>Small multitool or swiss army knife is more practical for EDC than regular knives.
>Endless "best carry caliber" debate is dumb and pointless. Instead of reading and arguing for hours on internet whether .40 S&W is better than 9mm or not, you should spend this time on proper training.
>Some improvised weapons of course exist and are used, but Jow Forums vastly overestimates their DIY capabilities, you know these infographic threads where they brag about how they could make everything from scratches in garage without actually doing it.
US manufactures don’t care about import bans and things like the ATF ruling MG barrels must be deactivated because they care about money not the second amendment. The NRA and to a lesser extent GOA are funded by these people and that’s why you don’t ever see them taking action against said bans.
Jaxon Richardson
Unpopular opinion: Frogposters and Wojak posters are worthless not only because they're using a memes that died over a decade ago but also because most of their posts are absolute garbage. Frog/Wojak posting should be a banable offience under "Extreme Low Quality" rule.
Jose Brooks
You do have a point about caliber arguments. You can train yourself to be effective with a .22 short. Gear is a lot less important than skill
Anthony Thompson
the FAL is just an SKS with a pistol grip and in a different caliber, and should be treated as such >tilting bolt >short stroke gas >shit options to mount optics the only reason suck it off so hard is because of the historical context it was used in (rhodieboos). otherwise, it's a straight up mediocre gun and platform
>meme still in regular-enough use for you to bitch about >”died over a decade ago”.
Ryder Murphy
>Small multitool or swiss army knife is more practical for EDC than regular knives. I dunno about that. Even as an electrician with plumbing being my off trade, I still prefer a dedicated knife over multi / swiss tool.
Mason Hughes
> A heavy majority of people on Jow Forums are unfit to own a firearm.
Matthew Gonzalez
I have a tiny keychain knife with a single sharp blade and a scissors that work. I use it on average 20 times per week.
I have a fixed 4 inch OK blade as well which I use maybe four times a week, and all of those are during the weekend.
I also have a full leatherman multitool which has never been used and in fact has rusted in the holder without the velcro ever being opened.
>Unpopular opinion: Frogposters and Wojak posters are worthless not only because they're using a memes that died over a decade ago but also because most of their posts are absolute garbage. Frog/Wojak posting should be a banable offience under "Extreme Low Quality" rule.
Medical is just as important as carrying a firearm. You’re more likely to need a tourniquet and pressure bandages than a gun. A SOFTT-W and H&H Gauze is easy to carry
Unless you shoot competition, are LE or MIL, almost all of your pistol work on the range should be done from concealment. I almost never see people draw from concealment at the range and they just shoot their Glock 43’s or whatever from the table. Completely missing a huge chunk of what conceal carry is.
Isaiah Adams
>meme created five years ago >peaked three years ago >died ten years ago slojak.xcf
Liam Cox
Every established range I’ve ever been to has prohibited drawing from a holster of any kind. You MUST shoot from the table.
Wyatt Martinez
This is because of retards. My range used to until some stupid bitch shot herself in the foot playing with a Cowboy Action boomer gun. Apparently she and her husband were competition shooters too lmao
Jason Ramirez
>12g is a retarded suggestion for babbys first HD gun >poorfags are actually less competent than gearfags, despite their massive cope >no one is going to do shit when the first states start to phase in banning semi autos capable of taking detachable mags
Dominic White
The AR-15 is just not a good weapon, it has too many tiny parts, is too hard to maintain and even the cartridge is flawed since its barely tapered which reduces its reliability.
Christian Russell
I think a .44 Magnum semi-auto carbine would be pretty cool as a sort of PDW. Like the Ruger Deerslayer but something a bit less bulky and higher capacity would be pretty handy.
>big tacticool knives (properly made ones) are more useful in many real life situations than the smaller knives that are championed on Jow Forums. With a bit of effort they can do all the small knife things, but can also do big knife things.
Julian Nelson
>You should have a full soft armor vest/jacket before you consider plates.
>Plate carriers are pointless without a full soft vest in conjunction.
>AR 500 has too much of a spall risk.
>Inb4 shitty bedliner coatings that don't bind to the metal and fly off.
>Ceramic is better than AR 500.
>FAST are trash skateboard helmets.
Christian Rivera
>Jews control the world through Freemasons and are using mass immigration to create a mulatto slave race to serve the chosen and they will build the 3rd temple of Solomon in our lifetime
>Revolvers are fine. 38 and 380 are fine. Handguns are for crime and are so secondary to long guns that I can barely get myself to purchase a handgun. You can get an entry level AR or semi auto shotty for the price of a good handgun. Fuck handguns.
Kayden Hall
>Jews control the world through Freemason cucks >revolvers are fine Extremely based and most certainly wheelgatpilled.
