Thinking on getting a model 1894CB but I have heard divisive reports on Marlin. Heard they had gone bad up 'till '15 then from '17 on heard they had gotten better. What do y'all think, Marlin worth a shit anymore?
Thinking on getting a model 1894CB but I have heard divisive reports on Marlin...
I got a 2017 336W and it was good to go
It will hold 1” groups at ~60 yards with Leverevolution, which is about all you can hope for with a leverghat and more that accurate enough for hunting to 150yards.
Pic related was the first time I took it out
Very nice, I can see the fit and finish look good. The action ok? No grain or hang ups?
What was the JM cut off?
Been looking for an 1895CB but don't want to spend $1000. New ones are ass, I don't like the hard machine-cut angles on what will be an heirloom rifle.
Marlin got their shit together. It’s correct. Post 2017 guns are good to go.
It will have a JM stamp on it
No, the year.
Get a guide gun in .444. The superior brush cartridge
Thank goodness, I really didn’t want to get a Henry because of the lack of side loading. I know they released a side loading model recently but I can’t stand the brass receiver. I guess I’m just picky.
Maybe the only levergun to fight the Commies in Nam
>Over a dollar every time you pull the trigger.
user, I am a broke thirty-something minimum wage store clerk, that's why I'm leaning towards .357. Nothing against .444, I'm sure it's a fantastic round, but it's not for me. I just wanna larp as a cowboy and kill water jug desperados. I'm probably gonna be running .38sp through it truth be told.
If you can find a marlin in 357 let me know. I went with 44 magnum because it's all I could find and the father in law had a Henry in 44 also.
I totally understand that problem. What you need is a buddy who reloads. For every two boxes of empty .45 colt I give him, I get one box loaded back. Every 3 empty boxes of .444 shells I give him, I get one loaded back. I don't reload so it works out for me
No shit? Source?
Marlin has their shit together again, buy with confidence.
Nvm, I have the internet
There's a few on GunBroker and I reckon you can find 'em smattered about on other sites too. Here's a GB link:
And my best wishes. Good luck and happy shooting.
I've been looking into reloading myself, actually. It's expensive but I'm also near hog infested areas, so I could probably sell hot loaded rounds to hog hunters, just got to find an 'in' to the market.
Is modern Marlin better than modern Henry or Winchester in the .357 department?
no. marlin is the cheapest made brand.
I bought a marlin in 44mag and it was a piece of shit. I couldn't get it to cycle nomatter how much I fucked with it. I need to manually push the hammer the rest of the way down when trying to chamber a round or the action gets bound up on the hammer and gets stuck. I got a cimarron 1873 in 357 that's pretty good tho.
Nothing can top Winchester in the lever action department. That you can count on. Henry has always been mid to high quality, but no loading gate. Current Marlin is mid to high quality with a loading gate. At this point it's less about better and more about personal preference. I would consider Rossi the 'worst' and even then they're not bad.
henry's have loading gates now if you haven't heard.
One gun with a loading gate. It is a good start, though.
You need to look for what they called a JM stamped Marlin
Like 2006 or 2008 I believe. Somewhere in that range
its actually 3. .35 rem .30-30 and .38-55
They sell .357 marlins and have been for years now. Where have you been?
I got a 336W for Christmas this year. after adjusting irons it was good to go. The stock isnt fitted properly in an area or two, and the piece of walnut they sent was garbage. But I can't complain too much
It was basedShriver iirc
Nope, the action is nice and smooth
Not anything world class or anything, but not bad at all