying you won an argument about a subject that is nuanced is retarded.

>I've read the plan was to occupy a French port to lure the Luftwaffe towards the coast, like I posted. They were planning to hold it for at least "two tides" to finally be able to fight the Krauts in the air with an actual chance.

I already won you can't take that away from me it's too late

Attached: day of rake.jpg (773x502, 85K)

What did you win mate? You claimed one thing and now you claim another?

>units to participate are selected based on who they want to die
Give me some evidence to support that as the reason they send the Canadians.

I thought he and patton wanted to invade the soviet union but was stopped by Roosevelt?

The canadians was afraid they would get any fighting done and insisted they should do.

ie. brass wanted more medals.

Churchill was also hard anti commie, you can see this with the speeches he laid out when the reds invaded finland

Can't hear you over my win, sorry brother. Better luck next time

the brits starved the indians to death it was one of the reasons indians got there independence

churchill was a shit the whole ww2 was just pointless and stupid

Now imagine surviving and finding out it was all done for (((their))) hurt feelings after being kicked out for robbing an entire country

Are you retarded? It was done because Germany invaded Poland and France and was about to invade Britain

though a disaster, it did lay the foundation for the much more successful sequel later in 1944, as they absorbed many lessons from the debacle
as the old saying goes, you learn a single thing in victory but a thousand in defeat

>surprise alone cannot win, you need a combination of surprise and heavy bombardment to silence coastal artillery is important
>accurate intel on the landing zones is vital
>a small scale attack is useless, the enemy can reinforce positions quickly and overwhelm the attackers, total air, land, and naval superiority must be brought to bear ASAP
>artillery must be provided near the coastline at the point of attack, either from tanks ashore or from naval vessels committed to direct fire
>strict command must be maintained from planning to landing to ensure close coordination between commanders and troops

What the fuck is wrong with you guys, talking about raiding dieppes?

Fucking treasonous bongs using us as cannon fodder. We should have joined Axis.

nah thats just the eternal anglo

you need to read a book called the myth of german villainy, educate yourself

Anglos declared war on Germany because Germans kicked out Rothschilds and other banker scum.

Then why didn't they stop the holocaust? Didn't really seem to be a priority, huh?

> why didn't they stop something they made up after war

Are you tripping on mushrooms or something?

Oh shit I forgot about that, sorry bro

Attached: 2b2747c2-be86-403a-9812-1962453415e6-1020x523.jpg (300x154, 9K)

Yes it's a lesser known yet horrific battle of WW2..Anzio almost turned out that way too. I'll also throw in the battle of Narva as a underrated slaughter fest for the eastern front.

Because it never fucking happened

waste of human capital tbqh

well someone had to test landing at a beach, so why not take canadians it's not like they have families, too, and feelings, and wishes, and a lives and shit

5,000 losses in Dieppe to learn a lot of lessons and save 50,000 losses at Normandy.
Realization of how much naval and air support an invasion needed to succeed, learning how to select landing zones, a rework of the Churchill tank and creation of specialized vehicles.

it was 3600 actually, most others got captured I think. And some made it back.
And it's not like they intended it like that, they had the plan to retreat the troops back. It was a raid, not an invasion. And it was extremely sloppy planned, just read up on it. The German analysis is hilarious. And they finish with the prediction that the allies will probably learn from their mistakes

It was rough numbers, but I get your point. A raid still needs support to be successful in its objectives, especially when one of those objectives is to recover the forces put ashore. In that one way Normandy was a little easier since there wasn't a plan to recover the men.
The Germans rightfully saw what Dieppe was: a failed raid at the time but a big learning experience for the Allies for what they intended in the future.

Why did Canada send most of it's Quebec troops to Italy instead of France?

What get's me is their landing with cliffs overlooking the area. This has to be the worst tactical position imaginable. You on a open beach, the defender dug in on a cliff above you.

Weren't they under British command?

They planned under the assumption they had the element of surprise. The British intelligence did not fully scope out what the defenses, missing some of what was on the cliffs. French double-agents told the Germans the British & Canadians were looking at the area for some kind of attack.
The British planners seemed to be extremely optimistic and they paid a price for it.

>churchill was a shit
>ww2 was just pointless and stupid

Attached: its for you.gif (2034x1491, 48K)

>ww2 was pointless and stupid
Based. Ww2 was absolutely vital, as armed struggle is essential for a people to expand their lands and remove undesirable elements from society. It is only a shame that the noble ideals did not come to fruition

sounds like something whites would do

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I mean, if somebody made a really bad decision that resulted in a bunch of deaths and losses with absolutely zero progress made, they would likely make an excuse like

>it did lay the foundation for the much more successful sequel later in 1944, as they absorbed many lessons from the debacle as the old saying goes, you learn a single thing in victory but a thousand in defeat

Instead of saying I fucked up.