Brody Martin
>still frogposting in 2019
Connor Martinez
>is too hard to maintain Very true, if you're sub 80IQ
Robert Morris
Very important post.
Carter Adams
Birdshot is a good hd round if you live in an apartment building or condos
William Ward
Would tiny steel shot be even better? its lower density and less likely to penetrate I would think than lead.
Hunter Peterson
There is no world Jewish conspiracy and we don't get any kickbacks for being Jewish. Though the holocaust numbers being inflated in order to get our homeland back is probably true.
Grayson James
Oy vey it's just a coincidence the free mason symbol is a star of David.
It's just a coincidence that the sunni wahabbists from Saudi Arabia that took down the twin towers led to the invasion of the Shia population centers that border either side of Iran
Oy vey it's just a coincidence the charlegmane prize had a different name. No don't look into what that name was or who it was named after. Just a coincidence.
It's just a coincidence the NGOs used to circumvent laws and borders shipping millions of north Africans into Europe get all their money from jews
>There is no world Jewish conspiracy Ww1 Ww2 Creation of Israel Federal reserve act of 33 League of nation's United Nations
I mean everything from the past century has just worked out for them and the only resistance to it got obliterated
Joseph Allen
There's no need for an exterminator. Calling pest control is something a crazy person would be thinking. The wood in this house is fine. It's always been like this. Sure there seems to be a little termite damage here and there but that's just a coincidence. Only a crazy person would look at some termite damage on the surface and assume there is more widespread damage under the surface.
I'm sick of all this pest control talk and your anti termitec hate speech.
Bentley Brown
I'm scared of guns without manual safeties and will not ever own one
Noah Mitchell
Just because Jews are smarter than whites and more successful doesn't mean there is some sort of shadow Jew organization ruling the world. Your dumb antisemitic conspiracy theories give gun owners a bad rep.
So it's just a coincidence is what you're saying? Hmmmmm. I think I've heard that one before.
>Sir Mr epstein just shot himself in the back of the head inside his prison cell! >Oh my. How could this have happened? >We don't know sir. You ordered all the staff to go home then the security cameras were disabled and someone with authorization used his badge to bypass the locked doors. >I guess it will always be a mystery. >You want me to dust for prints? >Nah. just forget about it.
Josiah Smith
This is b8
Carson Nguyen
I was looking up the Charlemagne thing and didn't find much, aside from the German name which seems to lead nowhere. Can you spoonfeed me here?
Brayden Jones
He killed himself because he knew he was guilty not because of a jew conspiracy No im just not a schizophrenic
Kayden Wood
>schizophrenic Like I said, this is b8
Mason Sanders
>too hard to maintain >can literally go 40k rounds without cleaning Nigger what?
Robert Brooks
It was called the kalergi prize. Kalergi is the guy who planned to flood Europe with Africans until a mixed race of mulattos was what took over Europe. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_plan
But then people started wising up and they changed the name. But look at who the winners have been. Lot of coincidence s there.
Colton Fisher
It used to be on the wiki page. Formerly the kalergi prize. But (((they))) scrubbed it from the internet a few years ago.
Wyatt Roberts
>this guy again
That’s an unpopular opinion for sure. It’s unpopular for good reason though.
Levi Martin
>Not being an antisemite who believes wild conspiracy theories with no evidence is now baiting
10 years of investigation. Locked up a few times. Faced prison before. Locked up before. >Finally investigators start digging into the island and subpeoning pilots and asking questions about powerful people. And then he suddenly had remorse and killed himself while on suicide watch.
Uh huh. Just a coincidence. I understand what you're telling me.
Occam's razor, he knew he was screwed and killed himself.
Jose Ross
Yes I agree 12 gauge is retarded for first HD but mine was and it's fine, still wouldn't recommend Can confirm poorfags not only can't afford gear but it seems we can't afford common sense Speak for yourself on that last one
Juan Campbell
>almost all of your pistol work on the range should be done from concealment Drawing is vastly underrated along with holster choice/position that facilitates said draw. However, you can just practice this at home with an unloaded gun.
Jow Forums thinks a 12 gauge is retarded for home defense The best gun for anything not a full out shooting war with rifles
And you guys don't think the one gun the rest of the world agrees is best for home defense, is suitable. Lemme guess. Need a 10mm with 33 round mag?
Anthony White
>While under direct 24 hour supervision to specifically prevent him being able to do so by multiple corrections officers
You know how many successful suicide attempts there are while in suicide watch? It doesn't happen. They can cut you down or stich you up before you die. But this guy just got lucky and the gaurds were coincidentally all taking hour long bathroom breaks at the same time and no one saw or heard anything at all. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
What really bothers me about the (((people))) on this board. They think they can talk to us like I'm dark skinned or don't have a Y chromosome. Save that shit for the retarded. At least have some respect for us here.
Cameron Fisher
>Mfw am leaf and bought SKS.
Take that horseniggers, I basically have a FAL now.
>ar500 has too much of a spall risk how much of an uninformed faggot do you need to be to still have this opinion? Its like you arent even trying
Kevin Price
>posts something low quality >demands that other people be banned for posting something low quality
You don't like competition huh
Jackson Kelly
>gaurds were coincidentally all taking hour long bathroom breaks at the same time
Why lie? They were asleep. This has been proven.
Alexander Parker
lmao its a much better rifle you faggot leafs, cope more.
Robert Howard
What are some activities that a big knife could do that a n00b otherwise wouldn't think to try
Jason Barnes
I am extremely prejudiced against fat people.
Barring permanent injury or metabolic disease, The one thing you have absolute control over and some people just can’t control it.
If you can’t be trusted with your own body, then as far as I’m concerned you can’t be trustworthy with anything, let alone something of importance.
Alexander Foster
if it wasn't for retarded Americans and their shill for 762 Nato bullshit cartridge it should have been far more able as a gun, than the retarded concept of "battle rifle". the original british intermediate caliber was the right choice for what it was designed for.
So all in all the design was good the caliber was good at that time it was top tier.
Ryder Cruz
I think Israel is our greatest ally
Matthew Ward
People who spend more than 50$ on a knife are stupid Same for 400$ on pistols 100$ for boots 1000$ for a rifle is the max cutoff
These things are steel tubes that propel metal chunks with explosives. Calm down.
Evan Ortiz
>You'll literally never need to buy any pistol ammo other than whitebox >Cleaning your Glock more than three times a year is pointless
James Davis
I think the board you're looking for is Jow Forums, this is Jow Forums where we talk about weapons. The purpose of this thread is share weapon opinions.
I agree, though.
Caleb Johnson
For me it means firearms. I see a lot of fat guys at the range. Deep down I think they’re dim witted fumbling incompetents with their firearms, even though they may not be, I still give them distance and take care around them.
Gavin Nelson
Well, that opinion is unpopular for many reasons, but it is yours.
Thomas Walker
>10 years of investigation. Locked up a few times. Faced prison before. Locked up before. trumps friends let him out
Levi Rogers
I'm not a knife fag, so I'll need some examples.
Austin Peterson
>Jews are basically pagans at this point
Kevin Johnson
Unpopular Opinion: Literally not ONE person on Jow Forums is EVER going to stand up to the government. You're not going to be muh Oathkeeper. You're not muh Sheepdog. Ok. You're probably an overweight, underpaid, low-class balding white guy living in a shitty town in a flyover state of the dying mongrelized narco-states of America.
You're decades too late. There was never going to be an "uprising" or anything like it. We are all being factory farmed and until you all collectively decide to sack the FUCK up and do something, everything is just going to keep getting worse.
Henry Cruz
multitool like a leatherman is more practical until you actually need to cut something
dedicated knife obviously performs the task better but a multitool is a jack of all trades
Wyatt Smith
Fuck you, I've got a full head of hair and am showing no signs of balding whatsoever
(((Trumps friends))) >That's what I said Also >That's who killed him Gotta take one for the tribe Jeff. Between 7 and 9 am is your window buddy.
Blake Young
>unless you live in an apartment complex, are incapable of creating an ambush point with a suitable back stop, AND are so negligent in your weapons handling that you intend to fire wildly in the general direction of an attacker in the advent of a home invasion a 7.62x51mm autoloading rifle is absolutely the best HD firearm available. With a 16-18" barrel its just as maneuverable as a typical AR pattern rifle and slightly more so than a non bullpup 12g shotgun. Effect on target and wound size is massively improved over 5.56 to the point of being arguably superior to a shotgun if loaded correctly(ex 155gr AMAX). More capacity then you'll ever need. Naturally penetrates soft armor. Same risk of over penetration as any other caliber if you actually hit your target. Manageable recoil. Only valid counterargument is if you HAVE to clear your home for some reason, in which case an NFA item or handgun MIGHT be a better choice overall if you don't know how clear a structure in the first place(rule #1, don't.).
Ignorance of this fact is simply due to the serendipitous intersection of poorfag, soiboi, and eurofag cope all hating on the finest fighting caliber known to man.
Adam Lewis
Shotgun > battle rifle for anything outside uniform army wars
Isaac Green
Which is the most treacherous ally we have? Like we should be at war with Pakistan. But Pakistan doesn't own our government. Israel makes us fight their wars. But at least Pakistan sends troops to the coalition.
Pakistan vs Israel. Which is worse?
James Powell
Now we've gone from unpopular opinion to genuine retard, impressive
Angel Young
You name one ally more subversive than Pakistan or Israel One hid the guy behind 9/11 The other engineered 9/11
Nolan Lopez
(checked) Good question.
Also both are inbred and low IQ criminals, it's not like losing either is going to hurt humanity.
Jaxson Scott
Thanks for the (You), but I responded to the delusional shotgunfag. Obviously we'd benefit if Israel and Pakistan were both glassed.
Cooper Ortiz
So if 3 guys are breaking into your house you wants fal instead of a mossy 500? Really?
Leo Brown
I'm a racist, anti-semite, white nationalist and I don't give a single solitary fuck about halal or kosher butcher practices. It's no worse than how most hunted animals die and animals shouldn't have rights anyways.
>lower felt recoil >better terminal performance >massively better post barrier performance >massively better capacity >greater versatility for actual defensive use(we're ignoring whats the better bird gun here) Just saying "you're wrong" with no points let alone proofs ain't much of an argument, user.
Colton Russell
Animals shouldn't have rights huh? I'm starting to think the mossad agents here are engineering troll posts tailored for me. Night David.
Nathan Gonzalez
>You're not going to be muh Oathkeeper. heard u were talkin shit like i wouldn't find out
3%ers are all backup plans. They are owned by Jews as a contingency plan in case shit goes down.
Dylan Diaz
Shotgun kills anyone better inside 100 yards. Other points are valid. But I'd take a shotgun in almost any domestic scenario. Riots. Boogaloo. As long as it's not a shooting war with a peer. Not gonna miss. Even if I miss you probably take a pellet somewhere. Simple. Easy to use. Rate of fire is good enough to put down 2 guys back to back.
Jordan Cox
What kind of a brainlet would rather have a 200$ pump action shotgun in this situation than a reliable autoloading rifle stoked with ammo that's literally more effective per shot, It boggles the mind. >inb4 people who actually don't understand the basics of using a shotgun in such a situation like putting multiple rounds per target, working a pump, receiving return fire, and topping off the tube continually while doing so Shotgun is unironically better than an AR for static defense against a single statistically average home invader(equal to a BR), but once there's more than one intruder the AR is better than the shotgun and the BR is better than both.
Jack Campbell
>Shotgun kills anyone better inside 100 yards. No, with a side of proofs. >Even if I miss you probably take a pellet somewhere. >muh spread >muh single .32 ACP tier wound gonna stop them We're traveling into yikes land at this point. If you really think that a single buckshot pellet at ranges where spread matters(ex 30-50m) is impressive or good then jeez, read a book or something.
Christian Thompson
Obviously starving and cruelty is one thing but you people go way too far. The pioneers of western culture never wrung their hands over the faggy shit people today do.
Alexander Baker
All you should buy is the cheapest Walmart FMJ Target ammo you can find, and I don’t give a flying fuck what any retard on the internet or “tactical community” thinks. WW1 & WW2 plus every other armed conflict to take place since has been fought with “ball” ammunition as far as both rifle and pistol calibers are concerned. Grow up, seriously. You’re a fucking chump if you think you’re the one who’s in a superior position because you’re wasting money for a negligible “advantage” that’s being applied to a hypothetical you’ve crafted in your nigger pea-brained empty head.
>lmfao just use ball thats what the military does, you really think you're better? >multiple militaries literally got so butthurt at how much better expanding/fragmenting rounds were than ball that they internationally banned them as soon as they were popularized >US military has been coming up with excuses to use them for half a century or more now because of how noticeably better they are, with resounding in field success w ut
Adrian Jackson
The pro-gun side is just as prone to fear-mongering as the anti-gunners are.
I don't give a shit about prepping or SHTF. It's just LARPing for bored people that want to pretend to be Mad Max or crazy paranoid nutjobs.
If you think the Republicans care for guns you're retarded. They would happily support an AWB and worse if they felt gun owners were no longer a niche but loyal demographic to pander to. This doesn't mean I'm a fan of the Democrats, but be real.
.45 ACP, .38 Special, and .357 Magnum are increasingly becoming niche rounds like .44 Magnum and 10mm are. 9x19mm is quickly (by gun standards) taking over their roles in target shooting and self-defense.
There's nothing wrong with the market converging towards striker fired 9x19mm pistols and AR-15s. The modern gun is a very mature technology that's both reliable and accurate, so naturally companies will start to focus on proven designs instead of going for experimental shit that will have little to no practical benefit over existing designs.
>There's nothing wrong with the market converging towards striker fired 9x19mm pistols and AR-15s. It’s just a symptom of the shitty soulless mono-culture and lack of any real creativity that exists under consumerism.
Nolan Campbell
That's a popular opinion on k You could get paid for posting that here
Aaron Wright
I'll have you know I'm a fit, underpaid, middle class balding black manlet.
Oliver White
>The image was subsequently popularized as a reaction image after Wojak submitted it to the German language image board Krautchan in May 2010